• students in the classroom

    Understanding the Different Career Paths in Education

    Education is a vast field with a plethora of career options to choose from. Educators can make a difference in the lives of their students and contribute positively to the world’s future. Various career paths within this industry cater to different skills, interests, and educational levels. This article explores some of the most rewarding and fulfilling career paths in education. Keep reading to learn more. Teaching Professions Teaching is perhaps the most well-known career path in education. Professionals in the teaching field have the opportunity to directly impact the lives of learners. From early childhood education to postgraduate-level teaching, various age groups and subject areas need dedicated educators. Obtaining a…

  • Thinking Of Becoming A Teacher? Here’s What You Should Know

    Being a teacher is an ancient profession that is an essential facet of our society. Children and adults alike learn vital life skills, expand their knowledge and form their personalities based on what they learn from teachers. Teachers are more than conveyors of information; they are also role models, confidants and leaders too.  If you are looking for a career change, you might be considering the teaching profession. A highly rewarding profession, teaching allows you to connect with people who are looking to better their circumstances and lead a happy, successful life.  Image credit. Here’s what you should know if you’re thinking of becoming a teacher! 1. The hours are…

  • Online Tutoring Services are On The Rise in 2020

    Receiving a quality education is extremely important for anyone. Those that are in school today could always benefit from a professional tutoring service, which can help to provide educational support, test preparation service, or anything else the student needs to thrive in the classroom. Today, the continued trend in the tutoring space is to use an online service, in which a tutor and student will connect over a video chat while being able to share information. When hiring online personal tutors Stamford residents can benefit a range of different ways. Convenience One of the advantages of using an online tutoring service is that it can be a much more convenient…

  • "An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo" review

    I was lucky enough to be able to review “An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo” This is a fun full color eBook. Since Emma and Eli are still pretty young, I opted to print the entire book. I was really pleased with the colors and the fun pictures.  Emma and Eli both had a great time with the coloring pages. The limericks are great fun. The limericks are fun to read out loud.  This is a great recourse not only teaching limericks, learning about different animals for instance do you know what a Quagga is?  We didn’t.  So then we bring out the dictionary!! Now we are learning about…