December’s $50 Giveaway!!

$50 Giveaway!

Welcome to my monthly $35 Single Blog Giveaway. I have decided to make the November and December’s prizes $50 instead of $35.  It’s my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower AND Happy Holidays!!! Last month was another very successful $35 Giveaway!! Congratulations goes to Linda! Happy Thanksgiving to Linda and her Family. Thank you all for entering!

So, exact same spiel as last month! Even the prize amount!!  AND, I’m making sure that the giveaway ends early too!! December 21st! A little help with that last minute Christmas Shopping.  I know… I am a sweetheart aren’t I???

For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for awhile, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated. Favorite Entries Are:

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!!  Voting for me on Picket Fence and Top Giveaway Blogs.  Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!  Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!  Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FREINDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.

Comments! I Love Comments!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! You guys ROCK!!!!


$50 Paypal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and everyone of you!!

The entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here…welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! There will be a $35 (Or will it be MORE?!?!? You will have to come check and see!! Aren’t I sneaky??) giveaway every month!! AND a Diamond Candle Giveaway too!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!



  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Let see there hasn’t been anything that has made me mad yet today. But seeing how I don’t usually get mad, it might be kind of hard to say. I might be mad if we don’t get to see the granddaughters today.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today I am hopeful that we will have nice roads for traveling. I really don’t like those icy roads. They scare me when we are sliding all over and there is oncoming traffic.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What has made me happy today is that I get to see 5 of my little women today. We are traveling to Cadillac to meet them there at their church. It will be so nice to see them. It’s been a while.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me hopeful today was I was watching a show on TV this morning about people who are spreading holiday cheer in random acts of kindness. I’m hopeful that people will continue doing this even when the holiday season is over.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Something that made me happy today is when my husband got off work this morning, he stopped off and picked up my favorite bagels and cream cheese and brought them home for breakfast!

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to time for shopping today after the crowds have eased down a bit.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the slow service of banks here.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I have some quality time at home alone.

  • Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

    It’s l like the Beatle sang: “I read the news today, O’ boy…”

    I am very into being informed and on top of what is going on in this world, this country and in my own neighborhood. I consider it my personal responsibility. Ignorance and indifference makes me very mad / angry because it is arrogant and frankly inexcusable in today’s world/ I know we can’t know everything – but we have to at least CARE enough to try…

    I’m also very angry about how we treat the environment and they way today’s politics (these are suppose to be OUR representative and public servants ~ but instead they are arrogant, cynical and would sell us down the river without a thought if it benefited themselves and their obscenely wealthy donors/bosses. The well has become so poison ~ well, beyond my anger ~ it just breaks my heart.

    Sorry for the rant. Sometimes it’s just so overwhelming. Sometimes it’s just to painful to live in a society/world were we constantly betray our own best hopes. We can do so much better! Thank you.

  • Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

    I am hopeful that this New Year will be happy and heathy and that my husband will find a new and better (more gratifying) job. And that we will be able to visit my 93 year old Mom in Montana in early Spring and have another joyful and memorable adventure together ~ to treasure forever.

  • Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

    Actually, several occurrences that made me happy happened today: it started out finding out that I had won a very nice pair of SOL REPUBLIC Bluetooth Air Headphones ~ something my husband has been wanting for a long time and I’m think they should (hopefully) arrive in time for his Ground Hog’s Day Birthday.

    Later we went to a local produce and ethnic food market.and they not only had beautiful and delicious fresh figs and also (this ties in with your other post about subscribing to boxes of fresh produce) but I also found something I hadn’t tasted in YEARS: a fresh, crisp sweet delicious CARROT… The sweet and savory flavored carried me back to my childhood and that was nice too!

  • Betty C

    When I heard the news of the policemen in New York being shot while sitting in their marked vehicle it made me both sad and mad. Why does everyone think the answer to a problem is violence? Obviously someone didn’t learn anything from Martin Luther King.

  • Michelle Tucker

    I’m happy because my hubby always makes me laugh. He sends me funny things to laugh at throughout the day, and it keeps me giggling. He’s a good man. 🙂

  • Trisha McKee

    What made me hopeful today is one of my packages for Christmas came. It was a big present for my daughter. Only waiting for seven more now.

  • Trisha McKee

    What made me mad is my in-laws had a christmas party and they don’t invite my daughter. My mother-in-law will cry that she doesnt see my kids and blame me although she lives ten minutes down the road and insists that we don’t get invited. Infuriating.

  • Trisha McKee

    What made me happy was having lunch with my daughter. We make a rule that we do not get our phones out during these lunches. So we talked and told each other about our week an our excitement over the upcoming holiday.

  • Lisa Canada

    Today I enjoyed getting in the car and checking out the Christmas lights with my daughter and other half. We drove 15 miles just to see a house with lights timed to music. It was worth the drive!

  • Richard Hicks

    What made me hopeful today? Well, when getting groceries, the cashier was very pleasant and it was a change. Hope it stays that way

  • Richard Hicks

    What made me happy today was going out shopping and seeing all the people hustle and bustle about. Lots of proscrastinators!

  • tallcapp

    I tried not to read the news today as it has been so sad. So much death and destruction reported on a daily basis, that it is hard to find something uplifting to give you hope for the future of this earth. I am always hopeful that I am wrong.

  • tallcapp

    Absolutely nothing made me mad today. Had a great early breakfast with my granddaughter. Had a good busy day at work. At home I had a really good healthy dinner.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am not really mad just disappointed that my granddaughter Lilly, couldn’t spend the night and then travel to Cadillac to church with us. I think mom didn’t want to part with her daughter. I guess I don’t blame her as I didn’t want to part with mine either.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am truly hopeful that next year I will be able to start my Christmas projects earlier and won’t have to be sweating the last few days before Christmas to get them done. Great New Years resolution! LOL!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today is that all the projects are done, wrapped, and sent. It is so nice to be done with them. I need to start earlier but I was preoccupied with little ones yet and had no time.

  • alicia szemon

    i am happy today because i just finished buying christmas gifts and i am just super excited for christmas and i just love the holidays!!!(:

  • Karen Drake

    What made me hopeful today is my husband is feeling better finally, he is on day two of a new medication and I am hopeful it will work for him, he has been sick for a month so it is a good sign he has been two days without any symptoms.

  • Karen Drake

    What made me happy today was my granddaughter, she gave me a huge hug and a kiss. We watch her on weekends while her parents work and she is always a lot of fun to have around.

  • Cathy French

    Having a stack of boxes in my computer room sitting next to the wrapping paper makes me hopeful I get it done tonight. Have had this hope for days now, I’m running out of time.

  • Michele Baron

    My husband was home today and we finished wrapping holiday gifts together…we’ve been married for 34 years and spending time with him still makes me smile

  • Carolyn Daley

    Nothing has made me mad today. I think the only thing that can ruin today is if my car breaks down when I leave the house later.

  • Carolyn Daley

    I am hopeful I can get everything done this weekend. I need to finish wrapping Christmas presents and I am supposed to be baking Snickerdoodle cookies.

  • Carolyn Daley

    I am happy today because later this evening is Girls Night Out with my sister-in-law and her friends. We are going out to dinner and maybe to a bar or lounge afterwards.

  • Kimberly Hilbert

    Nothing made me mad today, but Thursday I was mad at Home Depot for their crazy scheduling. You’d think if you spend nearly a grand on something they could deliver it in the morning if that’s your preference. ARGH


    The pain in my back, hip & leg seems a bit better today but I don’t want to tempt fate so I’m ignoring them. Hopefully this improvement will continue.


    Nothing got me mad today, but it’s only just gone 3pm so who knows? I have to head into town to go carolling later so I’ll probably moan a bit about other drivers, people who can’t park properly, bad manners etc. etc.


    Happiness today was emailing all our family & friends overseas to wish them season’s greetings, particularly those who have lost loved one’s in the past year. 2014 has been pretty hard for some, while others have welcomed the joy of new life into their families. To each and every one went a poem from Dad, music from Mum and a picture of my Christmas wreath from me. We’re quite a creative bunch!

  • Stephanie Larison

    I’m happy today because I made great memories with my daughter baking Christmas sugar cookies. I remember doing it with my mom, I’m so happy to be able to create those memories with my daughter, too.

  • curtis

    Happy mad hopeful
    Happy i found some great deals on meat today at the grocery store
    Mad that my truck seems to always be on empty
    Hopeful i can win this

  • Natalie Brown

    I was happy today that my husband brought home some really good Italian food that they had catered at his job. Yummy!!! Especially the sausage with pasta. 🙂

  • Kristen

    I had a really good and productive conversation with my best friend today which made me hopeful for the future of our relationship 🙂

  • Stella Martis

    My little sis who’s on boarding school came for vacation today. Really happy because finally our family is complete for having fun at the end of this year.

