I remember where I was and who told me about it. I was outside in the yard so I didnt hear about it right away. My one grandson was also born on 9-11 but a few years earlier. It was hard to celebrate his birthday with this in our minds. The worst thing to ever happen – so much destruction and so many innocent lives lost that day . We shall never forget.
I think we will all remember right where we were when we heard about America changing forever. May God bless the families of the victims. Not a day goes by that we don’t grieve a little of your loss.
I remember where I was and who told me about it. I was outside in the yard so I didnt hear about it right away. My one grandson was also born on 9-11 but a few years earlier. It was hard to celebrate his birthday with this in our minds. The worst thing to ever happen – so much destruction and so many innocent lives lost that day . We shall never forget.
Helen S
We should all take a few minutes in our busy days to say I love you to our family and friends. This is day that will never be forgotten. gg
Diane K. Brimmer
I think we will all remember right where we were when we heard about America changing forever. May God bless the families of the victims. Not a day goes by that we don’t grieve a little of your loss.
Veronica Vasquez
I was sitting in class when it happened. I remember being very upset and crying, and not fully understanding, as I was still rather young.
Alicia K
have a moment of silence today 🙂