Why is Kikuyu Turf So Darn Popular?

It’s finally time to get your backyard in shape. You’re tired of staring at patchy brown grass and clay-like dirt in the yard. It’s so ugly and dusty, you avoid going out there. What this space needs is some fresh, thick, vibrant turf that makes your property pop. These days, as per experts like Buffalo Turf, kikuyu turf is a top choice for many Aussie homes and public parks.

But why is Kikuyu grass suddenly all the rage? What makes it better than other turf types? Keep reading to find out why this turf is so hot right now.

It Grows Super Speedy

Let’s say you just laid down some roll-out Kikuyu turf in the yard. In a few weeks, you notice it’s already spreading and filling in bare spots quickly. Kikuyu grass sets down roots and rhizomes fast, allowing it to establish and propagate rapidly after being planted. No more waiting weeks for sparse sad patches to slowly grow. Kikuyu’s energetic growth transforms your yard into a lush green carpet in no time at all.

It Handles Heavy Traffic

Now imagine the local kids always hang out in your yard playing games and trampling all over. With most turfs, this would leave unsightly dead grass footprints everywhere.

But with resilient Kikuyu, the flattened grass bounces right back thanks to its thick blades and vigorous growth. Heavy foot traffic is no match. Kikuyu’s tolerance for wear-and-tear makes it ideal for family yards, golf courses, parks and sport fields.

It Thrives in Sun and Shade

Say your yard has both a shady tree area and sunny open space. Finding a single turf type that flourishes in both areas isn’t easy. Versatile Kikuyu thrives in full sun but also tolerates moderate shade. So it creates beautiful uniform coverage across your yard’s varied light conditions. No more struggling to make different grass types work in different zones. Kikuyu does it all.

It Needs Less Mowing

Imagine not having to drag out the noisy mower every weekend to tame wild fast-growing grass. Sounds nice, right? Because Kikuyu grows mostly laterally instead of vertically, it only needs mowing every 1-2 weeks during peak growth. Less mowing = more free time for you. Your lawn stays tidy with way less work. Kikuyu’s minimal mowing needs are a major win.

It’s Affordable Luxury

Some high-end turf varieties cost a small fortune. Every homeowner wants a nice yard, but not everyone can drop tons of dough on the grass. Kikuyu offers a luxe thick lush look without the outrageous price tag. It lets every budget-conscious owner enjoy a flawless manicured lawn.

You get superb quality at a fraction of the cost of fancier options. Now that’s smart spending.

It Fights Weeds and Disease

Imagine you walk outside and see your turf is full of weeds and brown spots from disease. What a disappointment after all that landscaping work. Kikuyu forms such a dense mat when it grows, it naturally blocks sun and leaves little room for weeds to sneak in. Less weeding for you.

It’s also quite resilient against common diseases thanks to its vigorous growth and reproductive system. Healthy beautiful kikuyu awaits.

It Handles Almost Any Climate

Whether your yard bakes in hot sun, endures freezing cold, or sees pouring rain, Kikuyu can probably take it. This versatile turf thrives across a wide range of climates and soil types. Hot or cold, wet or dry, kikuyu survives it all when properly cared for. You can rely on lush green kikuyu grass in your yard year-round, despite the weather’s mood swings.

It’s Native to Australia

Using local plants suited to the environment just makes sense. Imported or exotic plants often fail because conditions here differ. As a grass species native to eastern Australia, kikuyu flourishes across its homeland without issues. It’s a local turf bred for local success. Knowing kikuyu developed right here in Oz for our climate gives Aussie gardeners confidence in its performance.


It’s easy to see why kikuyu has become so popular down under. It ticks all the boxes fast growth, durability, affordability, and more. If you’re looking for top-notch turf to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood, kikuyu’s your girl. Give your property the flawless kikuyu turf treatment and prepare for the compliments to start rolling in.


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