• Self Care Yoga at the beach at sunset

    What Is Self Care?

    I read a lot of posts, magazine articles and such that talk about self care. As a caregiver of The Husband with MS, I understand just how important self-care really is. I won’t be any good for him if I’m broken. I get stressed out and give myself a headache.  My shoulders feel like bricks. As much as I would love to indulge in weekly massage or a nightly hot bubble bath complete with bathsalts, face mask, glass bottle of wine. It’s not always in the cards for me. OHHHHHMMMMMGEEEEE I just made a funny!! This post is how I destress and what I consider MY self care that I…

  • Yoga pose in the sunset

    The Essential Guide To Being The Best You Can Be

    Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves but actually achieving this can be tricky. If you are on a quest to shift a few pounds but you have recently eaten a giant candy bar, you might beat yourself up over this. Don’t fall into this trap. Everyone makes errors of judgment but you simply need to learn from them and move forward. This transcends every aspect of our lives. We want to be the best mom, the best employee, the best friend, and the best daughter. Take a look at this simple guide to help you be the best that you can be, without the guilt. Work At…