• It’s a twitter thing!

    I finally did it!!  I changed my Twitter name to @PBnWhine instead of my name.  I should (Ohhhhh man oh man I hope!) still have all my followers.  I still have my twitter bird so you will recognize me. Keep your fingers crossed this worked.  Thanks…… now continue on with your day…. don’t forget I’ve got some great giveaways!!  Check out the top of the right hand column.  **The Diamond Candle giveaway is just from me so you don’t have a million facebook likes or twitter followers… just me… the whole thing is all about ME ME ME…. just like it should be.  (Insert a BIG cheeky grin here!!) Disclosure…

  • Are you a lover?

    Okay, that was sneaky huh??  But it made ya look!!  But… hey!!  Bloggers need love too!!! How do you show a blogger you love ’em??  I have some ideas and some ‘why’s’ to go with the ideas. Comments.  There isn’t a blogger out there who doesn’t love comments!!  We write and we hope that you enjoy what we write about, the pictures we take or the giveaways and reviews we post.  I know I get giddy over comments. LOVE ’em!! Stats. Why??  Advertisers… you know those wonderful sponsors that let us hold giveaways.  We need ’em… because we want to (or at least I want to) hold amazing giveaways for…

  • Wild Weekend Hop

    I am trying to get my numbers up for Google Friend Connect, Facebook and Twitter.  So I’m trying another blog hop today.  Let’s everyone keep our fingers crossed this one goes better than before!! Soooooo HELLLLOOOOOO to my new followers! Thank you so much for the follow!! Now if you aren’t here from the hop….. well, you still could join the GoogleFriendConnect…..group…. Twitter… what about the daily newsletter??  Or you could just vote for me on Picket Fence… I’m shameless….. I will beg for hits…… Have a great weekend all.  And if you live back east?  BE SAFE!!!