• Schooling at Home: The Real Lessons We Should Be Teaching Our Kids

      With all the educational trends over the last year pointing towards homeschooling and remote working, parents all over the world have had to fly by the seat of their pants. When they receive work from the school, they have to interpret it and do the best they can with the child. And while there’s a lot to be said about the importance of academics, while our children are at home, we might want to start thinking about the best lessons that we can teach our children that are not necessarily provided by schools. If you have thought that there are certain lessons that you need to teach your children,…

  • Children at school

    5 Excellent Reasons Why Early Childhood Education Is So Important

    Most parents are anxious about whether sending their child to an early learning center is the best idea. It can be hard to separate yourself from your child when they are so young. But, in many cases, it is the only option as parents need to return to work. Even if work is not a factor in the equation, there are five excellent reasons why you should be focusing on early childhood education for your child.  Just be sure to take your time choosing the right place. A little research will ensure you’ve chosen a reputable center, such as this Croydon early learning center. 1. Independence One of the toughest…

  • Why pest control is so important when you own a home in Santa Monica

    A lot goes into owning or renting a home. Landscaping, structural and appliance maintenance, utilities…the list is endless. One essential aspect of home care is often overlooked – preventive pest control in Santa Monica. Getting rid of bugs doesn’t suffice as pest control. Routine preventive pest control is an essential aspect of your property’s health, value, and structure, as well as to the health of the residents too, and should be carried out regularly by trusted local Pest Control Experts. Scheduling a pest control service saves you time, money, and headaches emanating from pest infestations. A bonus, you will not require to battle critters and bugs all the time. Keep on…

  • Whistlefritz On Va Jouer!! YES! (Let’s Play)

    It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Whistlefritz CD’s and DVD’s.  These are FUN ways for kids to learn a new language!  Whistlefritz CD’s and DVD’s have received so many awards, from Parents’ Choice, Mom’s Choice, Mr. Dad, The Dove Foundation, NAPPA and KIDS FIRST! The folks at Booklist has praised them as “perfect for both school and home settings.”  Alice, Emma, Eli and myself AGREE!! 8 thumbs UP from my crew. The newest release is On Va Jouer (Let’s Play) is equally as fun and entertaining to watch!  The On Va Jouer DVDs combine live-action, animation, interactive skits and music. On Va Jouer!  Let’s PLAY!!  Is being released just in time for Bastille Day, which is  July 14. …

  • Tappy Alphabet App Review

    This business appears to have disappeared. BUMMER!! I love finding apps that are FUN but actually TEACH kids!! Tappy Alphabet App is one of those!! First, if an app doesn’t keep Alice entertained she won’t use it. No matter how much I try. Tappy Alphabet not only keeps her 100% entertained, engaged but SHE is LEARNING at the same time!! Even more impressive? Alice PICKS Tappy Alphabet to play with FIRST out of a LOT of different apps she has available on my iPad. THAT is truly impressive to me. This is a simple app that teaches, not only the alphabet but over 100 different vocabulary words!! The colorful graphics…

  • "An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo" review

    I was lucky enough to be able to review “An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo” This is a fun full color eBook. Since Emma and Eli are still pretty young, I opted to print the entire book. I was really pleased with the colors and the fun pictures.  Emma and Eli both had a great time with the coloring pages. The limericks are great fun. The limericks are fun to read out loud.  This is a great recourse not only teaching limericks, learning about different animals for instance do you know what a Quagga is?  We didn’t.  So then we bring out the dictionary!! Now we are learning about…