• Managed IT Support Smiling woman

    Why You Need Managed IT Support

    If you run a business, the chances are you have a website. Your website might just be an information hub for your customer base, but it is most likely a key part of your business operations. Your customers can book, buy and request more information on your products and services. Having an accessible online presence as a business has multiple advantages which will propel your company forward among competitors. Some of the advantages of having a smooth running website for your business are: Accessibility. Particularly during the time of COVID-19, online accessibility is essential if you want your business to thrive. A younger customer base. The younger generations buy mostly…

  • Small Businesses

    Even Small Businesses Can (And Should) Help The Environment

    If you run your own small business, you’ve more than likely heard the term Corporate Social Responsibility. A phrase that’s become increasingly important to businesses as it becomes incrementally more important to the consumers that use them. Corporate Social Responsibility is essential if we’re to create a better form of commerce. One that acknowledges the necessity of its commitment to the workforce, and every link in the supply chain. What’s more, businesses are increasingly expected to show a commitment to sustainability and consideration for the environment. Indeed, millennial consumers in particular expect the businesses they buy from to have a strong focus on sustainability. And, crucially, they’re prepared to pay…

  • cyber watch sign

    5 Hacks To Stop Your Business Getting Hacked

    Your business getting hacked is every owners worst nightmare. Unfortunately, cyberattacks are on the rise and small businesses are the most popular target. While some hackers will aim to directly extort money from you (for example, via a phishing scam or a ransomware attack), others will aim to infiltrate your system undetected so that they can steal important data and sell it on the dark web. These five tips will help you defend against both types. Change passwords regularly Changing your password regularly makes it much harder for hackers to try and gain entry to sensitive information. It’s possible that hackers may have already found your log-in details and put…