Elfishki Apps for Back-To-School
Great News! The apps that I reviewed awhile back are on SALE!!! Elfishki Unwelcome Guest and Emma and Eli’s favorite: Elfishki and the Giant Cake along with the newest Elfishki and The Performance in the Fountain.
Elfishki is celebrating “Back to School” with The Biggest Sale Event Ever! ALL iPad Fairy Tale storybooks are now just $0.99 (that’s 75% off).
Now you can get ALL 3 of our storybooks for the price of ONE!
Click on the image or press on any of the links below, if you are missing any of our Multilingual Storybooks (The Giant Cake, The Unwelcome Guest, or The Performance in the Fountain) – here’s your chance to complete your collection!
Here are the links to each App (each only $0.99):
Elfishki™ and The Performance in the Fountain: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elfishki-peformance-in-fountain/id525268044?ls=1&mt=8
Elfishki™ and The Unwelcome Guest: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elfishki-team-unwelcome-guest/id509754827?ls=1&mt=8
Elfishki™ and The Giant Cake: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elfishki-land-giant-fun-cake/id486218031?ls=1&mt=8