• Hiring New Employees Safely

    When you are hiring people into your business, plenty of thought is put into whether or not they are a good fit or have the right skills – as should indeed be the case. But in truth, we should be aiming to put at least the same degree of effort into working out whether the individual in question is a safe hire, in every sense of the word. This is important to ensure the safety of your existing staff, who are your main priority, as well as the safety and security of your stock, data, premises, intellectual property, and anything else that could potentially come to some kind of harm…

  • How Secure Is Your Business Premises?

    There’s a lot of focus these days on the constantly looming threat of cyber crime. And although that is a huge factor in ensuring the safety of your business and livelihood, forgetting about the security of your physical premises would be a huge mistake. If you haven’t already taken proactive steps to minimize risk and enhance your security measures, then it may only be a matter of time until you find yourself vulnerable to an attack. The good news is, you can get on the front foot now and find ways to protect your business.  Develop A Risk Assessment All good security improvement plans involve taking a clear view of…

  • Employees

    Getting the Right Help For Your Business, Every Time!

    You’re not going to build a successful business on your own, no matter how talented you are or how hard you try. At some point, you’ll need to bring staff members on board. Get it right, and they’ll help you to take your company to the next level. Got it wrong, and you’ll be left with an expensive mistake on the books. That’s why it’s important that you strive to bring the right person on board, every single time. But if it were so easy, then everyone would have a workforce they’re completely happy with. Yet they don’t. There are ways you can improve your hiring process, however. Below, we…