Collagen Renew Powder with Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C

Y’all know I love trying products that will help me look younger than my 55 years. The TOP beauty fix has to be collagen. Collagen is a natural protein component of the skin it’s actually an important component for building cells, tissues and organs.  This protein is found in bones, muscles and tissues of the organs. Collagen, keratin and elastin is what gives the skin its strength, elasticity and structure. 

So, even though your body does produce collagen, just like everything else in your body it gradually diminishes. By the time you hit age 50 you’ve lost approximately half of the collagen in your body. SAY WHAT!??!  The decrease in collagen means less firmness, more lines, wrinkles and sags! Yup, it means looking older before I am ready!! BTW I won’t be ready to age until, oh let’s say, age 122??

That’s where Collagen Renew Powder with Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C comes in. Not only does it support healthy collagen, it also protects cells against free radical attack with this triple action formula for natural collagen production!

Here is what I found with ResVitale Collagen Renew Powder, not only does it dissolve completely in liquid but, it doesn’t have a taste!!

Clinically studied Verisol® delivers rejuvenating Bioactive Collagen Peptides® that can help maintain skin’s elasticity and firmness. Hyaluronic Acid can support the skin’s moisture. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for replenishing collagen and helps protects cells from oxidative stress.

Collagen Renew powder is unflavored, mixes clear and dissolves readily in water or your favorite beverage. Not only that, I detected absolutely no taste. I can put it into any liquid! Even my carbonated drinks! You could even put it into yogurt! The Collagen Renew powder is also GLUTEN FREE – SOY FREE – NON GMO!!

Collagen in creams and lotions isn’t as effective as a collagen you drink. Creams and lotion partials are sometimes too large to be absorbed into the skin. So drinking the Collagen is just smart!  ResVitale has an entire line of skincare supplements. This one might just be my favorite though! Not only does it have Collagen but also Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C too!  Not to mention scientifically studied Bioactive Collagen Peptides® from Verisol®

One small scoop of ResVitales Collagen Renew Powder a day is all I need. This 2.5 ounce container lasted me for a full 30 days. I will continue using ResVitales Collagen Renew Powder, I’m all for looking younger!! Just a quick FYI, I found my last jar of Renew Powder at GNC! 

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Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Connie at Peanut Butter And Whine. 


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