Give Your Living Room A New Lease Of Life This Summer

Right now, we’re in the final few weeks of Spring, it’s raining less often, the Sun is shining brighter and the temperature is starting to slowly rise up. In only a few short weeks it will be Summer, which means only one thing: it’s party season!

Whether you prefer backyard BBQ cookouts, pool parties or even just Summery dinner parties, the Summertime is ideal for having guests over and enjoying time with all your friends and family! While our Summer’s last year were disrupted, this year we look free and clear to enjoy ourselves.

So, it’s probably been a while since you last hosted a big event at home, so today, we’ll look into three easy ways to add some new life to your living room, so that your house is ready to welcome guests back!

wall art

  • Hide Scuffs On Walls With Art

If you live somewhere long enough, you’ll scuff your walls in some places, it’s unavoidable, especially when your walls are painted in neutral colors. Just adjusting a sofa or moving some furniture can turn your living room walls into a patchwork mess of ugly scuffs and marks.

Completely repainting a room to cover scuffs is a bit overkill and will take a lot of your time to sort it out, so rather than fix this issue, why not cover it up? You can hang some art, posters or family photos over scuff marks on your walls to hide the scuffs and add a friendly personable layer of design to your living room.

  • Add Color Highlights With Furnishings

When we think of Summer time, we tend to think bright colors, so Summertime is the perfect time to sprinkle some vibrant color into your living room. Having bright colors in your living room will give your home a perfect ‘Summery’ feel for when you entertain guests.

To add this extra color into your living room, you have a few choices, you can add color with: a new set of bright roller blinds, some brightly colored scatter cushions, exotic art prints or a vibrant new rug. All of these will add a lovely touch of Summery colors to wow your houseguests!

  • Use Extra Lighting Indoors

During the Summer, the Sun shines brighter and for longer, which has the lovely effect of making the outdoors lovely and bright, but indoors rooms will often look dark or dingy as they aren’t as bright as the outside world, which can dampen your guest’s moods during the party.

So to balance out the lighting, you’ll need some extra firepower in your living room, having some lamps around the room to add some layered light can go a long way for keeping a room bright and warm. Or if you’re into trends, you can get yourself one of those Sunlight lamps doing the rounds on social media at the moment.


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