Business Tips: How to Create a Buzz about your Brand

If you want to attract attention and generate a high level of excitement and create a buzz about your brand, then you’ll be glad to know that this is very easy to do. It doesn’t even have to cost a small fortune either!

Create a Marketing Hook

A marketing hook is a short message which will help you to get people talking. It should ideally leave people wanting more, so think about creating a short message that will convey your unique selling proposition. You might also want to invest in a catchy jingle. When creating your message, you do need to make sure that your hook is attention-grabbing, and that you avoid using too much hype. The main reason for this is because hype makes promises that you might not always be able to keep.Buzz about your Brand Business meeting

Waiting Lists

Creating a waiting list can be risky to say the least, but it can also help you to create a sense of anticipation and even scarcity. This can help you to generate a huge buzz about your brand and it is great for business too. Waiting lists are fantastic for new apps, so run some tests and find out if it is a viable option for your company.

Tease Something New

Sneak peeks, teasers and hints are all great if you want to get people talking. By sharing any 

enticing details that you have, you can then leave people wanting more and this is a great way for you to create that buzz. If you want to make the most out of your marketing campaign, build some anticipation by telling people that you have something good lined up, and leak bits of information now and again to try and give people a chance to guess what you have in-store.

Give out Freebies

Everyone loves a freebie and it’s a great way to bring people into your store. That being said, you also have to make sure that people are actually able to buy from you if they want. If you don’t have enough staff on the counters, then you will be turning away good business, and this can leave a bad impression. If you want to make things easier on yourself then consider point of sale payment processing. This will help you to convert and it will also help you to serve customers much faster.

Host a Contest

Contests can easily help you to gain a lot of new followers and in a very short space of time. If you are thinking about running a contest then you have to make sure that your reward is worth it. Nobody wants cheap or tacky company-branded giveaways, so try and get something really special. If you own a travel agency then you might want to give away a holiday, for example. 

When you host your contest, try and get people to sign up by entering their name and email on your site. That way you have their details for any campaigns that you might want to run in the future.


  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’ve just re-branded the musical society and held a competition to come up with a new logo. The comp. was for school children only and the prize a week’s placement at a local ‘art’ camp. It cost €5 for each entry. We made money, the winner was thrilled and the next generation of audiences & cast members were informed of all that goes on into putting on a show! Triple whammy!

  • Tamra Phelps

    If it’s possible, I think giving out samples of a product is a good way to create buzz. It lets consumers try the product without spending money, and if they like it, they’ll spread the word.

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