• Students in school

    4 Tips and Tricks to Help Your Kids Stay Safe and Secure at School

    As a parent, you want to do everything in your power to keep your children safe. This includes ensuring kids stay safe when they are away from home, such as at school. There are many things you can do to help protect your kids and ensure they have a positive school experience. In this blog post, we will discuss four tips and tricks for keeping your kids safe and secure at school! Talk To Your Kids About School Safety The best way to keep your kids safe is to educate them about potential dangers and how to avoid them. Talk to your kids about what they should do if they…

  • Graine Kelly of Bubblebum Offers Tips on Safe Back-to-School Travel

    Whether They’re Walking, Cycling, Or Carpooling, Get Your Kids To School Safe And Sound Summer just arrived, and the bustling back-to-school season will be here before we all know it. BubbleBum founder, Safe Kids USA certified CPST, and Travel Expert Grainne Kelly knows the best way to keep kids safe en route to school: Walking to School: Talk to other parents in your area about how their children get to and from school. Create a “Buddy System” by getting a group of kids to walk to and from school together, and plan the route. This can even be chaperoned by an adult, where parents take turns walking with the kids. Walk the route…