• Why is modern online education getting more popular between people?

    Online schooling is growing more and more common. Some folks claim that e-learning has so many positive aspects it will substitute for face-face training so on. Other individuals say this traditional education is irreplaceable. Go over both perspectives and give your own opinions.  People were grown up using traditional education as alphabets had been all created. In this high tech age, almost all is about technological innovation plus some folks are thinking about substituting online education in traditional education. Different manners of understanding has got different benefits and disadvantages. Online education allow us very low costs, preserving time plus also we could access some classes from overseas. On another side, on…

  • college move in day

    It’s College Move-In Day! Here’s Five Packing Tips To Get You Started!

    One of the biggest projects for a parent is letting go of their child and getting them ready for college. When they’re brand new and in your arms, you don’t consider that you’re raising this dependent little creature to one day be in a place you can’t be all the time. It’s not conceivable until you have a tall eighteen-year-old standing in front of you and ready to pack their things to move into the next phase in their life. Deep breaths, parents, because college is the next chapter for you, too. It’s a big project from start to finish, and while you have plenty of notice, you may still…

  • Last call…. sorta….but… I hope not……

    Last call for Star Baby votes in round one.  Please vote for Baby Alice. The last day to cast votes is this Sunday (4/8) at 11:59pm . On Monday (4/9-16), Phase 2 voting takes place (featuring the 50 babies who received the most votes in Phase 1). The Star Baby winner will be announced 4/17. The winner will receive $2,000 CASH, and their photo on a billboard.  (A BILLBOARD people!!  My granddaughter on A BILLBOARD!!!!)  Pretty please?? Hopefully I’ll be begging for more votes on Monday!! Thank you!!!!  Remember… Baby Alice   Don’t forget you also get entries into all the giveaways I have going here on Peanut Butter and Whine.