Migralex Review & G!ve Away!
23 minutes!! TWENTY THREE minutes!! To stop a severe headache?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? No… I’m not!! Meet: Migralex my new best friend!!!!!
If you have ever had a severe headache then you know exactly how miserable they can be. The light hurts your eyes, noise is a killer!! You want to throw up…. you want to just curl up in a dark cave and not MOVE!!
I’ve tried every single product on the market! Most of them work…… given time. Never in my life has a product worked this FAST!! EVER!!! Migralex is worth it’s weight in gold and diamonds!!
Migralex is good for all types of headache’s.
- Tension Headaches
- Menstrual Headaches
- Sinus Headaches
- Exertion Headaches
- Stress Headaches
- Neck Strain Headaches
Migralex is doctor developed. Rapid release. Contains no caffeine, no sodium and no preservatives. It’s gentle on the stomach.
I usually have to have food with any medication I take, especially with something for a headache, I didn’t with Migralex! (I’m tellin’ ya… worth it’s weight in GOLD and DIAMONDS!!)
Owwwww! Woke with another doozy of a headache this morning. It has lessened, but I’m heading back to bed because the pain relievers I’ve taken haven’t chased it away. What a horrible way to spend a Sunday!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Connie Gruning
Oh Heather! I’m so sorry!! Headaches suck!!!! Good luck!!
Yvonne Woodstock
I commented before so I’m not sure why my comment isnt visible? : (
I have suffered from excruciating debilitating migraines since I was only 7 yrs old and now I’ll soon be 45. Also even with my new medical insurance coverage my prescription imitrex injections I need to take would still cost us $400 and we can’t afford that so that means I have to suffer without them, even more reason I am desparate to win this giveaway and try migralex!
In addition to these disabling migraines (that have landed me in ER countless times ) I also suffer frequent sinus headaches and those are extremely hard to get rid of too and sometimes actually trigger a migraine on top of it. UGHHH Wahhhh : (
Thank you to blogger and sponsor for this giveaway opportunity. I am grateful to even have a CHANCE!
Sherri L
I suffer from migraines – 1 to 2 a week, so I am very interested in trying this.
Carolyn Colley
I suffer from migraines, 3 or more a week, it would be so great to find something that would help relieve them.
I get a migraine at least once a month, but it lasts a couple of days. Ouch.
Thanks, Connie! No headache today, but you just never know when they will come on.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Ugh. I woke up with a headache today. Not a great start. 🙁
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Connie Gruning
{{{{{{{Heather}}}}}}}} hope it goes away QUICK!!!!!!
I suffer from two- and three-day headaches at least once a month. I still don’t know exactly what type they are, but they really mess with my life. I would LOVE to give Migralex a try!
Thanks so much!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Great Review! I need to share this info with our daughter who has migraines. With the 60 day Risk Free it would worth the try.
Connie Gruning
Karen! I didn’t realize I get to hold a giveaway! Migralex is giving one very lucky follower a 6 month supply!!
I couldn’t believe how quick Migralex cured my migraine! Your daughter will love this stuff!