  • Chris Martinez

    What made me mad–my son has been told numerous times that if something explodes in the microwave, he should be the one to quickly wash it. I found dried refried beans all over! Small thing, I know.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me mad today was I couldn’t find a present that I had tucked away for my sister in law. I will now have to wait until a later date to give it to her and I so wanted to give it to her today.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am hopeful that we will be able to travel into town for the Christmas eve service this year. Sounds like it is going to get pretty bad. But this is Michigan and a lot can change in a matter of 15 minutes.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today is spending some precious time with 4 other ladies for brunch together. So nice seeing them again and catching up on each one and how their lives are going.


    I got an email asking me to attend for interview in early January. I don’t want to even think about it because I’ve been out of work for ages, don’t count your chickens and all that, but fingers crossed something comes of it.


    Got very frustrated at a checkout earlier today. One person in front of me with only 2 items and yet it took the assistant 15 minutes to serve her – and they call it a convenience store!


    I’ve been in a happy sort of mood all day – busy, out & about and strangers smiling at me. It wasn’t till I got home that I realised that I had odd Crocs on, one red, one blue! Ha!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Well, today is the Friday before Christmas & my niece & nephews had their last day of school before the Holiday break. That always makes it seem like Christmas is really here.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because our RX insurance CS is HORRIBLE! My partner’s employer switched to this company this year and it has been a year of horrible CS and hassles. EVERY time I have an issue, it means I will be emailing back and forth for WEEKS to get it resolved because they do NOT pay attention to detail and ALWAYS give me info I didn’t need and NEVER give me the info I do need. UGH! Today was NO exception. bleh. All I know is that I hope someone is benefiting from switching to this company, because the employees sure are not.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that my partner will like his Winter Solstice gifts. Two of them, the cedar essential oil and socks (LOL!), I know he will like. But I also got him a new wallet that is Nightmare Before Christmas themed that I am worried about. He LOVES that movie and anything Halloween, but the wallet looks cheaper quality and smaller than it did online, so…ugh…fingers crossed!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because it is FRIDAY and hubby is off ALL weekend for Winter Solstice! WOO HOO! Tomorrow we are going to some local holiday events and Sunday will be home all day relaxing, making cookies, making good holiday foods, and exchanging our Winter Solstice gifts with each other. I can’t wait!

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful people don’t flock into my restaurant today for a relaxing Friday.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the melting snow. Please don’t let this Christmas be without snow again.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to attend the volunteer party with my friend and then see the Blossoms of Light.
    Hopeful that we’ll have sunshine tomorrow.
    No mad. (a bit sorry that the only food at the party was sweets)

  • Kelly

    Today, I drove to town to get some dog food. A truck pulled out in front of me, making me slam on my brakes. As if that was not annoying enough, they then drove 40 mph (on the freeway 55mph limit) ugg. It made me mad. I had to do a lot of praying to calm myself down.

  • Kelly

    My dog has started to go deaf. Well, not really staring, but full on deaf. It has been really hard to watch him. Today he started to look around more, almost like he could hear. I dont’ know if he can, but I am hopeful that maybe his hearing will come back 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • coco

    I’m mad because I didn’t find antibiotic-free rustic porc today at the grocery store. It’s frustrating that the stuff we love is not always in stock and we don’t know when it will be. It’s the same for the organic chicken. I’m trying to be grateful that we can sometimes find it because it’s better than only a year ago when there was nothing like that here.

  • coco

    I’m happy because I cooked a big batch of nightshade-free meat sauce today and we will have something to eat in the freezer when we don’t have the time to cook or the stores are closed this holiday season.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What has made me really mad today is: Mind you I have no problem getting old! No one wants gray hair but it’s a given. The wrinkles I can handle. But what I hate most is the getting around part, falling, the aches, the pains, and the arthritis. NOT FUN!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am really hopeful that our family will all be together for Christmas. One daughter said that they won’t be able to come but hoping that they will change their minds before Christmas and come join us.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was that I got even more of my projects done for Christmas. I don’t know why I have to procrastinate but I do. Hopefully I can continue and won’t have to be sweating out the last hours before.


    I’m happy because even though I’ve got all these aches & pains I’m still incredibly lucky to live where I do, to have the family I have and to be able to look forward to better things, unlike so many people throughout the world.


    Still hopeful that my eBayer will make contact even though I’ve heard nothing at all from them. Of course they could be ill or something; that would explain the silence. Still
    I’m keeping everything crossed, just in case.


    Mad today because I’m exhausted after a sleepless night. The pain in my back really got to me so at 4.30am I gave up & wrapped some Christmas presents, peeled vegetables and made a casserole!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m happy that things are better this year. Last year, several family members were very ill, and there was plenty of doubt about whether they would make it. They are all still here, so we’re happy!

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? I can’t recall the last time a Christmas went by without one or all of us getting sick! Is it stress??

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I was woken up this morning by a very painful charlie horse in my calf, got up to hobble to the bathroom in the dark and promptly walked into a pile of cat puke that stretched from one side to the other side of the hallway. ARGH!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the weather will cooperate on Saturday for our outdoor visit to the Ohio Historical Village’s Dicken’s Christmas display. It is all outside and should be a blast, but they are calling for snow/rain. grrr I hope they are wrong! LOL

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because all of hubby’s Winter Solstice gifts arrived and yesterday I wrapped them up all pretty and put them under the Winter Solstice tree. Hubby is getting excited and VERY curious! LOL

  • Kim Mangrum


    My Pug Olivia giving me kisses to wake me up. She makes the dark days feel bright again.


    I woke up to try again to make things better.


    Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. People in SC seem to have issues driving but during the holidays it gets 100 times worse. I find myself constantly telling myself to calm down or I am laying on my horn

  • Terri Moore

    What made me mad today…hmmm I always have to stop and think about this one because unless it was in the last hour I don’t remember it at all. If I was honest with myself I would say that when I get really tired I tend to lose patience and be crabby. Nothing that a short nap won’t take care of though. Thanks for letting me share little bits of my life with you. I feel like you are a friend.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was that it looks like I won’t have to cook too much for this weekend. I do cook out of love for my family but it is nice to have a break. To be honest I would much rather be painting or something. I do hope that since I have to cook anyway that one day it may become something that I really Want to do.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today was that a sweet treat given to me by a friend. Home made goodies are just the best and the fact that it was chocolate, well that says I am loved. By the way this may be my last post, our sweet grand babies are coming on Saturday and I have much to do so wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  • Kristen

    Going to the post office and finding out the gift I planned to give this Saturday has still NOT arrived made me kinda mad….hope it gets here soon!

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to receive the company’s Christmas gift today.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the heavy snow and the car is frozen.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to have won a book bundle for holiday read.

  • Sarah L

    I am happy to be eating a very good piece of pie right now.
    Hopeful that the DBG volunteer party tomorrow will be fun (and no snow)
    No mad today.

  • Wendy R.

    My little doggie makes me happy! He’s adorable and fluffy and cuddly and doesn’t bark or complain and always waggles his little tail!!


    I’m hoping for a response from my eBayer and intend to sleep on the floor tonight to get the last of the kinks out of my back. Hopefully that’ll do the trick, as I hate taking anti-inflammatories etc.


    Had to go back to my physio & chiropracter this afternoon and am so glad I did. She managed to untangle most of the knots in my back & hip. I walked (instead of hobbling) out of the surgery with a grin on my face!

  • Cathy French

    I see my dr once a year for my cpap supplies and since I have medicare they don’t charge me a copay they instead submit to the insurance them bill me. However, this time they didn’t bill me they sent it to a collection agency. Boy did that make me mad today


    Still no response from my eBayer – I find the silence so frustrating. I mean I know it’s the busiest time of year for businesses, but surely an email, just a line of acknowledgement, doesn’t take much & would certainly keep this customer happy.

  • Cathy French

    I went through and organized all my wrapping accessories including paper, bows, ribbons and tissue paper. Made me very hopeful I can get Christmas wrapping done today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? well, I need to get my hair cut again, but I want to grow it out. It’s at that stage where it looks like some sad mullet, lol!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I found out one of my fav bakers at my local co-op is ONLY delivering her cookies that my hubby loves on Tuesdays now, not on Saturdays anymore. My hubby will NEVER get any of her cookies again. Such a bummer. We are only able to visit the co-op on Saturdays and, by then, all of the cookies are gone and any that are left are nearly a week old. grrr

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because my neighbor thought to donate her stale/left over foods to me for my backyard, bird feeding station rather than just throw them away. I was so impressed and she told me it was because of me posting online that I do this! I love it when I can instill positive change in others. Not to sound cocky though! Just love helping the planet via sharing with others!

  • Terri Moore

    What made me mad at myself today was that I couldn’t remember something that I thought was important. I am at the stage of life where I just have to write it down and somewhere that I will see or it just doesn’t always stick in my head. ah well it will come to me eventually, I hope!

