Confidence Boosting Hacks For New Moms
I want to share a couple of hacks for new moms. Confidence is something that escapes all of us from time to time – whether that means you constantly compare yourselves to other moms on social media or find that an outfit you used to love doesn’t fit you quite the way it did before childbirth. However, whether you are dealing with postpartum depression or simply feeling a little down, you must learn to love yourself again. One way in which you can achieve this goal is by finding new ways to boost your confidence as a mom.
Here are some great ideas to get you started!
Learn to love and embrace your body.
While you may wish to ‘snap back’ into your pre-baby body right away, understand that these things take time. In the meantime, you should learn to love and embrace every single curve or ‘imperfection that you have’. One way in which you can do this is by countering negative thoughts with a positive affirmation. For example, whenever you catch yourself criticizing the way you look – stop the thought short and think about how amazing and strong your body is or the simple fact that it helped you bring life into the world. If you continue to feel less than confident, know that there are steps you can take to feel more like yourself again. For example, you could undergo a breast lift. Check out this website to learn more about breast lift surgery.
Ask as many questions as you’d like.
While you might have spent a lot of time reading baby books, attending doctor’s appointments, or even browsing mommy blogs before your baby arrives – you’ll likely still have millions of questions once you’ve brought them home too. This is because babies are unpredictable – and sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what to do to help them. Therefore, one way to increase your confidence as a new parent is by asking questions – whether you reach out to other parents or attend support groups. The more you know, the more confident you will feel!
Make time for yourself.
Being a new parent likely means that you’ll dedicate your every waking moment to your child and attending to their needs. However, it’s important that you don’t leave yourself behind in this process – as your needs are just as important. After all, if you are not taking good care of yourself, you’ll find it harder to take care of your child. Therefore, you should always make sure you make time for yourself, your mental well-being and your hobbies. In fact, remaining engaged within your hobbies or participating in activities that excite you is a great way to boost your confidence – as it will help you feel less stressed and more accomplished.
Let go of comparisons.
Comparison is often the killer of confidence- especially when it comes to parenting. Therefore, to boost your confidence as a new parent – you need to stop comparing yourself to those around you. For example, you should understand that the pictures other moms post of their kids on social media are chosen to make things look perfect – where in reality, their child throws tantrums too, or cries for no reason, or throws their food across the room – they just chose to post the photo of them smiling innocently! Another way you can stop comparisons in their track is by knowing that you are doing your best – and that is more than enough.

I love these tips especially the one about making time for yourself. Also not comparing yourself to other people every one is different.
Kate Sarsfield
Social media has a lot to answer for when it comes to body confidence.