3 Innovative Ways To Ensure You Hire People That Fit Your Company
Recruitment turnover is a huge reason many small businesses fail within the first few years. You’re unable to hire people that work together cohesively for more than a few months. This eats into your productivity and leads to constant setbacks, all the while your budget is being drained by the cost of hiring/onboarding.
That’s why recruiting the right people for your company is critical. You need individuals who fit the company culture and suit the style of work your business produces. If you need help finding these people, here are some innovative strategies to try while recruiting:
Implement tests as part of the recruitment process
Testing candidates is a smart way of ensuring you have the right people lined up for the right jobs. There are two main test ideas you can try:
- Personality tests
- Career tests
Personality tests tell you a lot about an individual and their interests. You can see if they align with everyone else at your company and would make a good cultural fit. Career tests can take the person’s interests and explain the types of jobs they’d most likely excel at or enjoy. Something like the Strong Interest Inventory SII assessment is ideal here as it does precisely that.
Implementing these tests as part of an application can help you see which individuals are the best fit. If the tests show that someone has particular interests that align them with the exact role you’re offering or the industry you’re in, you know they’re extremely suitable!
Gain examples of work or provide real-world scenarios
Having examples of someone’s work can help you see if they’re capable of fitting in at your company. You see what they’re good at and if the work is similar to what you’ll need them to do, and so on. Prepare these questions alongside a list of creative, best interview questions and you’ll have a great start at weeding out poor employees. Obviously, there are jobs where you can’t get examples of work. In these situations, provide real-world scenarios and see how the candidate responds to them. Give them scenarios that have happened before in your business and see how they react. If they respond with the exact outcome you used for success, it’s a good sign. Or, if they respond with a better idea, then you know you’re on to a winner.
Ask them about your company
Strangely, one of the easiest ways of seeing if someone is a good fit is by asking them about your company. Ask questions relating to your values or the company ethos, and see what they reply.
Good candidates will be able to talk highly of your business and explain your values back to you. More than that, they go above reciting the company mission from your website. They say what your business stands for, why it’s important, and what they hope to do to align with this. Candidates who don’t show any interest in your company or mission will not be worth hiring – you need a team that believes in what you’re doing and shares your passion.
As well as trying these strategies, you should do another important thing: take your time. Never rush into the hiring process as this is where mistakes are made. Set a clear recruitment plan with an end date in mind, then take the time to assess all candidates before settling on the best one.
Terri Quick
Thank you for sharing
Tamra Phelps
One of the worst things is when a company hires someone who just can’t get along with other enmployees. The ones who want everyone else to do their jobs for them or want to blame others for any job not done are the worst.
Interesting ideas thanks for sharing these tips for new hires. It is important to find a person who fits in.