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was that I feel calm about Christmas. This may change at any moment but for now I am just going to let it be relaxed, not perfect but good.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today was taking time out of running around and snuggling on the couch with my family to relax and watch a movie. Had to have popcorn for that.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to be able to find my dog a proper jacket.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the ignorant people who ask questions way too often instead of looking for the answers themselves from the internet.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to have a quiet day and to use my new bamboo towels.
    Hopeful that I’ll have more people in my swim class tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today what made me mad is my infection is back again and I think with a vengeance. I have to call the doctor in the morning and see just what is the course of action this time. Grrrr.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today what made me hopeful it that I can actually sew and not have to fight with my old sewing machine anymore. She was a good old girl in her day but she’s thirty five years old and has seen her days.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was my husband bought me an early Christmas present. I am so giddy over this, It’s a new sewing machine. The last one he bought me was thirty five years old.

  • Kelly

    Today my church wrote me to say they were missing me. We have left this church years ago (due to moving away). I miss that. I miss them. It does remind me of how much they meant to me. It makes me hopeful, in finding a new church that I love equally.

  • Kelly

    Today I called my cable company to tell them I was switching to a new company. They offered me a great deal. I find it so frustrating the companies wait for me to call and leave to offer me a good deal. What ever happened to customer service, to doing the best you can for your customers. It made me mad. 🙁

  • Kelly

    Today I finished all of my Christmas decorating. I am so pleased with how it all turned out. My neighbors even stopped by to say the love the decorations. 🙂 It made me very happy.

  • Myra R

    i am hopeful that xmas will be good this year, i was worried about not having enough money for shopping but i think now i ll be alright as i will be getting my check early which will really help me out.

  • Myra R

    today the thing that made me mad was the weather! we had an ice storm last night/this morning and the driving conditons were terrible! it was really scary other there and some ppl just dont know how to drive in weather like this and it peeved me off!

  • Myra R

    the thing that made me happy 2day was i got a bunch of free xmas decorations which really helped me outs this year i got a bunch of lights and nice garland and it really put a smile on my face and helped me over the holidays! 🙂


    Hope, hope, hoping that my LBD arrives back in time for Christmas! I’m lucky in that I do have other things I could wear but I being out of work, it’s been ages since I bought anything for myself & I was so looking forward to having something new.


    Well, today I posted off my returns to my eBay seller. Really annoying when something like this happens but at least I ordered them with what I thought was plenty of time for Christmas


    Happiness today was courtesy of wrapping a couple of Christmas presents for my family. I love the preparation, the anticipation of it all and I can quite understand my Mum not being able to wait till the day itself. She’s even been caught shaking & trying to peep under the wrapping paper! One year we fooled her by wrapping some empty boxes & putting them under the tree instead – ha! If you could have seen her face!

  • Becky VanGinkel

    More than one thing has made me happy today but the thing that stands out the most is that my sons 6th grade teacher called to say how well our son has been doing in school and to say thank you to us for donating to the Canned Food Drive! Our son, DJ, took the drive seriously and asked his Dad for a ride to the store and spent $10 of his own money buying cans of food to donate. When his teacher called it warmed my heart, made me smile, and I am so happy that our son is going in a good direction at this age 🙂


  • curtis

    Happy mad hopeful-dailt

    Happy that i get to spread some Christmas cheer today
    Mad that i havent found a job
    Hopeful i can make someones holiday

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me hopeful today? Hmm, I guess just knowing how much worse things could be can make you hopeful things will only get better!

  • coco

    I’m mad because I didn’t win the 2 giveaways I REALLY wanted to win. I haven’t win anything since 2009 and I really wonder why.

  • coco

    I’m really hopeful that I found a solution to my migraines. I tried magnesium oil a month ago and now I didn’t have any migraine for 25 days! I hope that it continues like that for another 25!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because a friendship that I thought was special apparently is not. I got tired of chasing this friend and decided to step back and let her come to me. I have not seen or heard from her since August. I guess the whole friendship was one sided after all. So hurt and sad.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the probiotic product test I am going to start will help me with my digestive issues. It is horrible and pretty much a daily occurrence, so fingers crossed!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I was chosen to try a new probiotic supplement for free. I have a LOT of digestive issues and have wondered if these would help me and now I get to find out for free! 😀

  • Terri Moore

    what made me mad today was that my computer keeps freezing. It is amazing how much we depend on this machine to just keep working and how quickly I can lose patience with it when it won’t work properly. Spoiled with technology I guess.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was that the weather has been so nice that I won’t have to worry about my daughter driving to see us in 4 days. It is a 6 hour drive and without snow it will be much easier for them. Can’t wait to see her !

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today was finding a great deal on a Christmas present that my son really wanted. A win win situation for us both.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to be picking up my prizes today from post office without long waiting line.

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to be introduced a new good book by a friend.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What really makes me mad is that I can’t move on with my life andChristmas is such a special time for me because of my mother. I miss her so much! She wasn’t just my mom but she was my best friend and I have lost that. I don’t even like to go shopping or special things we did anymore. I have daughters but our relationship isn’t the same as Mom and I had.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful today is after collecting all the items I needed to finish my projects. I will actually get them done on time without cramming for finals!! LOL!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today is after traveling clear into town about three different times now I have finally collected all the stuff for finishing my Christmas projects. Now I am doing the happy dance!!

  • Kelly

    Today I was talking with a friend about some of the problems she is having at work. It was hard to see one of my dear friends so hurt by drama. It made me mad. Well, sad. People can be so silly.

  • Kelly

    Today my friend came over and we were able to talk for a few hours. It was really nice. I have such wonderful people in my life. It made me happy.


    Hopefully my eBay order will be sorted AND arrive back in time for Christmas. Just have to keep everything crossed, I suppose.


    Today I’m mad because the black dress I ordered from my favourite eBay seller finally arrived: not only wasn’t it the dress I ordered, it was in bright turquoise and tiny. At least they got my address right – so disappointed, I wanted it to wear for my choral performances over the Christmas period. I’ve emailed them & am sending it back tomorrow – boo hoo!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hopeful that things will be better for all of us in the New Year! Maybe it’s just that end of the old year thing going on, but I’ll take that, lol.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? I couldn’t get your site to come up! I just kept getting THIS PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. Argh! Those dreaded words, lol!

  • curtis

    Happy mad hopeful-daily
    Happy i got to help those who are less fortunate yesterday
    Mad that i have yet to recieve a call back for a job
    Hopeful i can find a job by January

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my eye infection that I thought I got rid of on my own has apparently come back and this time it is affecting my tear duct. GRRRR! I don’t know what is going on with my body this year! LOL

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that my parents will respect my schedule when planning their holiday visit to our home. They are the WORST at not making plans and then just expecting you to fit them in whenever it works for them at the last minute. This year, I sent them our schedule and told them to find a day we did NOT already have plans to plan their visit. I hope they will respect this request.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I found two errors on my credit report and they fixed them without any hassle and without me having to mail all of the stuff I thought I was going to have to mail! Phew!

  • Mai Tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful that my Christmas present for a friend will arrive today.

  • Terri Moore

    I wasn’t mad about anything today, honestly. I have a wonderful husband that I can tell my troubles to and he always makes me feel better with his love and support.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was going to church and remembering once again that I am not perfect but I am forgiven. There is hope for me in the precious words of the Bible.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today were some encouraging words from a friend. Sometimes we just need to hear those things that lift us up and make us see things we might not have thought of ourselves.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to hear the beautiful music of the DGMC at their concert today (even if had to drive there in the snow)
    Hopeful that the sun will come out tomorrow (there’s a song for you)
    No mad.

  • Kelly

    Today, my mother is sick. She over does it. So many people rely on her, and it leaves little time for her to take care of herself. It makes me mad…well not really mad, concerned.

  • Kelly

    I have recently moved from a big city, to a very small one. I am starting to meet a lot of people, and it is so refreshing to meet people that have lives that are so much slower paced than our last city. It makes me very hopeful. I think we will love it here.

  • Kelly

    Today I attended a different church than we are used to going to. It was wonderful. Everyone was so nice, and welcoming. It made me very happy.

  • Amanda

    What made me happy today was being able to spend time with my wonderful children. My two oldest are in school. In the morning there is no time to do anything together. By the time they come home from school, do their homework (they are 5 and 7 but both almost always have *something* to do, even if it’s just a book to read), and eat supper, it’s time to get ready for bed (they have to go to bed at 7 pm or they are miserable the next day). SO I really look forward to weekends or time off so I can actually *do* stuff with them, like play video games or board games or just go outside and play.


