• Roots Only Review

    Okay, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…. this is not my natural hair color (I heard that simultaneous gasp! Thank you for that!) I get so lazy about coloring my roots.  It’s messy…. it’s a hassle…. I don’t need to my entire head, I just need the roots!  Today I have the PERFECT solution to share!  Roots Only This is the coolest product I’ve seen in a long while!! The Roots Only bottle is #1 reusable! #2 SO easy to use!! The comb is hollow! Squeeze and comb through your hair! It is that easy!! Where was this amazing product when my kids went through the head lice…

  • NeriumAD Review

    I hate to admit it but I’ve always been a sun worshiper.  What can I say……. I always wanted to be tan!! For as long as I can remember! In my teens, I did the baby oil and iodine! YUP!!  Baby Oil and then laid out and baked to a nice toasty bronze.  Sure I heard … you’ll regret it when you are older.  But 30 and 40 and 50 was soooooooooooo soooooooooooo far away I didn’t care!!! Ummm, note to younger self… you shoulda cared! Now??  Ohhhhh yea…. those past sins have come back to haunt me BIG time!! Age spots, lines, and wrinkles.  UGH!!!! I think it’s the…

  • Are ya KIDDIN’ ME!??!!?

    Woke up with a migraine. Had to cancel my date with my Grandson Eli.  Noise BAD…. light BAD… Baby Alice was sooo great though she took a nice long nap with me….. no crying all day….. She was SUCH a GOOD girl…. so what does her Nonnie do in return??  Locked her in the car.  Yup yup!!   Had to get gas before I give Baby Alice back to her mom. So being THE greatest Nonnie EVER… I saw a shady looking grandmotherly looking woman standing on the sidewalk…… of course I believe she knows that the cutest 6 month old baby is in the backseat so I locked the…