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    What Small Business Owners Want

    If you had one wish as a small business owner, what would it be? Reduced tax rates? A way of combating late payments? A study conducted by Bibby Financial Services has revealed that most SMEs in the UK want a simplified payroll system. There were other significant findings from the study. Approximately 20 percent of those interviewed stated that they wanted legislation put in place to end late payments by big companies while 30 percent of small business owners said that their priorities would be a reduction in business tax rates. 30 percent of SMEs also stated that over the next year one of their main hopes is to remain…

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    How to Get Your Business Off the Ground

    Launching a business can be exciting, rewarding, and stimulating, but it can be challenging too. In fact, starting a business can seem like you’re facing hurdle after hurdle. Whether you’re launching a side-business to supplement your income, incorporating a company or establishing yourself as a sole trader, there are a variety of legal, practical and financial things you’ll need to sort out. Will you need to be obtaining commercial loans in florida for those startup expenses to strike out on your own, take a look at our top tips and find out how you can get your new venture off the ground… Do your research Thorough research is a pre-requisite…

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    How to Make Your Home Business Run Smoother

    When you run a home business, chances are that you find that there are simply not enough hours in each day. You will need to take care of customers, orders, delivery, content creation, online marketing, your accounts, and much more. There will be a point in your business when you will either need help and outsource some of the processes, or out some productivity tools in good use. Below you will find a few tips on how to make your home business run smoother and reclaim your time and work-life balance.   Measure Your Productivity The first thing you will have to do is find out how you can get…