$50 Your Way Giveaway October 2023!!

Hello, Little Peanuts!! Happy October!!  I am ONLY excited about October because of Halloween. I am NOT ready for snow. I was barely ready for the cold October wind and rain that North Idaho has gotten for the last few days. It’s cold enough to start our very first fire in the new wood-burning stove. Seriously, WHO builds a house on top of a mountain IN IDAHO (almost to the Canadian border) and doesn’t put in a fireplace or a wood-burning stove?!?!  We finally rectified that over the summer. This stove is AMAZING!!

THEN!! Because y’all know me and my twisted sense of humor I bought the set of SKULLS!!! The kind that goes into the stove?!!? These made me do the wicked happy laugh!! I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!! maleficent evil laugh

I mentioned that Halloween is my Happiest Time Of Year I decorate even though I have NEVER had a single trick-or-treater. We seldom get company ESPECIALLY during the season of the mud. (Meaning our 3-mile dirt road driveaway is a mud pit of epic proportions!) Taking all the time to decorate is INSANE!! (Hello, have we met?? I fit that description!) But decorating makes me oh so happy.

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

$50 Your Way October Skull Giveaway Logo


This September Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission.

Amazon logo

Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course, ME!!

So, GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t forget to keep coming back… month after month….. year after year (you get the idea)

I am sorry, that stupid tweet button still doesn’t work. I’m so sorry!

GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Elizabeth

    Made brownies I promised some people, then dealt with the freezer again. I feel like Cookie Monster or Homer Simpson because I’m genuinely heartbroken about all the good food I had to throw out because it was unsafe to eat now…

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s very busy so I’ve been on the go all day. ready for a good cuppa and a long night’s rest. starting a new month tomorrow. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    Tonight was trick-or-treat night, but none here. We aree kind of at the end of a street and just don’t get the trick or treaters.

  • gloria patterson

    totally surprise no problems from pulling the tooth…………. Lazy day started out with high of 47 and by midnight will be 34 an chance of snow flakes 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    First night in a proper bed since the middle of May and it was great! Got the car to the mechanic at 9am & took a bus for 2 hours one way & 2 hours back. Beautiful countryside around here that you just don’t get a chance to see when you’re driving. Anyway, I have to take the car back again tomorrow as one new part hadn’t arrived 🙁

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well this turned out to be our first almost Wintery day this Fall. It’s supposed to get below freezing tonight. COLD out there!!

  • gloria patterson

    Today I went to our dental school emergency room. It is a FIRST COME – FIRST IN! They start registering people at 8am …. I was there at 7:45 so the lady took me early. First person registered first person to be called at 9am Went they called my name there had to be at least 30+ people waiting. Have a broken tooth, x-ray to bad to save. Moved me to another area and they pulled it!!! First tooth I have had pulled in 40+ yrs! I was home by 10:15 SO FAR SO GOOD

  • heather

    Just got in the door from going to the store man it was busy out there and I went early to avoid the crowds. I am in for the day just doing stuff around the house. I did too much yard work yesterday and today even my fingers hurt.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Finally putting together my bed in it’s proper bed so no more mattress on the floor for me. There’s an open fireplace in that room as well & an armchair, standard lamp & small desk so a bit of comfort too.

  • gloria patterson

    Another day with energy……… NO naps a little bit of this and not much of anything 🙂

    Had 2 little trick or treaters Great niece 7 and her little cousin 2 Had bags made for them with stuff they like BUT no candy from me.

  • heather

    We did some major hard work this morning cleaning and getting rid of stuff. I am worn out and am taking it easy the rest of the day.

  • Carolyn D

    I woke up early today to go to my nephew’s hockey game this morning. His team lost, but I thought he played great. I am working on getting a few things done around the house this afternoon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Dear God, these 3am zoomies are doing my head in! Get two, they said, much less bother, they said, they’ll amuse each other, they said.. What they didn’t understand is that in a house with no doors, the zoomies include running & jumping all over me. Oh, and our clocks went back last night so I missed out on the ‘extra’ hour in bed.

