Kinsights’ 10 Holiday Safety Tips Will Help Keep You & Your Family Safe Through the New Year

Kinsights’ co-founder Jennifer Chung shares important safety tips to help keep your family safe and happy this holiday season. Too many preventable accidents occur during the holidays from fireplaces, unsafe toys, child/parent separation in busy parking lots and more. By following these simple and practical tips, your family will be headed for a very happy holiday!
- Avoid decorating with poisonous plants/flowers, such as mistletoe, Jerusalem cherry plants, and holly leaves.
- Do not leave alcohol unattended during holiday parties.
- Holiday outings are perfect places for children to get lost or separated from their family. Talk to your children about staying with an adult and not wandering off. Remind them not to go anywhere with a stranger and set a meeting spot should you become separated. If the outing is overcrowded and your children are small, keep them in a stroller.
- Make sure your Christmas tree and other large decorations are secured – people are injured every year by falling Christmas trees.
- Be sure to clean up after yourself when putting up decorations. Make sure that ladders, saws, staple guns, hammers and other dangerous items are safely stored.
- Be sure your child knows they can talk to you if they are uncomfortable. Often, relatives and friends they don’t know may get “too close” to them. Make sure they understand proper adult/child interaction and are comfortable telling you if something feels wrong or inappropriate.
- Malls, parking lots, churches, and other gathering places become extra busy and dangerous during the holidays. Be sure to hold your child’s hand in parking lots and watch out for distracted drivers who are not looking for pedestrians.
- Double check the age recommendations on toys, especially if you have a toddler who could choke on small pieces.
- Keep a path clear throughout the house for walking/running/playing. Consider keeping one room “decoration free” where your child can still be a child. Make sure they won’t be tripping over extension cords and holiday lights!
- Avoid putting decorations near a fireplace, especially if they look like “toys.”

About Kinsights:
Meet Kinsights: part parenting community, part online health record. Kinsights provides parents with a safe place to seek answers to their questions while also helping them track their child’s health information. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more. Connect with Kinsights at to learn more and sign up – and it’s free! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Sarah L
Too many of the ‘holiday’ plants are poisonous to people and to pets. Stick with evergreens.
Diane K. Brimmer
These are some very good ideas. So many times I have seen even in my family the little ones running around and no one seems to be watching. Something can happen so fast. Thanks for sharing.
Diane K. Brimmer
These are some very good ideas. So many times I have seen even my granddaughters running around and no one seems to be watching. Something can happen so fast.
Veronica Vasquez
Very smart tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