April 26th Photo-A-Day NO

So, I’m sitting here staring at my screen trying to decide which photo-A-day prompt to use when………….

ALONG came a SPIDER and SAT down beside her.

First, I took pictures.

Then I smashed.

So, today’s prompt is NO!

NO SPIDERS in front of my face!!

No spiders on my computer.


That is all.

Photo-A-Day J is still my favorite.


  • Kate Sarsfield

    Aw no! It probably had babies at home and now they’ll starve to death … I just pick ’em up & chuck them out the window, apart from Albert. He/she lives in a little hole at the corner of the window and comes out every night to get fed with any flies I’ve killed during the day!

  • Crystal K

    OMG we get black widows in our window wells this time of year. Spiders don’t usually bother me, but BLACK WIDOWS?! No thank you.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Funny you mention that today. I saw my cat staring at something this morning on the kitchen floor as we were having our morning coffee. I got up to see what she was staring down.. a spider.. SQUISH . sorry Mr Spider .. you belonged in the woods instead of my kitchen so goodbye.

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