• Tappy Alphabet App Review

    This business appears to have disappeared. BUMMER!! I love finding apps that are FUN but actually TEACH kids!! Tappy Alphabet App is one of those!! First, if an app doesn’t keep Alice entertained she won’t use it. No matter how much I try. Tappy Alphabet not only keeps her 100% entertained, engaged but SHE is LEARNING at the same time!! Even more impressive? Alice PICKS Tappy Alphabet to play with FIRST out of a LOT of different apps she has available on my iPad. THAT is truly impressive to me. This is a simple app that teaches, not only the alphabet but over 100 different vocabulary words!! The colorful graphics…

  • "An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo" review

    I was lucky enough to be able to review “An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo” This is a fun full color eBook. Since Emma and Eli are still pretty young, I opted to print the entire book. I was really pleased with the colors and the fun pictures.  Emma and Eli both had a great time with the coloring pages. The limericks are great fun. The limericks are fun to read out loud.  This is a great recourse not only teaching limericks, learning about different animals for instance do you know what a Quagga is?  We didn’t.  So then we bring out the dictionary!! Now we are learning about…