    • gloria patterson

      Couple of things — If you have the cage put them in it at night OR try to wear them out before bedtime.
      Do they ever get in bed with you? IT WILL GET BETTER!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        I do all that! Today am taking action: putting together my bed in the proper bedroom & leaving the cage in the sitting room. In the meantime I’ve unpacked a huge box of bedding & towels which is 5ft high & makes a great tunnel/cave! Peace, perfect peace!

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is the last time i spoke to my son – he called to say plane reservations were made for next Thursday and he gave me a list of what he wanted from the grocery – all party items – LOL.. he was celebrating a memorandum of acceptance for a teaching job here at the university – he was tired of working on special effects for the film industry and wanted to settle down – hopefully bring his fmaily – little did I know what would happen that night….

  • gloria patterson

    I slept till 7:45 this morning! Very late for me………………. For some strange reason I have energy today. I baked chicken breast, made cold slaw. Cleaned a little……………… Read and worked on the laptop

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s that time of year again when the thought of sitting on the toilet seat makes you shiver! Took Loki outside for the first time today. Of course, he got away & played with the big ginger stray, running round & round the house with me puffing & panting behind the pair of them. Eventually managed to catch him, thank goodness!

  • Carolyn D

    I am doing well. I got to sleep in a bit today. I am going to run some errands this afternoon and finish working on my new phone.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Lovely Autumn day today so scrubbed my car inside & out. It’s going for a full service on Tuesday then it’s annual road-worthiness test on Thursday.

    • María G

      I just woke up and the day is cold but I like it, I’m having coffee and enjoying the morning with my husband and son 😘

  • Carolyn D

    I just got home from work about an hour ago. I am definitely happy that it is is Friday and I plan on setting up my new phone tonight.

  • l p

    the day is going well despite the late start. got the groceries and picked up other things in the grocery store vicinity so now I’m set. bring on the week-end. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is my 53rd wedding anniversary – becasue we married so young I always thought we would have made these special days together – who knew .. so going to back to 1970 on my playlist remembering those early times….

  • gloria patterson

    Finally figured out WHY I have no energy and always wanting to nap. I have not taken any vitamins since 7 days before my cataract surgey. After seeing how much better I can see and knowing I wanted the next surgery (Nov 9) I have not start taking anything again.

  • Polly Hall

    Hubby got the leaky pipe above the food pantry fixed yesterday, today he is replacing the ceiling and the top shelf, hearing a bit of swearing coming from the area.

  • heather

    I was up super early this morning and am just getting stuff done around the house. Sure was chilly here last night 30 degrees I am happy the fall season is finally here.

  • SARA

    This week it’s freezing, it’s hot, it’s cold again, it’s sunny and prefect temperature for one day, it’s raining, it’s hot. (I’m in the Midwest)

  • Michele Soyer

    Today my mum is gone 18 years..It seems like only yesterday, I miss her so very much and think and talk about her everyday….Sad day indeed….

  • Polly Hall

    I’ve been dealing with a bladder infection for the last two days, got some over the counter drugs today hope they take care of it.

  • gloria patterson

    Dr apointment today at 8:15am. My dr office is at our hospital to get a close parking space I left home at 7:15. Got the perfect spot when I got out of the car at 8am the lot that I was in was FULL.

    Ran a couple of errands and them home.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I got a box from Kroger and Campbells and the Cincinnati Bengals today, from a giveaway I entered. It had some gift cards, and some Bengals stuff and about 25 ounds of snacks –everything from cashees and chips to ;popcorn and cookies, lol.

  • heather

    My day is going up and down just got home from doing some shopping. I purchased some items from the “Dollar Tree” store today and they were $1.50 each – pissed me off! They keep jacking up the prices!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another busy day at the animal rescue centre. Ten cats/kittens & 4 dogs adopted since last Wednesday. Their cages have already been filled with more lost souls.

  • Michele Soyer

    Made a quick trip to the grocery yesterday and to pick up a lotto ticket – maybe just maybe – you never know! LOL Right now it would be a miracle and i would lower the price of the property drastically – hope does spring eternal as mum used to say….

