• Blog button clip art

    How to Monetize Your Blog

    Maybe you have been running a blog for a while; you have a high readership, and now is the time to monetize; alternatively, you could be a startup brand or business who wants to gain traction right away. If you’re interested in monetizing your blog this winter, you’re in the right place. Below are some pro tips on how to get started. Sell Advertising Space  One of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is to sell Ad space. The majority of platforms allow you to do this in the form of Ad space. You can allow display ads on there – ones not relevant to an audience – or…

  • Woman business owner

    9 Ways To Avoid Disaster In Your Business Day To Day

    You can’t always avoid mistakes and issues within your business day to day. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. There are a few different things you can do to ensure the day to day running of your business is as smooth as possible and that any ‘disasters’ are dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid even bigger issues later on down the line. Below, you’ll find 9 ways to avoid disaster in your business day to day. Take a look and see what you should be doing: 1. Take Your Time Putting A Team Together First of all, when you put your team together you should take your…

  • cyber watch sign

    Cybersecurity: Keeping Your Business Safe Online

    As we progress toward becoming a more technology-based society every year, we are witnessing an equally proportionate rise in the number of cyber thefts and hacking attacks that take place. Whether its a phishing e-mail that somehow dodges your spam folder, or it’s a data breach within a business, cybercrime is on the rise. This is why cybersecurity is essential.  Although large businesses provide more lucrative data for hackers to steal, SME’s are frequent targets for cybercriminals. Smaller organizations are less likely to have comprehensive security systems in place, making them much more vulnerable to an attack.  Cybercrime is evolving with technology. Hackers are coming up with more elaborate methods…