
All giveaways 2018

  • Deer at my door Giveaway post

    February 2019 $50 Your Way Giveaway!

    AACKKKK!!! I’m late! I’m late (everyone chime in here………) for a very important date! But, the giveaway is here. Yes, my monthly update is late posting. Mostly cause I’m retired and can’t seem to remember what day it is!! Monthly update includes physical therapy. Yup, the foot and lower back continue to hurt after the fall down the stairs in October. So, twice a week I drive down the mountain and actually see PEOPLE!! It’s so exciting! Foot is feeling so much better, lower back too! AND get this! I FOUND I have abs!!! How do I know this? Oh, no not because I can see them but because they…

  • January Giveaway

    Happy New Year! January 2019 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Goodbye 2018! Hello the first Giveaway for 2019!! My boxes are finally all unpacked! I can’t believe the amount of trash I moved from California to Idaho! GESH!! Not only trash, but things I should have donated down in California. Oh well, I guess I was just spreading my treasures everywhere. Right? The kitchen and craft room remodels are done. No, I’m not happy. The kitchen looks like crap bad. In case you aren’t on FB here is the video that I posted. No, still haven’t heard from Home Depot. Probably never will, but at least I got it off my chest. We haven’t decided where we go from here.…

  • Comet TV

    COMET & CHARGE! December Giveaway! #CometTV

    Snow is falling, YES, yes it really is!! By tomorrow I better hope I have enough groceries to hunker down for a while!! So, snow, check. Scent of pine needles is in the air, check! Snowed in?! Check!!  Time to watch some awesome movies and TV shows on COMET & CHARGE TV Yep, this December the sci-fi and horror classic The Terminator is blasting its way through Comet TV! Check out the classic and the birth of Cyberdyne Systems! If that wasn’t enough to celebrate the holiday season Babylon 5 has a Christmas marathon! After you sip your egg nog and trim the tree, turn on COMET TV for a spacey Christmas…