  • Polly Hall

    We have a leaking water pipe, husband had to remove the ceiling in our pantry to look for it. It’s not fixed yet hopefully tomorrow.

  • heather

    It has been a fast day for me. I had a lot of running around to do this morning and just got in the door. I am worn out and am taking a serious break.

  • l p

    the day is going well and is very productive. had an appointment and then was able to get several errands taken care of on the way home. time for a cup of tea. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The car’s developed a cough so I took it into a garage – going to cost about 1K, which I don’t have so hoping they’ll let me pay in installments. The annual car testing is next Thursday & it won’t pass as it is 🙁

  • gloria patterson

    Cleaned and organized my mother big walk in closet. She never put stuff in same spot. There were 6 open bottles of downey that I ended up combining into one big bottle. And there were a lot more like that……………the SAD part is I am not done yet……. back at it tomorrow.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sitting here trying to figure out what to do today to keep me going and moving – if I don’t I will get sad – October is a month of losing loved ones – so getting up and getting moving!

    • Terri Quick

      I’m still struggling. I’m so tired of people & their games that they play. I just want to cut myself off from everyone.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of poo & pee! Caught up with an old choir pal by email. Scrubbed one of the fireplaces – it’s 60s/early 70s tiles, 5 different colours/designs and is so awful I actually quite like it!

  • Michele Soyer

    Sunny and bright here this morning – chicken roasting for Sunday lunch – plan on making lentils and spinach and some roti to go with so Iwill have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow…My book and the pets are calling me….

  • Karen K

    I was going to go in the back yard and rake leaves but it was chilly and my knee was aching. But the sun was shining and there’s no snow so it was a great day.

  • Suzie B

    Busy busy busy! I went to my garden club, then a large crafting show, then ran errands and hit the gym! FInally home 7 hours later

  • heather

    I was up super early and started doing my housework almost all done. I am now taking a serious break and looking forward to cooler weather finally starting tomorrow.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Popped out to collect my meds & some groceries, petrol etc. Got home to a bad smell of cat poo. Even though they have 2 big litter boxes one of them had decided to poo in a bucket! I’m mean this is a very small bucket – how the Hell??? They’ve been here a week now & it’s been a never-a-dull-moment week. They saw their first cattle today being moved from a field down the road – such excitement!

  • Michele Soyer

    Half past 1am we had a torrential storm – woke me up! After coffee I have to go outside and clean up debris and sweep water that might have collected on the patio …

  • KaLei

    It’s a good day here. I was able to get out and about without much of a problem. There’s so much construction around so you never know which roads are open and which ones have been closed. It can be like driving a slalom.

  • gloria patterson

    Ran around all morning krogers, bank, dollar tree, discount store……………. Home put ever thing away………. took a 2 hr nap

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Managed to finish painting a window frame while the guys slept off their lunch. Storm Babet has brought a month’s rain in just 24 hours so lots of serious flooding across Ireland.

  • clynsg

    A little noisy right now–they are finishing the tile in the bathroom and are at a place where each piece has to be cut. That tile cutter is rather loud!

  • Michele Soyer

    Up and moving early due to the wetaher – have a window to go out and sanitize the aviary and clean the walkways with chlorine – the heavy rain will wash it away better than i can with a hose…next on the list laundry and a spinach pie!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the lymphedema clinic today, trying to reduce my edema. It works pretty well, so hopefully the treatment will start working soon.

  • l p

    the day is going well overall. it’s an up and down day – just when you think you’ve got something taken care of, something else pops up. keeps the brain alive, I guess. thanks

  • Kristi F

    My day is going good, it’s really warm out today and I’m glad to have a few nice days of fall before it gets cold soon!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bit of a catch-up on admin this morning while the kittens do zoomies up & down the hall. Storm Babet has eased off so spent some time checking outside – luckily no damage. For some peculiar reason my fingerless gloves have disappeared from the airer. Wonder who/what could be responsible 😉

  • Michele Soyer

    Today I have to get outside and do some spraying – ants are attacking my garden area…the lawyer who came yesterday asked questions – took pictures and then left – who knows what will come of that. Had to reschedule the last appt for the week due to a tropical wave on the way…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s almost midnight here! Had to do the work of 3 today at the rescue centre and even though it’s only a couple of hours I was so whacked I slept from 8pm till now. The little one, Bryn, has a habit of waking me by pulling mouthfulls of my hair – ouch!