    The only thing that got under my skin today was the fact that I’ve kind of lost my ‘oomph’, not my mojo exactly but my get-up-and-go has got up and gone! Maybe I’m just tired or perhaps it’s from carrying the extra weight from all the steroids that’s slowing me down but I seem to be putting things on the long finger lately.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because people can’t respect requests. I posted on my FB wall that I would love it if people would share something they are happy for today (your idea and I tagged you! LOL). I requested that no one leave any snarky or negative comments, even if they are having a hard time right now. We all have at least ONE thing that makes us happy EVERY day, even if all that is is something silly small like “I didn’t run out of toilet paper when I thought I would.” ANYWAY, one of my friends just couldn’t come up with ONE thing! Instead, he left both a snarky AND a negative comment on the post. WHY?! I specifically wanted a pure positive post and he couldn’t even give me that? His life is truly so terrible that he has to do that? Why couldn’t he just not say anything? I find it sad and pathetic. And it made me mad, which was the TOTAL opposite feeling I wanted to take away from the post. I just ignored both of his posts. grrr

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today is easy. I’ve got that stomach bug that’s going around, which means I miss going to my Dad’s for early Christmas. (Don’t want to spread it around!) Crazy schedules of all involved mean we have to celebrate early every year, lol.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am not angry or mad just kinda down today. No special reason and I have a lot to be thankful for but I seem to be quite down the last couple of days. Maybe it has to do with all this gloomy, balmy weather we have been having.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today I am hopeful that the weather is going to be like this for me to be able to travel to the doctor. I am also hopeful to make it home safely with dry roads.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was seeing my husbands face the first thing when I woke up. He is always by my side through good and bad times. He has always been supportive of me and loves me unconditionally. I am very blessed.

  • curtis

    Happy mad hopeful daily
    Happy i get to attend a christmas party today
    Mad that its sleating rain
    Hopeful that today goes as planned

  • Amanda M

    What made me happy today? Well, I had quite a few realizations. I did my absolute best to cease my procrastinating. Overall I think I did an okay job even if I only took baby steps… They may only be baby steps but at least they’re in the right direction.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today is that I was able to have a full busy day in spite of not sleeping well, again! My feet are sore but I am thankful that I am able to keep going. hot bath coming up!

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today was getting together with a bunch of Mom’s for a brunch. We laughed, talked and ate lots of good food too.

  • Amanda M

    What made me hopeful today? Well, I realized that I’m the only person who has control over my thoughts, my words, and my actions. Basically, I realized that I’m the only one who can live & change my life… I mean no one can live and/or change it for me.

  • Amanda M

    What made me mad today? Well, I realized just how much I’ve been procrastinating lately…
    I was allowing myself to become depressed & upset. It was a whole ‘sick & tired of being sick & tired’ sort of day.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a quiet day and good weather to walk around the lake.
    Hopeful that there won’t be too much snow tomorrow.
    No mad today.

  • Shannon

    I am hopeful they catch the package stealing man or the police dog is outside when he comes back. People work hard to save up for things just for others to steal.

  • Shannon

    I am very mad that the package steamer did not get caught and he has some nerve to try to steal from a policeman and is lucky they didn’t shoot since he was trespassing on fenced property.

  • Cathy French

    Any time I pay bills I guess I’m a little mad but today I was really mad at myself. I didn’t follow my weekly budget so I overspent.


    I got very little done about the house today – between the cold & dry weather that was insisting that I go for a walk and tiredness after singing carols all last night – still there’s always tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll get around to going up in the loft to get the decorations down and finish off my homemade wreath ready for hanging & using as the cover pic on Christmas emails. We’ll see!


    My party dress still hasn’t arrived in the post & yet according to the tracker thingamabob it’s been in the country since Monday! Where, oh, where can it be? What’s the point of having tracking apps if they don’t tell you what you want to know, i.e. where’s my damn dress?


    Happiness is going for a walk in the freezing cold & coming home with a red nose & cheeks to find that Dad has heated some of his hidden stash of homemade sloe gin! ‘Merry’ Christmas everyone!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m hopeful that this stomach bug will not get any worse! Hopefully, it will clear up quick. (The schools here even closed Friday due to illness! It was because too many teachers were sick!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    What am I mad about today? Well, I’ve got a bit of a stomach bug. Just when I thought this year I might get through without getting sick, it hits!

  • Lori Berson

    My husband’s kids from his first wife tried to pull an extortion scheme on us and threatened to have me put in jail for something I never did just because they want a house we own and rent to my oldest daughter. We have tried so hard to help those kids out and now we know that their greed knows no bounds. Thank you for letting me vent.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today was not one of my best days. I spent time with my daughter and she proceeded to tell me everything I do wrong. When I started to shed a few tears the ask why I was crying now! She also said I take everything so personal. I am truly sorry but isn’t hearing everything you do and say is the wrong thing, kinda personal?

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am very hopeful that I will get all my Christmas baking done in time this year. It has been very hectic around here and I haven’t had a lot of time to get it done. It is coming together and I am inspired.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was going to see my granddaughter in her Gymnastics class. for being only 3 years old she does quite a good job. I think she is a natural.


    I’ve just got a date for my pre-op assessment. It’s at the end of Jan so about 6 weeks away, followed by the op itself. I’ve been waiting so long to get a surgeon to take my case, a complete re-construction of all the ligaments using donor material and now it’s finally getting close. The nerves are beginning to kick in but hopefully all will be well.


    What was maddening is that this one woman sticks to me like glue – Holy Mary Mother of God, her singing is abysmal. I can’t possibly be the only one that hears it; what do I do? It’s like when someone has bad breath or B.O. do you tell them or keep schtum? Either way it’s not pleasant.


    Just back from our first performance of Christmas Carols & Songs followed by a meal in a local hotel – great time had by all and all in aid of the homeless.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me hopeful today? I guess knowing things could be worse. Last Christmas my Mom was in intensive care & my brother was there with her, my niece & nephews had to spend Christmas Eve & Day without him, & everything was a mess. This year, Mom is home, getting around much better & so far everyone is doing well. I’ll take that!

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? Hmm, I really haven’t been mad today. My nephew did drop jelly beans all over the floor…& that took forever to clean up, lol.

  • coco

    I guess I’m hopeful that our food processor only need a good sharpening. We bought a sharpening tool years ago, I guess it’s time to try it!

  • coco

    I’m mad because this summer I found a delicious raw cookie recipe but today, our food processor just didn’t want to make them. I’m also mad because I know that I won’t be able to find a food processor with a glass bowl.

  • coco

    I’m happy because I just learnt that there is a Montessori primary school near here. Each year, I’m more and more stressed about sending my kids to normal school. I think that now I would be able to say to hubby this is Montessori school OR homeschooling. It’s always nice to have choices in life!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad/annoyed that my credit report is wrong. I am lucky that it is nothing too serious but it is still turning into a BIG hassle to get it fixed. They spelled one of my places of employment wrong and they have an address listed for me in a state that I have never even visited! Now I have to fax to them a copy of my state ID, ss card, and a utility bill! INSANE!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because once again it is Friday and my hubby is off for the whole weekend! We are planning to have a very fun day tomorrow. Not sure what we will get into yet, but it will be a blast and something new. We have already decided that! LOL

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to make it home safe after the party tonight.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad the paperwork is also slow in this low-on-redtape country.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy it’s Friday and my company’s Christmas party is today.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me mad today was constant hot flashes last night, this is new, it usually goes away after awhile. So not much sleep which never helps but managed to get things done anyway.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was when I was reading my Bible and the Christmas story of how Jesus came as a baby to earth to offer us salvation. My hope is in Him.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy is that we got our tree decorated including the tinsel! We had a happy time of it too and it looks so pretty. big sigh of relief here.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What am I happy about today? I’m happy that so far I haven’t had any major screw-ups with Christmas gifts. (Knock wood, lol!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m not really mad about anything. I guess I’m feeling a little stress from the Holidays, but not too aggravated about anything.


    This time tomorrow I’ll be singing Christmas carols in a hospice. There I was worrying that my voice wouldn’t hold up and hoping for my throat to feel less scratchy till it dawned on me how just petty my problems are compared to those of others. Really, in all honesty, most of us have it pretty good.


    You know that feeling when you open the washing machine to find that somehow, mysteriously, a tissue has found it’s way into the wash. Grrr!


    Happiness today was being able to wake up, turn over & go back to sleep for another 2 hours! Ah, sheer bliss, especially on a cold, dark, wet & wild wintry morning.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because the 2nd of my two trees outback went dark last night. I am worried that I won’t get a picture of how gorgeous they were, if hubby is unable to fix them this weekend. I guess we overloaded them or something. grrrr

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful because AEP put a hangtag on my door saying they were going to trim my trees and clear some brush. I was terrified, as I am every time I get this notice, and called them for clarification. If they do what they say they are going to do, I will be fine with it. I am hopeful they are being honest.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because the sun is shining on my back and feels so good as I sip my gingerbread latte. I am blessed. I truly am. For all the complaining and drama I create, my life is truly blessed.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me mad today was a small case of impatience with other drivers. I don’t know what happens to me I am usually a nice person and then I get in the car ! For the record I don’t honk at them (since I don’t like that myself) I just take it out in the form of talking out loud to myself (and yes the windows are rolled up ).

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful was meeting someone new and we could just talk. I felt like I was able to be encouraging to her as I am a little farther down the Mom road and that made me feel like maybe I do have something good to share.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today is that I finally got the chance to decorate the house. I put lights everywhere I could, their bright colors just cheer me up. If my husband would only agree to it I could leave them up all winter. hmmm maybe that is what I will ask for for Christmas.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to have an easy-going evening today in the restaurant so I don’t come home exhausted.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry how expensive mechanics are nowadays.

