• Holidays In Mexico!

    This is my first ‘where I want to go’ post for 2016. Today I picked Mexico. I’ve been to Cancun several times; we even spent our honeymoon in Cancun. Cancun is a spot that I can highly recommend. A snorkel trip that you will never forget is Isla Mujeres which is only a short hop from Cancun. The beaches are amazing! El Garrafon has incredible snorkeling opportunities. Another trip I highly recommend while in Cancun Chichen Itza and Coba with its Mayan architecture that spans thousands of years. The most dramatic and easily recognizable are the fantastic stepped pyramids. Chichen Itza has been named as one of the seven wonders…

  • That was HOT!!!

    WOW my blog post for last night was SO steamy that it knocked out power to 1.4 million homes in Southern California, part of Mexico and Arizona!! What was the post you ask??  I dare NOT tell you……. I can’t have that kind of guilt again!!  Sorry!  You’ll just have to use your imagination!!