  • gloria patterson

    Had a apontment with my niece who was going to cut & color my hair. For some dumb reason my hair WILL NOT go all the way gray. So I had her put more gray in my hair.

    Ran around a bit then home for a nap.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good I got a lot done around the house early this morning. It is supposed to be 81 dgrees here that’s nice but I am ready for fall weather and some much needed rain in our area.

  • l p

    the day is going well. there’s lots to do and today, time to do many of those chores. then time for putting the feet up and having a cuppa. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    The couple who came yesterday will not buy it – I know that. He really like the prooperty but her body language and comments on ” so much lawn” so many bushes and trees” she is not a country person at all…my prediction they will not call back.
    Today I have a lawyer for a possible buyer coming and Friday another appointment.. time for more coffee and a nice dog cuddle.. wait. and a cat cuddle also…

  • gloria patterson

    doing a little of this and not much of that. Got some vistors this afternoon great niece’s little cousin CC (2) and Zay’s grandmother who is taking care of CC today. CC played with zay dolls and toys, have a little drink and decided it was time to paint. She told us she wanted to go in the other room. She used markers, pencils and paint and had fun. Then she decided to go thru my jewelry. Then it was time to go CC’s dad was coming soon and she also had a diaper full 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Good day. I found a new wheelchair at a service in Lexington that refurbishes donated medical equipment, etc., and gives it away to people who need it. It looks like a much better chair than the one I have. Now I need to get leg rests and it will be good to go–the ones I have now don’t fit it. But that should be fairly easy.

  • Carolyn D

    I am doing okay. I had a doctor’s appointment after work today. I am trying to catch up on a few things before I cook dinner.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got my flu & Covid booster then a dash round the supermarket, popped into the petshop & bought an enormous sack of cat litter and home before Storm Babet strikes. The welcome when I got home was lovely. They’ve been fed so are now sleeping, one curled up beside me, the other on my shoulder.

  • Michele Soyer

    People coming to have a look see today – giving the place a quick once over…..I got another call for an appointment to come by…It appears this week may be a bit busier than ususal…

  • Tamra Phelps

    The chill has set in here in KY. it’s cold. I’m sitting here with a space heater pointed at me because I don’t want to turn on the heat.

  • gloria patterson

    Had to be at the Dr office this morning at 7:45 am. To get on the waitlist for knee replacement they had to do more blood work, and some heart test. And I have to be checked and form filled in from dentist and my pulmonary Dr. just to get added to the wait list. It looks like it will be the spring……. Cool and rainy day very good for a 2 hr nap

  • Kal

    My day is going quite well. I went grocery shopping and was very surprised to see at least 1/4 of the shelves were empty. It was like we were back in 2020 with the pandemic and supply chain issues again. All departments were affected so I don’t know what the problem is.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More shenanigans from the Terrible Two but I did manage to get some stuff done round the house. It’s only just above freezing here so I’m missing central heating.

  • l p

    the day is going well. took a walk early this morning – some Hallowe’en decorations are popping up. should be a fun time. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Giving the dining room and office a quick clean today then my bedroom is a change so moving the furniture around and then a quick clean – my exercise regime is next – trying to keep myself moving so depression does not set in too long – have some tuna steaks for lunch today and then my book….

  • heather

    I made a big country breakfast this morning and it was super yummy. I am sticking close to home today hope you have a great one.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of doing absolutely nothing apart from clearing up after a couple of broken plant pots & an upturned log basket. I put their collars & ID on earlier just before a big feed and sleep – time will tell.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today I am making my schedule for people coming to see the property only 2 so far but 2 is better than none….stayed up later than usual last night to watch a very enjoyable Irish miniseries Obituary ….today there are pizza leftover so no cooking just reading and enjoying the day with a glass of the Cabernet…..