  • Kelly

    I was invited to go to a dinner tomorrow night with friends. Been a while since I was out and about. I am hopeful that it will be a great night.

  • Kelly

    Today I was driving down the road and I found a lost dog. I am very happy. I would have hated for something to happen to her. It made me smile.

  • Kelly

    Today I went to the DR, and did not get the results I wanted. My blood was all messed up. This makes me mad. I try to keep it happy, but I feel like I failed. 🙁

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me mad was when we went to my granddaughters Christmas program, I had a hard time getting into the upper bleachers. I got dizzy and a few different ladies had to help me. How embarrassing.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today I was hopeful that we may just get this bathroom remodeling done. The one looks so good that I can’t wait to tackle the next one. This one coming up has needed done for over 20 years.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was that my husband has one of our bathrooms almost finished, Oh I can’t wait. It looks so nice. Very happy today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hmm, why am I hopeful today? Well, Christmas will be over soon & New Year’s Day will signal the start of a new year & that makes everyone hopeful, I guess.


    I’m hoping that my new party dress arrives in time for Christmas. I won $25 PayPal in last month’s Diamond Candle/PayPal so Christmas is courtesy of Connie – thanks again!


    I’m a bit mad at myself again because I sang my head off last night & today my voice is a bit ragged! Lack of practise, I’m afraid because I wasn’t well, so plenty of hot drinks & then start stretching the vocal chords again tomorrow.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because last night part of our Winter Solstice outdoor lights went out. Hubby went to see what was wrong in the dark and figured out that we had blown a fuse but that there was also a short in one of the light sets and he won’t be able to fix that until he has daylight and that will be this weekend at the earliest. GRRR!

  • Tracy Robertson

    I was just reading a facebook feed about good deeds that people are doing for each other. That made me feel really hopeful!

  • Terri Moore

    What made me mad today was when I was trying to move a big bin and banged the top of my hand into the sharp corner of another bin. That ouch that really hurt!, why did I do such a dumb thing when I have 2 strong boys who are always willing to help me in the house? that’s when I know it’s time to take a break.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today was that even though I still have lots of things to do to get ready for Christmas the most important part is celebrating the birth of our Savior. So whether or not I get all those cookies baked is put into perspective and I can be joyful.

  • Terri Moore

    what made me happy today was a hug from a dear friend. Her hugs are just the best and the fact that she is always so happy to see me just makes me feel good.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful the mechanic will find our car’s part today and fix it.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry the train was late today for my meeting.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I had beef teriyaki for lunch today.

  • Jerrica Evans

    I got mad today because I found out that my mother-in-law went back home. I know this sounds crazy but she is being taken advantage of. She is wanting to move closer to us so she can see our children, the only grandchildren she has, but she’s having trouble finding a place. On a better note we’re going to ask her to move in with us at least until she can find something, I don’t like my children not being able to see her.

  • Jerrica Evans

    I’m hopeful because my medicine is actually helping me. I’m finally feeling like myself again, and my husband and children are going to have the wife/mother that they love and need so much back.

  • Jerrica Evans

    What made me happy today is that my husband was feeling good. It’s been a long time going but everything is slowly getting better for him and that makes it better for me as well.

  • Michelle H.

    I am happy because I switched my computer monitor and I didn’t realize until now how poor the quality was on my old monitor.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Let me see what made me mad today is I found out I am still on the naughty list and I may not get off this list in time for Christmas. You know what that means don’t ya? Yes, I am looking at a sack of coal! Well on the bright side I may get enough to at least heat the house for one day.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Let see what made me hopeful today, probably that my leg is finally healing and I can finally get around better. Still have a lot of problems with it but it has come very far and I am grateful.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was the fact that I didn’t have to go anywhere today. Just be home and do things here that needed done. Very nice day.


    Mad because there’s a woman in the choir who always makes sure that she stands beside me – the poor woman hasn’t a note in her head and I love my music and really belting out the harmonies and I’ve got perfect pitch and I suppose I should be feeling sorry for her really but why, oh why, hasn’t someone said something to her – so frustrating!


    Happy because I’ve just got back from the last practise of my choral group before our performances starting this Friday – all Christmassy schmaltzy stuff & for charity and as we say here in Ireland, ‘sure, it’s all a bit of craic’!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hmm, why am I hopeful today? Well, this time of year, people do get a little more hopeful. I’m hopeful it will pan out for all of us!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Nothing has really made me mad today. I guess I could go watch the news. I’m sure something would get me at least a little aggravated! lol

  • Cathy French

    When coming home today from my quick grocery store visit my oil light came on in my car. Knowing I have little oil in my car made me mad and worried. Made it home but now have to make a trip to buy oil tomorrow made me mad.

  • Cathy French

    Learning that the Cleveland Browns will start Johnny Manziel this weekend made me very hopeful today. Need to see what he’s got and hopefully win out the rest of the football season

  • Cathy French

    Buying sugar at Giant Eagle today for only 95cents ea 4 lb bag made me very happy today. Great price paired with nice coupons that doubled just made my day.

  • coco

    It’s really silly but what made me happy today is making my grocery list… I guess it’s because I had 2 new ideas to buy stuff I don’t normally buy and change is fun.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because a fellow Crowdtapper rejected one of my photo challenges and that cost me my WHOLE mission. I think it is insane that one challenge rejection out of so many plus the report can get your whole mission rejected. PLUS, I emailed Crowdtap CS and they said that it should not have been rejected but that they can’t fix it once it has been rejected. They gave me the points I would have earned and said it will not count against me for future missions, but I am no longer in the running for any bonus points nor stars for my mission. That is NOT fair and I find it completely unacceptable that they can’t fix it. Why not? I just don’t believe it. I may not do any more missions if they can do this because one Crowdtapper didn’t like my photo. grrr

  • Terri Moore

    I can’t remember anything that made me mad today. Now if you asked my family they may tell you something different…lol. I think it’s a good thing to forget those moments quickly don’t you?

  • Terri Moore

    What made me hopeful today is that a little of that Christmas is coming soon panicky feeling went away. I am one of those people who think that decorating the day after Thanksgiving is too soon but somewhere about this time start to feel like oh no I’m behind! We got our tree tonight, tomorrow I will decorate it and I love all the ornaments because there are so many memories tied up with them. So for now I am calm.

  • Terri Moore

    What made me happy today is that we went out to eat ( read no cooking =) with my family and my husband’s family to celebrate my upcoming birthday and my MIL’s December birthday. We had a wonderful time and then stopped and picked up our Christmas tree. I love the smell of fresh pine in the house and that is at least one thing off the list. Thanks for letting me ramble, I feel better now.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to have a slow day today in the restaurant.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the leaking bathroom roof. It looks like bill is coming.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my man did the breakfast today instead of me.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy that we don’t have rehearsal today so I get some time to myself.
    Hopeful that we’ll have above average temps all week.
    No mad.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me mad today wasn’t really anything but I did miss seeing my little granddaughter and her mom go off in this snow to their house which is almost 2 hours away. I worry about the two of them on these snowy, icy roads.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful we will have a white christmas was that it has finally arrived! Oh joy it’s here! LOL! Not that quite over joyed with the stuff but it’s here and this is Michigan.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What really made me happy today was getting to spend the day with one of my granddaughter’s that moved away. It was so refreshing to get to be with her. I am a happy grandma.


    I’m hoping for a good night’s sleep tonight after so many sleepless ones spent coughing. Plenty of lavender & Vicks VapoRub – mmm!


    Mad at myself again, well, to be specific, mad at my knee. There I was, feeling better & with the steroids finally kicking in & doing their job so I decided to go up into the loft to get down the Christmas decorations & lights. Almost at the top of the ladder when my knee buckled under me & I sprained my wrist grabbing onto the ladder to stop me falling. A few expletives & some icecubes later I managed to get the stuff down but I’m very tempted to just hide it under a bed rather than go up that bloomin’ ladder again. Still, at least I’ve never (touching wood as I type) put my foot through the ceiling which Dad has, twice & we never let him forget it either!


    Little things make me happy like learning a new phrase: today I heard a new one on the car radio & had to pull over to write it down before I forgot it. It’s a meteorological term to explain some of the sudden wintry storms being experienced by the north of the UK, and it’s ‘Explosive Cyclogenesis’. Isn’t it great? My Dad is going to use it when he’s eaten too many brussel sprouts!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m hopeful we’ll get through the holiday season with everybody cold & flu-free. So far, so good, but knock wood!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m happy to spend a few hours with my youngest nephew. I just have to make sure any Christmas gifts are well hidden, cause he can sniff them out, lol!

  • Elizabeth

    It’s a beautiful morning today! It’s supposed to get to 79 & sunny! That makes me happy; another thing is that my husband is cleaning the shower =)

  • coco

    Hopefully, the solution of boiling water on the stove all day will help me with my sinuses problems. I don’t want to buy a humidifier that will need to be clean each week or make me buy replacement parts every month.

