April 18th Photo-A-Day FAMOUS
Photo-A-Day FAMOUS!! Okay, I’m not really famous (DUH!) except inside my own mind. However, I did get my picture with some very famous faces.
I worked for an optometrist in California one of the highlights of the year was going to Vision Expo. First and foremost it is held in Las Vegas, Nevada. VEGAS BABY!!! I love going to Vegas!! Even if it’s for work.
There are always famous faces promoting glasses, stand in line have your picture taken with the celebrity. They will autograph a photo and later email you a picture together.
Here are a few of my very favorites
Slash an amazing guitarist and part of the band Guns and Roses.
Mick Fleetwood the astounding drummer from Fleetwood Mac.
Paris Hilton Famous for ummmmm being famous??
Mike Piazza baseball player for the New York Mets and Los Angeles Dodgers and a host of other teams.
Mike Tyson (yes, everyone said don’t lean in if he wants to whisper to you….. I doubt he will ever live that one down). Just in case you don’t know the story…….. On June 28, 1997, Mike Tyson bit the ear off Evander Holyfield in the third round of their heavyweight rematch. Tyson spit out his mouthpiece, bit off a chunk out of Holyfield’s right ear and then spit it onto the canvas. Then dubbed the Bite Fight.

I even met Sarah Ferguson the Duchess of York.

So, I was FAMOUS for at least 10 minutes. AND again, in my own mind.

Kate Sarsfield
Ha! It looks like Fergie’s playing with your boobs!
Connie Gruning
ROFLMAO! Kate, I got felt up by Fergie!!! That’s a way better story!
Tamra Phelps
That would be really interesting. I think the best one might be Slash, lol.