  • gloria patterson

    Full of energy this morning, going thru cleaning out drawers, just getting rid of stuff. Checked my phone about 10 and niece had texted me great niece wanted to spend the day with me. Called and zay was at the beauty shop with mommy helping her. So I picked her up and we did this and that. Then called grandma and surprised her with zay. They played with toys, dolls and makeup! Then back to my place and did craft stuff for a couple of hours. Her mother picked her up about 5. It is good that parents have kids early in life because she wears me out. It was a great day and I will be crashing early………..

  • KaLei

    My day is going really quickly. I had to make a bunch of appointments and that seemed to take forever but they got scheduled so that’s good.

  • Terri Quick

    I’m watching John Carpenter’s new TV series called Suburban Screams. It’s pretty interesting & about true stories.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far watched as eclipse this morning then went and got a pizza for dinner. Hope you are having a nice Saturday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Crazy hour then sleep repeated on a loop so far today. The tabby, Loki, is wonderfully caring of the younger Bryn who has a damaged eye from birth. He grooms him, holding him down the way a mother cat would. Never seen a male do this before. Oh, and they’ve discovered their reflections in a mirror! Obviously no work done today!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        They were put together for a week before they came to me to see if they’d get along. Thank goodness they do. Both were found as abandoned kits.

  • Michele Soyer

    I plan on making pizza today – comfort food.. Dough already raising so that is done – my daughter requested gingerbread cookies so have to start that soon..A nice red wine to go with the pizza and I am in eclipse heaven….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I just saw another ambulance, paramedics, etc. pull up outside here–lots of lights (it’s dark out there.) It happens often here since there are several elderly here. I’m not sure if they actually left with someone.

  • gloria patterson

    The one item that I went to walmart for they didn’t have. They have a lot of stuff on mark down so I picked up some Christmas stuff for great niece. And of course picked up some tops that I really really don’t need but I liked the colors.

    Got a couple new books so my plans for the weekend is do nothing

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, they’ve arrived! Bryn & Loki had something to eat, explored the sitting room (where I’m still on a mattress) & ‘kitchen’, then, as I hadn’t slept much last night, I curled up under the duvet. When I woke up 30 mins later, one was asleep on my head, the other on my chest. Then we slept again for an hour. They’re exploring the rest of the house now while I get a minute to go online & eat. They’ve used the litter box by themselves and right now one is in a paper bag, the other in a cardboard box. Worn out!

  • Michele Soyer

    Tomorrow is the solar Eclipse inLibra at 21 degrees – it will be as powerful as the one back in 2017 – think back to what happened then in your life…Pluto has also gone direct…I plan on cooking then reading. reading, reading…..

  • Brett

    I’m doing well. I’m trying to make sure I walk for 2 miles a day even if tired or cardio for 30-45 minutes and it’s helping with weight loss and energy levels. Some days I’m trying to lift as well.

  • Tamra Phelps

    The guy who is a sort of case manager for me at a local center for people with physical disablilities may have found a way for me to get a new manual wheelchair, which I have needed for a while. Hopefully, it works out because insurance doesn’t want to cover one for another year and a half.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Up early and have cleared all the pots of paint, turps, brushes etc into the ‘kitchen’, then set up the cat’s crate on a coffee table so I don’t have to bend down so far, fitted it up with blankets, litter box, cuddly toys etc. & draped it with an old sheet to give them some privacy while they settle down. I’ve made a ‘door’ from a big piece of floor insulation so I can contain them in the little sitting room while I get on with the rest of the house. Then a big vacuum everywhere, shifted plants out of the sitting room so they don’t get destroyed and having a rest before I mend the cat scratcher with rope & carpet offcuts. Basically, I’m nesting!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate you have been busy……………. calls for a long nap. Are you planning on these kittens to stay in there own area?? LOL

