Day 26 Photo-A-Day Something Gold

Day 26 of my personal Photo-A-Day challenge and I have to tell you, I am running out of STEAM!! I am in a funk. The snow is melting at rapid speeds which is great EXCEPT if you want to leave the house!! Dirt road? No MUD ROAD. Knee deep, gettin’ stuck, huge ruts, eoowwy gooey MUD. The sky is gray. I don’t want to write. I don’t want to craft. FUNK. Blah blah blah…..I know… Cher would say SNAP OUT OF IT!! But, the blog is titled PB and WHINE!! So, that’s my whine for March 26th.

While you may feel like I’ve shown you every inch of my amazing craft-room I haven’t. I DONE TOL YA a LOT I’m a hoarder!! There is just so much more.

So Something Gold. I have a couple of favorites. The top of an old (Great Grandma’s) footstool that I salvaged and framed in a GOLD frame.

Photo A Day framed picture

A gold compact from my Grandma Jones. As a little girl I used to love to hold this compact and feel the chain like fabric against my palm. I can’t remember what the material is that the compact is made of. Just trust me, it’s fun to hold.  BONUS it still has powder in it and still smells like my Grandma, I mean the good kind of powder smell…. ya know…. from 90 years ago……. HOLY CRAP I feel old now.

A gold compact Photo a day A gold compact Photo a day


Did you see my Photo a Day of T?


  • Kate Sarsfield

    They’re beautiful, Connie! It’s lovely having little keepsakes from the past. I have my grandmother’s (the Welsh one) suspenders that she used everyday to keep her stockings up! They’re made of expandable stainless steel, like a big bracelet, and must have been the latest thing back in the day! The one thing I do wish I had, but nobody remembers where it disappeared to, is my Welsh grandfather’s wooden arm. He never wore it & I remember it being at the back of a wardrobe for years!

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