  • coco

    I’m mad because I have sinuses problems again and the solution we tried overnight didn’t work. We tried to put water in our crock pot and letting it simmer without the lid beside our bed.

  • coco

    I’m happy because I received a package I was told would arrive between the 24h and January 9 today. I was sure I would not be able to put it together in time to make a Christmas gift to my mother but I will!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to have a good dinner with a long-distanced friend.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What really made me mad today is that I could have gotten a few things done and not lounged around all day but I never do this as a common thing. So I will just chuck it off as an experiment that I don’t do very often.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    what is making me very hopeful today is by entering all this giveaways, maybe just maybe I can win a few gifts for the family.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Let see, what made me happy today was that I got to lounge around all day long and do absolutely nothing at all. It was really nice but I will be glad to get back to work.

  • Shannon

    I am mad that I have to give up on people but sometimes it is the best for everyone. No sense watering a dead flower anymore but it is sad.

  • Sarh S

    I’m hopeful that we’ll get the tv stand and Christmas tree all set up by this weekend! Seriously, the tv stand has been in my living room for a week now! I can’t take the old one out and put the new one up by myself with my sassy almost 3 year old super hyper son.

  • Sarh S

    What made me happy today? My nearly 3 year old who has a very low vocabulary has said about 3 new words today!! It’s really exciting and makes me so proud of him! <3

  • Sarah L

    I was happy that we had a good gig last night and good food at the pot luck.
    I’m hopeful that the next week will be without bad weather.
    I’m a bit mad that I woke up with a headache.

  • Kelly

    So to add to my last comment. There are some players that are amazing men. That are such great role models. The willingness to give of themselves, both financially and in person, is awe inspiring. It makes me hopeful for a brighter future.

  • Kelly

    Today, I watched NFL football. It is very frustrating to watch some of the players act like little brats. I am amazed that the millions of dollars they make is not enough, and still feel they are worth more. It makes me mad. Spoiled brats.

  • Kelly

    Today, my amazing husband made the most wonderful soup. It was so good, and took the chill out of my cold body. It made me very happy 🙂


    I repotted some of the plants on my bedroom window sill earlier this year & re-used some old compost in with the new. There must have been some seeds in it because I now have some lobelia & aubretia blooming in my room! Isn’t nature wonderful?


    Nothing’s made me mad so far today & it’s getting near to bedtime so I might get away with it today. It’s almost 9pm here and if I get an early night …


    Today what’s made me hopeful is that I’m beginning to feel a bit better. Now all I need to do is take it easy just a bit longer & not do my usual of starting to try to do everything at once.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad? Well, I’m not really mad, but I’m shaking my head at my youngest nephew! We got a UPS package today (on Sunday!) & he knew it had something for him in it, for Christmas. It was driving him nuts, lol. So…he got into it!!! Little devil dog!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I happy? Well, tomorrow is Monday & my niece & nephews all 3 have school! So, no getting up before daylight to watch them, lol.

  • Esperanza Gailliard

    One thing that made me upset this morning was when my oldest son did not follow directions to bake the cake. He did not think it was important to put the lining of oil in the cake pan. He found out the hard way and his cake is stuck.

  • Esperanza Gailliard

    My youngest son has been taking a break from doing his traditional pages in homeschool, he recently started logging in his homeschool online so that made me hopeful. One reason being he just hates doing the time sheets by hand but does not mind doing them online! 😀 All smiles for that.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I guess I would have to say what made me mad today was the silly people who thoughtlessly leave things in wrong places and others get hurt just trying to do their work.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful today that my nephew ‘s burns will heal and he will have no permeant damage. He is one very lucky young man not to have been burned worse than he was.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was that the fact my nephew was working on a fire and someone placed a spray paint can near the fire. It exploded and he got quite burned. He is okay but his face has burns.

  • Kelly

    Today my husband shoveled our entire driveway, and it took forever. Just as he finished the city’s snow plow drove by and pushed a bunch of snow into our driveway. So mad. Ugh

  • Marti Tabora

    My dirty laundry room made me mad today. My son is 24 years old and most certainly knows how to put his clothes away, so you would think he would do it. I guess it was actually him that made me mad since it was his mess.

  • Marti Tabora

    I can’t say that I am hopeful about very much, I am hopeful that my husband will get a visa to come here from Honduras because I miss him and I need him home, but it is so difficult for people from Central America to come to the US. So I have a hard time being hopeful about it.


    My choir is singing at the local hospice on Fri evening. It’s such an honour to be in a position to bring a little ray of sunshine to the people staying there and their families and not forgetting the wonderful staff of course, who do such a terrific job all year round. It’s at times like this that I realise how lucky I am and how grateful I am for everything I have.


    Happiness today came via the one & only Connie Gruning! Yes, folks, I am the winner of Nov’s Diamond Candle/PayPal giveaway. $25 in my PayPal a/c and so many lovely shiny things on eBay! Thanks again Connie xxx


    Mad because I’m piling on the pounds with all the steroids I’ve been prescribed lately – wearing my new LBD for Christmas is rapidly becoming a pipedream. I am feeling a little bit better though so I suppose I shouldn’t complain.

  • Cathy French

    Yesterday my boyfriend asked me if we had any AA batteries and I told him where they were stored (like he hasn’t lived here forever lol). However, today I needed to put batteries in my digital camera to submit for rebates and found he took the whole package. Made me so mad, what on earth did he need the whole package for?

  • Cathy French

    Entering contests and couponing today made me hopeful that I will save money. Also hopeful I will win something this week.

  • Cathy French

    Having the house to myself made me happy today. Boyfriend out hunting for his yearly deer so we can stock up the freezer.

  • Tracy Robertson

    I had to deal with some really irrational behavior from someone at work today. It’s all in a days work, but it made me mad at the time.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to have a good swim class – fun people who make me laugh.
    Hopeful that we’ll give a good performance tomorrow.
    A bit upset that the main showers were closed today since the ceiling in the men’s shower fell down. Hopeful that they’ll be fixed by Monday.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I have not one thing that made me mad today ! Absolutely nothing to make me mad today! I hate to say I have something in this slot, because I don’t usually get mad and I like to be more positive.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today I am hopeful to get some homemade Christmas cookies made for some of my Christmas baking and presents. Love to get them all baked and frozen, so that I can put them all together at a later date.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was I got yet another project finished. I have such a very hard time staying with projects I have started. So this was a really big thing for me.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m hopeful that things will stay on an even keel through the holidays! Everyone is pretty healthy & happy. I hope it stays that way.

  • Elizabeth Towns

    I am happy today because I have hope that at least for now, I can have a future that includes the lifestyle I want for my children and myself. That is one that includes fresh choices for nutrition and a healthy diet!


    This morning I had to ring my physio to cancel today’s appointment & the reception was really quite curt with me. Obviously if I could have given her 24 hours notice, I would have but getting stroppy on the phone is no way to impress this client.


    Right now (7.30pm) all I’m hoping for is that I start to feel better soon. Was at the doctor again this a.m. & I’m back on steroids for another chest infection – I’ll never shift the excess weight if I keep taking steroids.


    I’m happy ‘cos it’s Friday & I have absolutely no plans! Altho’ an early night wouldn’t go amiss as I’m feeling pretty rotten.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because our pharmacy messed up our bill. We told them specifically when we dropped off the RX NOT to put it thru our insurance. The CSR said that he had notated our account and gotten permission from his boss. When hubby picked it up last night, they had put it thru our insurance. GRRR! What is WRONG with people now? They just do NOT listen!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful this weekend will be full of fun with the dogs.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy it’s our trip to the capital today!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at people who are always late for meeting.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me angry today is the fact that a friend of mine is really going through a rough time and there isn’t a thing I can do about it. I guess to say all I can do is pray for her, is a dumb statement on my part because that is the best thing I can do for her.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful today is that I can finally get some to the projects done that I have started and have never finished. It is really nice to have them done! Hopefully I can stay with a few more and cross them off my lists.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was spending time with some very good friends of ours. Our lives have kinda followed in what the same path in life so it is really comfortable to be around them and to be ourselves.

  • coco

    I’m mad because so many thing didn’t work out like I wanted today. First things we got late at my appointment because of traffic. Then we went to buy sheepskin mittens but there were only 2 kinds, one really thin that was already getting appart for 25$ and one that looks warm enough but that was 175$ so I still don’t have any mittens AND I think I will have to forget to find sheepskin ones. Then we went to the Apple store and they could not help us at all. I thought they had great costumer service… Then we went to the grocery store and there was not any organic chicken.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy that I had a very good outreach program for DBG today.
    Hopeful that I could live in a nice place like that when the time comes (many years from now)
    No mad.