  • Michele Soyer

    I have to go into the garage area today and do some repair work on Delilah’s dog house – some minor nailing then i might as well sanitize it as well.. Sweeping it out every night before she goes in doesn’t really get into all the corners…That will be my big job today…

  • Suzie B

    This has been a very tiring week so far! I am working an extra long week, so still 3 more days to go of work after today.. ugh

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, apparently the antibiotic they put me on is the main one that will work–but I am having a bad reaction to it. Not an allergic reaction but horrible stomach pain, dry heaving, nausea. I’m doin g all I can to mitigate the reaction but I may have to just get through this for the next 10 days.

  • gloria patterson

    I won a Oura Ring a year or so ago. Really like it. It keeps track of so many things that you can see on your phone when ever you want to. This morning got a 3 month report I did pretty good on most things……….. There is a new additon on the report NAPS
    In 3 months I have taken 43 naps 🙂

  • Erica Marin

    Visited my niece today and watched Coraline. I hadn’t done that in a while ever since I graduated college. It felt nice to be reminded how much the little things matter.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Long day with the cats & dogs but went in early to give me some private time with Loki & Bryn. They’re being neutered tomorrow & I can collect them on Friday if all goes well. Then realised that it’ll be Fri 13th – eek!

  • heather

    My day is going better than yesterday that’s for sure. Sure hope this comment posts my last one didn’t. Just payng bils today why do they keep going up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What a day. Even though the days are getting shorter, they seem to last longer, you know. It has been one of those days.

  • gloria patterson

    It has been a good LONG day!

    Apointment with new orthopedic and just right before the nurse show up got a call about my next cataract surgey. The best she , could do on the schedule (dr only operated on thursdays) was early January. She started telling me all the stuff do this, and they will call etc etc. And I said yes I remember since I just got it done……… WHAT! Wait a minute ….. HOW about Nov 9 … YES YES this is wonderful Thank you! We will call you 🙂

    This new Dr and his assistant were really great. They did xrays of both knee Right really BAD … Left is bad (surprise)

    It will be sometime in Jauary when I get the right one done…………… in the mean time I got cortisone shots in both knee

  • Michele Soyer

    Gentleman came by yesterday late afternoon – not scheduled – told me there was a property along the main road that was for sale also – right in the village – well if that is better for you go see I told him – why did you bother to come here? LOL – I am so sad that my original buyer backed out at the last minute – this go around is so different – I have no motivation to do anything today – depressed? yes but this too shall pass just have to get through the morning…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the doctor, another UTI. lso possibly a sinus infection, so I’m feeling kind of lousy. Antibiotics again. Maybe this will finally get it done, though.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the weather is lovely, went out for a long walk. it was so nice to get out into the fresh air. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    I got to a high of 50 today…….. Dr apointment for a Wellness visit (medicare) and to do the paper work again for the cataract surgery on my right eye. They are trying to fit me in the dr schedule.

    Off to walmart needed light bulb on my stove vent, that was all I needed and $52. later. I liked to froze to death in that store they had the air on. I had on long pants, socks, long sleeve top and a jacket.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bit of tidying up then outside into the lovely weather to get lots of spring bulbs planted. Lovely way to pass a few hours!

  • Michele Soyer

    Monday – what to do today? Have to return messages and see what that brings…a bit of vacuuming and dusting then to be honest w/o all the work I used to do I feel guilty! LOL…have lots of leftovers so I won’t even cook today – looks like i will have to read all day….

