• Shopping for Jeans!

    Things I’ve learned in my 56 years, buying jeans is NOT as easy for women as it is for men!! DH walks in, goes to his size shelf. Done. So NOT fair!! I’m taking pair after pair into the dressing room! So, here is what I’ve learned for a successful jean shopping experience. Don’t take a ‘non shopper’ with you. Seriously! You need to take your time.  DH stays home! My daughters HOME! My son HOME!  I will not be rushed in my jeans shopping quest.  Here is my personal shopping strategy. I zero in on the style, cut and color that I like the best.  My favorite jean color…

  • babyganics Sunscreen! #babysafe

    I may have never used sunblock on myself…… well, ever.  Until my 50’s at least!!  My own kids, well, I did sorta good. Not great by any means. However! This NaNa is so much smarter where her Grandbabies are concerned!! I never forget sunscreen on Alice. We are outside a LOT. We are in the pool almost daily in the summer. I want a great, STRONG, waterproof sunscreen.  I found it!! babyganics. I love so many things about babyganics! First it’s water resistant. UP to 80 minutes!!  I don’t know about you, but grabbing kids out of the pool or playing in the park to apply more sunscreen is like…

  • Woman putting on sunscreen

    7 Tips To Choose The Right Sunscreen

    How to Choose the Right Sunscreen: 7 Tips to Help You Decide You know that you need to use sunscreen when you spend time outdoors, even if it’s only for a short period of time. That’s especially true in the summer when the sun’s rays are at their highest intensity. However, with so many different all natural sunscreen and traditional sunscreen products lining store shelves it can be hard to know what’s really worth buying and what’s going to work for you. Luckily buying sunscreen doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Use these seven tips to help you find the right sunscreen to keep your skin protected and safe…