  • Kelly

    My mother tends to go out of her way for people. Sometimes it gets to be too much for her but she just cannot say no to people. Today she was sick. I know it is because she is run down for doing so many things for others. I love that she is so generous, but it makes me angry that some people take advantage of her.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, what could make me mad today? The usual: outside influences, lol, like the evening news. Maybe I should just not watch the news! It can get pretty depressing.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Well, because things could be much worse, lol. I think things are getting better: my Mom is doing better physically after a long, hard year of recovering from a fall, other family is doing well, & I’m not doing too bad.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today I’m happy that everyone in my family seems to be doing ok physically. This time last year, that was far from true, so that’s something to be happy about!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I won a giveaway and was given 48 hours to respond to claim the winning. I did this and asked for the blog owner to please confirm receipt of my email since it was time sensitive, so that I would not worry about missing out on my prize. FIVE days later, I get a response and it is a form letter response with nothing personal to my situation at all. I had emailed her two other times requesting confirmation and expressing my concern over not hearing from her and got a form letter that did not even mention any of that. I did NOT like that AT ALL. SO impersonal! It is really making me rethink participating in her blog at all now. I thought she was nicer than that and that she and I had a personal connection offline, but apparently not. Bleh.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because my hubby was very affectionate this morning. He was really snuggly before getting out of bed. Then, when I came back in from starting the car for him, he gave me a big hug and kiss in the foyer. And, finally, when I went back into the bedroom after the foyer loving, he had written “I <3 you, Angie!" with his finger in the condensation on the window! I am floating on love air right now! LOL

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful today will be over soon so Friday could come already.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at people who don’t read emails carefully and neglect them.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I won a complete sushi kit from a contest.

  • Kelly

    Today I went shopping and had a wonderful time. People were kind, fun, and talkative. It was really nice. I usually dread shopping near Christmas, but today people were in a good place. It made me happy.

  • Erica Barnes

    I got mad today when I was driving my mom and grandma to dinner and both of them kept arguing while Grandma tried to tell me where to drive.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful was after looking at this lady’s equipment for beekeeping, that we could actually get back into bees again. That would be so much fun and I really miss it.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was, we got a phone call of a lady who was wanting to sell her deceased husbands beekeeping equipment. Someone was wanting to buy it had her husband told he he had met a man she could trust to give her the best estaminet of what would be a fair price. We went over to her home and checked out all her equipment and it really made us feel good to help someone out.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to get emails saying I won a $50 Walgreens GC and some bamboo towels.
    Hopeful that the weather will be nice this week.
    No mad.


    With my op pencilled in for next Feb, I’m hoping that nothing goes wrong with my general health that might jeopardise it going ahead. Stay positive Kate & don’t worry so much; che sera, sera.


    I don’t think I got mad about anything at all today, apart from the usual shouting & swearing at idiot drivers. But I reckon shouting is better for my health than bottling it up, so really I should probably be thanking those muppets! Come to think of it, Connie, just getting this opportunity to rant a bit does me good!


    Happiness is finally getting the go-ahead for a reconstruction op on my dislocated knee! I’ll have huge scars & be off my feet for a couple of months but at last there is light at the end of this particular little tunnel.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because of corporate greed. I got a coupon in the mail from Toyota to get a oil and filter change on my car for $14.95 if I donated a toy for their toy drive worth at least $10. I called them to set up the appointment and they said that for my Prius, the price would be $44.95 not $14.95 because my car takes a special synthetic oil. I feel like the coupon should have indicated that some cars cost $30 more than the coupon. I was so angry.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful because both my eye and my hubby’s ear is starting to feel normal again after fighting infections for over a week. PHEW! I was really worried! He has been on two different antibiotics but I have just been using allergy eye drops. SO glad we are healing!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because last night I went grocery shopping with a VERY tight budget. I used sales and coupons and was able to get $65 worth of food for only $13 out of pocket! LOVE IT!

  • Kristen

    A woman told me about her love for her non-biological grampa today, and that made me very happy and hopeful for the future of all blended families.

  • Kristen

    A friend shared that when she took her son to the mall tonight, Santa told her son to “sit down & shut up” That made everybody mad!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful my man’s health checkup will go well.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the people who don’t pick up dog’s waste.

  • curtis heining

    Happy mad hopeful –

    Happy my boy grew 2 inches in 3 months
    Hopeful that i can win

    Mad that it was spittinc ice today in my hometown

  • Kelly

    I have been working on crocheting a blanket for a friend of mine. I finished it today! I am very happy and excited to give it to her 🙂

  • Kelly

    My chickens have started laying eggs again. They had stopped (technically just slowed way down). Today they laid 8 eggs. That is great! We had been lucky to get 2. I am hopeful they will continue to lay now that molting season is over.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? Well, the news is on as I type this, so Ukraine, Syria, Nigeria, ebola in West Africa. Nothing brings you down like the daily reminder of man’s idiocy.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am hopeful that next year will be a good one. This time of year, I tend to fluctuate between hopefulness for next year & depression over this one, lol!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today I am happy to have my Christmas shopping done. Yay! I’m not saying I won’t pick something up if it looks like a great deal, though, lol.

  • Sarah L

    I’m happy to have a day at home with no obligations.
    Hopeful that the Raging Grannies gig on Saturday will go well.
    No mad.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me mad today? I can’t say as anything has made me mad. Well maybe the leg not healing as quickly as I would like it to. That would be an awesome Christmas gift.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me hopeful today was that I might just be falling into my mothers footsteps. I have tried to be the kind of wife, mother and grandmother that she was. She was quite a real lady in every way and I would like to be just like her.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today what made me happy was just the Christmas season. It was my mother’s favorite time of the year and I can now see why. I love all the decorations and the special things that are done this time of year.


    Mad & happy covered, heading for a bubble bath & hoping the kinks in my back sort themselves out before the long drive tomorrow to see if my consultant is going to give the go-ahead for the op on my knee. I can hear the duvet calling!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my new slippers already smell like stinky feet. LOL! I only wore them a week and they are stinky. BOO! I think it is because of the type of material they are lined with. Oh well, I shall just have to wash them.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because my fur baby, Oats, is losing weight! She was getting pretty chubby but has been playing with a new toy A LOT and is slimming down. It is so awesome to see her enjoying herself and getting healthy doing it!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful my job application is through and complete.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at one company’s website with so bad recruitment page.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy we booked a hotel successfully for the weekend getaway.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Well, let see what made me mad today was that I had to go back in for more tests. I hate going in to the doctors to have test run. We live 30 miles for m the doctors office which is in town. So it takes quite a bit of time.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today what made me hopeful was there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will be so glad to finally get our bathrooms started on remodeling. Our front one is in desperate need of repair.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me really happy today that I found out I am going to have my first grandson. LOL! Might sound kinda funny to anyone else reading this but I have 8 granddaughters, and now one boy. LOL!

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? Just the typical stuff, I guess. The weather is gloomy, money is tight & my leg hurts, lol. It could be worse.

  • Cathy French

    Knowing my boyfriend and his friend are out deer hunting today made me hopeful today. Hopeful we’ll have deer meat for the freezer.

  • Mary Diehl

    Nothing has made me mad YET today. Hoping everything continues on as it has for me so far today. Just need to avoid the negative people and everything will be good.

  • Mary Diehl

    I’m happy today because my daughter is able to get new tires on her vehicle, so I won’t have to worry quite as much. I’m happy that I don’t have as much back pain as I sometimes do.

  • Mary Diehl

    I am hopeful today that I can win some of these giveaways I have entered. I’m so thankful for all you bloggers that do the giveaways, I enter in the hope that I can win things for my kids for Christmas. Money is tight and these help when you win. So a special thank you for you and your blog.


    I’m going for a gynaecological exam on Fri & am dreading it already. The last one really hurt & made me bleed so I’m hoping that this one will be easier.


    Mad today because I had just filled the kitty litter box when me knee gave way & I ended up spilling the lot all over the kitchen floor. Took ages hoovering all the little bits up & now my knee hurts like hell but at least I didn’t end up on the floor as well. That’ll teach me to go dancing with boxes!


    I had a lovely time today doing something simple and silly! We got a delivery of new tableware (Mum’s Xmas prezzy to herself) and I got to jump up & down on all the packaging to flatten it for the bin. I got my foot stuck in one of the boxes & did a little tap dance with it on. Amazing what you can get up to when you’ve no neighbours!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I am pretty sure that I have an eye infection. It is causing my right ear and nostril to drain and hurts so badly. I swear this year I have had more infections than any year in my life since my childhood. My hubby is getting over an ear infection, too! If I don’t see significant improvement by tomorrow afternoon, it is off to Urgent Care for me tomorrow evening. UGH!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful because, after many years of being the black sheep of the family and being written out of his parents’ will, my hubby found out that he has been written back INTO the will for an equal share with his other siblings. I am hopeful that this means that his relationship with his parents is truly on the mend and that things are going to be better from here on out.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because for the first time in over a year I ordered new clothes! Thank you Woman Within for your 50% off w/free shipping deal for Cyber Monday! I could not have done it without you!

  • Melissa Bowers

    Something that made me happy today was all the congratulatory hugs I received at church today after announcing my pregnancy on Facebook on Thanksgiving!

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to have a great first week of Christmas month.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the slippery roads that make it so dangerous to drive.