  • Martha Gallo

    It’s a chilly boring Sunday here in the foothills. Trying to keep things low key as our kitty (senior) has an injured leg that is on the mend. Making chili for dinner with the works!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far today. I didn’t realize that it is a holiday weekend. I have been pretty glued to the tv today.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake at 3 am or course I fell asleep around 8 watching old action movies. What the heck I am awake gather clothes and downstair to wash. A hour and 1/2 later laundry done and put away. Still not sleepy so vac and cleaned a little. Finally around 10 needed that nap. It only 45 today so requires sweats to be comfortable. To early to turn the heat on 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Glad it is Sunday….News – the perspective buyers ( both of them ) apparently never read the description of the property at all – too much land and not interested in a big house with a guest house – I had to ask it – did you not read what the sale was for??? yes but never really paid attention to it.. just looked at the pics – couldn’t resist it again – were the pics not of 6 acres and 2 houses? yes but…….wow so both of you wasted your time and mine… well they replied I guess….. so Monday it begins again – appointments for Wed and Thurs – both parties SEEM to understand the size of the property one would hope.. LOL. On another note I am a great grandmother for the third time! a little girl….mum and baby are doing well!!

  • gloria patterson

    It is cool here high of 54 and going to be in the 50’s all next week. Pulled out some old sweats they feel so good.

    It has been a lazy day found a channel with OLD action movies that I have saw many times………… BUT have enjoyed rewatching them again.

  • heather

    I am enjoying a sunny Saturday here little too sunny for me 90 degrees here today. Just got in the door from doing some running around and am taking a break and cooling off.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the construction crew for the place next door has been assigned to another emergency job so it’s quiet around here. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    Walked into the eye clinic this morning at 7:45 for a 8 am apointment. Checked in, sat down and the Dr was calling my name. Good morning we will just use this room, he stuck his head out and told some one where he was. He was with me the whole apointment, he did all the work that the assist (what ever they are called) has been doing. Left eye is great and I want the other one done. Will have his (what ever) call me and let me know. When there is room in the schedule.

    Cool rainy day and ever where the air conditioners are on. Like to froze to death in kroger. Temps this week are going down all next week around 60 or under

  • heather

    I am doing laundry today only two loads but our new washing machine takes forever to do a load. It is going to be 90 degrees here and I am so over it – bye bye summer weather I want rain.

  • Theresa Li

    Good, I am doing good. My girlfriend’s granddaughter is having her baby today, so she will be a great grandma. So joy for a friend.

  • Michele Soyer

    Weather is holding at grey and humid but the tropical wave is still coming slowly but surely…Schedule for today stands 2 perspective buyers coming….

  • Nichole

    My day went okay. Today marks 4 weeks until my husband’s retirement party. Cue the panic and anxiety. Yikes!
    Also I LOVE LOVE the skulls!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve become obsesed with going back to a time when I didn’t have to focus on my health and what hurts or is a little off. I miss the days when I never gave a thought to that stuff!

  • gloria patterson

    I have not really done anything to day……………. A little crafting, a little reading, a little computer work Heck my recliner has not yelled at me at all that I needed a nap……….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Is there anyone out there? ‘course there is here & I am am so thankful to you allxxx Have had a very emotional day … started listening to some of my mix on YouTube & 4 hours later I’m still singing and in a puddle of tears! Thankfully I have no near neighbours! What am I like? Aw heck, I’ll stilll be here tomorrow xxx

    • Tamra Phelps

      I did that the other day!! I was listening to old 70s stuff and feeling all sad–and it was just Bob Seger for God sakes, lol! Some times it’s not the songs, it’s the times they remind you of.

    • Michele Soyer

      Kate let it all out and you will feel so much better – as the girls said we all have days like this – I understand totally and know that this too shall pass for now and you will get on with tasks at hand….I believe we all care about each other here!

  • Donna S

    The heat wave we were having here in Ontario finally ended. Much more reasonable temperatures now. I can turn of the AC and open all the windows and let in that fresh fall air.

  • Polly Hall

    I slept in a half hour this monring I was very tired from driving over 8 hours from Iowa to home even though I split the drive with my husband.

  • Michele Soyer

    Went out yesterday to stock up on pet food and groceries – tropical waves coming so in and safe…Have some viewings for the house scheduled for the weekend but we shall see with the weather might have to shift them to next week – just grateful for the interest…

  • Tracy Robertson

    It was a long day! I attended a 4 hour training at work when Wednesday is my usual day off. It wasn’t bad, but it got me off my regular schedule and I am hoping to be back to normal by tomorrow.

