• TV Store Online

    TV Store Online @TVStoreOnline GIVEAWAY!!

    Virus or not birthday’s happen, holiday’s happen and the Easter Bunny is still on the horizon. I’m sure the last thing parents want in those Easter baskets is candy!! I’m really sure that daughter Selena would have my hide if I sent candy to Alice! TV Store Online TO THE RESCUE!! This virus has kids home for extended amounts of time. By Easter everyone will be climbing the walls.  Whether it’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles that are rearranging schedules to accommodate school closings, I think adding candy may just make the Monday after Easter even worse. I have a great non candy Easter Basket idea!  NO basket needed even!!…

  • March Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway March 2020!

    Giveaway time! Pleaseeeeee somebody tell me spring is on its way!!? Seriously, I wish I could get a good shot of the HUGE snowflakes that float from the sky. The they look fluffy! We actually had two days in a ROW that was 54° days on the 27th and the 28th of February and then it snowed on the 29th. WhatTHE&%#! It’s been a very weird winter Idaho. My only real news for February is the mystery postcard person is at it again. Still giving me one line of the song I hate the most! EVER! HATE! Yes, I loath the song. NOOoooooooooooo I’m not telling you what it is…

  • February #Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way #GIVEAWAY

    Seriously? How is it time for the February #giveaway already? The older I get the faster time speeds by. Before I do my update I have to be a good G’ma! It’s Girl Scout COOKIE time!!! BTW, Girl Scouts have come a LONG way!! You can now order online and have them shipped to you! (If you don’t live in Carlsbad California you do have to pay for shipping. I thought I would be funny and I selected “Have Girl Scout Alice hand deliver” Apparently I am NOT funny!! Now my daughter has to pay shipping. Sooooooooo BAD MOM on my part!!! So, please if you do order don’t choose…