90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with Creative Bioscience!!


How weird is this…..today I posted the very first blog post… ya know, from when the blog was all about weight loss 7/1/2009!! Then this afternoon I find a blog post over at Blog By Donna and she has started a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with the help of Creative Bioscience.  They are looking for other bloggers to join this challenge…. HELLO?!?! Here I AM!!  Pick me!! Pick me!!

So, after checking out all the different diets offered at Creative Bioscience I think the one that appeals to me the most is the Green Coffee Bean  I am not great about exercise, although I know it’s good for me!! I also know I don’t stick to a strict diet. Reading the reviews and the write up, I’m convinced that Green Coffee bean will work for me!!

Just think 90 days from now I’ll be looking better in those holiday photos!!  Especially, when I incorporate exercise 3 days a week!!

I am excited that Creative Bioscience is reaching out to bloggers!! So my wonderful followers, I will need your support!!  You could even join too and we’ll be diet buddies!! Supporting each other throughout the 90 day challenge!!  What do you think??  Sign up for the 90-Day challenge just like I did!

Disclosure: Hopefully, I will receive a product to facilitate my 90 day weight loss challenge. But, I promise, All opinions will be my own.


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