Day 12 Photo-A-Day My Desk
Day 12 and looking forward to continuing with my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge. For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my amazing (HUGE!) craft-room. I thought this might help me get motivated to blog everyday again. Sooooooo, my big idea was to show the inside of my amazing craft-room from snowy Sandpoint, Idaho.
My room is HUGE! It’s a space full of possibilities. It’s full of “what shall I create TODAY?!” space.
Yes, I did copy and paste…… y’all know I truly am LAZY at heart!
My pictures show you what a hoarder, collector, and wack-a-doodle I am sooooooooo, I am sharing 31 pictures of my very own craft-room.
Today’s prompt is My Desk. My oak roll-top desk from Winners Only is OLD. At least 30 years old and as beautiful as the day it arrived.
As I keep telling you, my amazing craft-room is HUGE! So, when I saw the prompt ‘My Desk’ I had to laugh because I designed this space to have several desks.
Of course, my roll top desk where I write and I also take care of my Daughters business blog Chain of Custody After I write, I play. I have spaces set up for Cricut work. Another for sewing, yet another for Diamond Painting and then a whole big cutting board work space. Each one has plenty of elbow room. Each one (though it may not look it) is organized. Well, okay as organized as I can be…. that hoarder thing and all. Someday I will show you whats in all these cupboards. Ohhhh it’s like a craftstore in here!
BTW, yes! I KNOW I am spoiled!!
Today’s photo prompt is Your Desk
What does your DESK look like? If you email me your picture I’ll post them on a weekend round-up post! Co****@pe******************.com In the subject write MY DESK

This is very cool. My “office” is in multiple areas – my laptop on my dining table, active files organized in my bedroom where I sit on the floor where they are, also, and my “filed” files are in a cabinet in a different room yet. Good way to get exercise…. I’d like to have a nice desk set up, but so far haven’t been able to do it – need a place for it, etc.
Dana Rodriguez
Mine is pretty cluttered a s well. I really need to get more organized!
Kate Sarsfield
Mine (well, Dad’s) is cluttered but I know where everything is while my proper desk in my room is now buried under clothes & books because, well, what’s the point in putting clothes in cupboards when I only have to take them out again?