  • gloria patterson

    Quick trip to the discount store found some good deals. Then to walmart to return the case for ipad. Then of course a little shopping. Found some really good markdowns. And as I was headed to checkout………….. I saw the roasted chickens got one for mom. She loves these chickens eats off it for two days then throws the rest in the pot for soup or dumplings

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Just back back after a busy day. The centre manager has put the two kittens I’m going to take together in a big enclosure by themselves. They’re getting on really well together thank goodness. They’ll be neutered either next week or the week after, then I can bring them home. Better get back to the renovating! Then on to Maksim’s birthday party. He’s grown so much since I last saw him in May when I moved out of the B&B. What we in Ireland call a real ‘dote’!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a lovely Fall day out there. trying to avoid COVID. 7 friends have reported they had a cold but when prompted to take a COVID antigen test – all came back positive. some have had bad bouts of it. take good care everyone. thanks

  • Theresa Li

    Looking at Social Security…oh my how to figure it out. Now or at full retirement or wait for 70… What to consider… Increase per month…. interest increase per month. how long will I live … how long will SS be around and the breqk even point of get now vs wait. sigh. so worrying trying to figure it out

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much of anything……….. Did have a 2 hr nap 🙂

    Couple weeks ago bought a new case for my ipad at walmart ……………. but didn’t like it. Going to take it back BUT cannot find the receipt. Have looked and gone through my purse several times. Checked all over my desk………. Gave up

    This morning looked behind my laptop for somethin and clipped in a little jar was the receipt!! Now I can take it back

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Had another lazy day but I’ve a long day tomorrow between the animal centre & a birthday party for Maksim (aged 10). It’ll be his 2nd birthday away from his homeland of Ukraine.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m just feeling ugh. I think it’s related to my gut and the number that sepsis did on it almost 6 years ago. I have an appointment in January (soonest I could get in) for some tests. I think it is really related to that.

  • Theresa Li

    A/C getting clean as it is still HOT as …. well you know …. Watching TV and trying to stay cool. So far hurricanes are acting weird and staying in Atlantic…ya,

  • l p

    the day is going as it will. lots of unexpected events – emergency water shutdown, an electricity interruption, Robocalls. tomorrow will be better for sure. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    Had to take my mother on a couple of errands this morning. After we took care of them I asked if she wanted to go any place else and she no she was tired.. Named a couple of place and she lit up when I said long john silvers. Ordered fish, cold slaw and FF, 6 hush puppies and a box of CRUMBS. She pulled the box out and opened “What is this” I like these! And she ate most of the box before we got home.

    I decided I would go get my flu shot at walmart.. They got the new covid shot in last Wed and it was gone by the next morning. Waiting on more………… So now I on the hunt for the covid shot.

    Did everone order their FREE covid test kits???

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still sleeping big time! Every time I put my head down I end up sleeping for a couple of hours. Still, not to worry, the work will still be there tomorrow.

  • Roxanne

    Already October…! 😮‍💨 Hi, I see somethung new here…who wouldnt like an $50… thats so generous of you…🤑

  • l p

    the day is going well. not looking forward to the cold, snow, and ice either. was able to get a lot taken care of with a few cups of tea between. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, for the 2nd day in a row Chrome won’t let me access the entry form. It keeps telling me it’s not secure connection. So, I switched to Edge, whcih I hate, lol. Oh well, hopefully it straightens itself out. Usually these issues are update issues that they figure out. I hope it’s that. Anybody else having the same issue?

  • gloria patterson

    Not doing a lot of anything……………….. had a lot of PAPER backup got it all cleaned up thrown or put away.

    Got a store bought pot pie in the oven………….

    We have had the cool weather in late Sept ……………… BUT now the warm is back we are in the mid 80’s ALL week. Then it goes down next week

  • Kate Sarsfield

    What? Sorry, where did September go? Have slept a lot today, making up for when the wasp stings hurt. Thankfully the ‘hurt’ has gone only to be replaced by the itch 🙁

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