• Hummmmm

    Okay now I am really stumped! Two days in a row where I am not ravenous?! Do I have an on off switch I didn’t know I had?? This isn’t like me!! Two days in a row where it was easy to stay on track?? Is this how fit, thin people live?? Not thinking about food? Breezing thru exercise? I want to be one of those people!! PLEASE!!! I mean more than just 2 days in a row please. (I know… I’m a greedy girl. HELLO!?!?! Have we just MET!?!?)

  • What’s the catch?!?!

    WOW! I really don’t want to jinx myself but today was easy! Little extra exercise easily done!! Sticking to my diet super easy!! Even bed time…. I actually think I will be in bed and asleep at a decent hour. (And I’m sleepy enough that I don’t think I will be tossing and turning either!!!) I’d like to tell you I’ve learned to control my hunger….. love exercise…. and all that…. but really? I think we all know that’s just not me!! So I’m left with “today was just TOOOOO easy…. what’s the catch!??!?”

  • The Talent!

    This is Dan (aka the Talent!) Dan is my darling daughter Selena’s boyfriend. Dan who works for Jenny Craig, was chosen to be in the new Jenny Craig work out videos. I need ya’all to go out and buy this dvd set so Dan can afford to buy Selena an engagement ring I need a GRANDBABY that lives close to me PEOPLE!!!!! I’m not gettin’ any younger!! (I’m soooo gonna hear about this post!)