  • Jan Lee

    Today I noticed the gas prices dropping again, so I am hopeful that they will still be low when I go to fill my tank on Tuesday 🙂

  • Jan Lee

    What made me happy today was my cleaner coming and cleaning up my place. I was able to give her a present for her daughter’s 4th birthday next week. I was also able to give her a small Christmas present, so these things made me happy 🙂

  • Elisabeth Ashley

    I was happy this morning after watching some 20 year old childhood videos with my cousin. My adult response watching my aunt in the video was exactly the same as my childhood response to my aunt (“why you getting so pissed off?”) It made everybody laugh.

  • Elisabeth Ashley

    Nothing much made me mad today. The closest was when our cat pooped on the bedroom floor – luckily my husband cleaned it up.

  • Elisabeth Ashley

    My husband was able to get our baby son to sleep in his crib for more than 10 minutes at a time; it makes me hopeful that the baby will learn to sleep through the night on his own soon and that I will get a good night’s sleep again.


    One worry/concern put aside and now hoping against hope that my consultant agrees to go ahead with my knee surgery. I’m not losing as much weight as I’d like, but having had anorexia/bulemia for many years I have to take dieting very carefully. I’m seeing him on Wed. so fingers crossed.


    Actually, getting up late had a wonderful upside to it: I was cleaning the cat litter & looked up at the most beautiful winter sunset I’ve ever seen. No wind to blow the clouds and set against the bare trees on the hill opposite, the sky was surreal, like something from a SciFi film. Stunning and if I’d got up at the usual time, chances are I’d have missed it.


    I’m mad at myself again – I’ve had a bit of a cough lately & it kept me awake. When I woke up it was 3pm! It’s dark at 4.30 so it was a bit of a rush to get any outside jobs done and I feel like I’ve lost a whole day – 1 1/2 hours of day light, my poor old brain doesn’t know what’s happening! I’m definitely taking some cough mixture before bed tonight. Just 6pm now & I’m about to prepare dinner only 3 hours after waking up!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me made today was the fact I sewed all day yesterday while it was beautiful out and today it is gloomy and I have to make Peanut Brittle. Not really sure if it is true or not but my mother always said if you make Peanut Brittle on a gloomy, rainy day it will turn out sticky. I surely hope not because I have to make it.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What really made me hopeful is that with the material I have gotten I might just be able to get all the grand daughters Christmas presents made before Christmas. LOL!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    What made me happy today was the snow has melted away for now. It is really nice when we get a thaw like this because, we have no place to put it with the amounts that we get through out the winter season.

  • Coco

    I am happy because I finally bought the biodegradable toothbrushes I wanted for a long time! I got free shipping because of black friday!

  • Esperanza Gailliard

    I am usually always hopeful, especially about winning. But today when I came here, and I am always attracted to your diamond candles I felt a small sliver of hope that this time I may get a win! So, if I do win I am hoping for a nice piece of jewelry inside. I figure I have not won this yet because the right candle was not going to be ready until later. SO hopefully this is the month for me! 😀

  • Esperanza Gailliard

    Now, I guess I can complain about what made me mad today. So, first let me say that I love your giveaway entries, because they are so fast. But, and that is a big old but, there are new rafflecopters that are EXTREMELY slow and when you are in the midst of blogging, giveaways and mommy time, things NEED to move quickly. So, I hope that rafflecopter changes things around because it is hard to stay on one giveaway for an hour because the copter is too darn slow!

  • Lori Berson

    When I enter giveaways I don’t like to click on Follow a co-host and have some of the requirements be to join their e-mail or write on any non-giveaway blog. It should be to follow them via Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Networking Blogs, Etc.. Extra entries for joining emails etc. should be a separate choice from their follow page.

  • sandra davis

    What made me mad today was the phone ringing when I was trying to sleep. I was so worn out that I just pushed the deny button on my phone every time it rang.

  • sandra davis

    What made me hopeful was finally getting a few presents bought. I was beginning to think that I wasn’t going to get any shopping done.

  • Kristen

    We found a really great deal on a pair of inline skates today…so I am hopefully that some little boy in our community will be very happy on Christmas day. (he requested some on the giving tree)

  • Kristen

    What made me happy today: a big pot of homemade sweet potato soup simmering on the stove & a fresh loaf of sourdough. Actually this made my whole family happy!

  • Tracy Robertson

    Having the day off and enjoying a long weekend is really making me happy today. I work so much and it’s been a long time since I’ve had a break.

  • Yvette Weeks Figueroa

    What made me mad today is that I was supposed to get together with my gf for some adult time without the kids and she backed out.


    Only a bit mad today, well, mildly irritated actually. I could have got so much more done today but my body lets me down – grrr! Sometimes I ignore the twinges and just go for it but that would have meant not being able to do anything tomorrow. So a hot bath, bubbles up to my boobs, music & candles are called for (ooh, and maybe some chocolate & my latest read); better than painkillers any day!


    Just put my clothes in the wash & hoping all the mud will come out! Time will tell! Going to pop myself in the bath now for a good long soak to ease the aches & pains!


    Well, the weather people got it right and I spent a couple of lovely hours getting the last of the spring bulbs planted – got absolutely covered in mud though!

  • Coco

    I’m happy because my parents invited me to eat my favourite meal tonight! Plus, I will see my uncle I haven’t seen for 11 months.

  • Coco

    I am hopeful because hopefully I found how to put together something that will make me new winter boots for only 30$ instead of 85$ PLUS I can try it before because it’s only at 23 km from my home. I really hope it will work out.

  • Lori Berson

    I was entering your wooden watch giveaway and clicked to follow co-host Michigan Savings & More when a 403-Error popped-up by When I tried to get started with them it wanted to direct me to billing dept. I am sorry but I am not willing to pay a company for a entry in a giveaway.

  • Jenny Ham

    What made me mad today. Well, I guess it could of been worse but I was cooking lasagna in the crockpot while I slept and I forgot to turn it down to low. The lasagna is really good but ruined a little on the edges a little bit of it will go to waste.

  • christine burd

    What made me hopeful today? I am walking better than I have for awhile since fibromyalgia hit I am hopeful for better days ahead

  • Kelly

    I am trying hard not to get mad or angry. It is easier said than done. Today I watched the news… mistake. I don’t understand why people feel it is necessary to act out in such destructive ways. It makes me mad. So much violence. Tragic.

  • Kelly

    Today I felt better than I have in weeks. My stomach had been causing me problems and it appears I am getting to the root of the problem and I am feeling much better! I am very happy.

  • Kelly

    Today was my Bible study day. This always gives me such hope. The world is in such a bad place. So much pain, hatred and sadness. But the future has a bright light at the end of the dark tunnel.

  • Edmond

    Re: OMG, what makes me happy & hopeful is to win this contest. 🙂 Wow, prize $50 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Pick me, pick me!

  • Yvette Weeks Figueroa

    What made me hopeful today was that my youngest hasn’t been hit with an asthma flare up. It usually happens around the holidays.

  • Yvette Weeks Figueroa

    What made me happy today was that I got to see my nephew yesterday. He lives a few hours away so I only get to see him twice a year.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, I don’t know if I’ve been happy today, lol. I feel yucky. Well, the day is youngish, so I’m happy there’s time for the day to get better.

  • Dana Truitt

    Yahh know I had a really great morning, my husband made me breakfast in bed. It started the day off great and made very happy!! He’s sooooo sweet!

  • Dana Truitt

    I want to win because I really need the prize due to the fact that I have worked very hard the past 6 months and lost 40lbs. I stopped drinking
    soda and eating fatty foods, making better choices actually on what I eat. Also I am walking 2 miles every morning and doing 30 mins of cardio
    every afternoon. I’m adopting this way of life to stay thin and healthy!! Now the side effect of this weight loss is wonderful!! It’s called self confidence…I am so proud of myself for accomplishing my goal. The bad side effect of my weight loss is that none of my clothes fit me any more!!Especially so I can go to the family’s holiday dinner and look fabulous in a new update outfit, with my newly thin and confident self!! I will be crossin’ my finger for sure to win this giveaway!! Have a Great Holiday yourself!


    Only a little bit annoyed today – I made 24 little mini fruit pies for freezing ready to have at Christmas. I covered them & left them to cool while I went to the doctor’s surgery and by the time I got back they were not only cold but also 9 had somehow disappeared. Mum owned up to having two with her morning coffee and Tommy the cat got the blame for the rest but I know better! My diabetic Dad never notices the crumbs he leaves behind!


    I’m hoping that the weathermen got it right for the weekend & that I can get some more gardening done, plus I want to make the Christmas wreath so that means taking a walk in the woods to gather leaves, berries & moss and I’d rather do it dry than wet!


    Happy & relieved today when I got the results of my chest xrays/tests – phew! Nothing to worry about: there’s life in this old bod yet!

  • Coco

    I’m mad because I went to sleep at 11PM and was not sleeping until past 2AM and I woke up at 7AM. So I’m mad because it means I will feel like crap all day.

  • Coco

    I’m hopeful that I will win a giveaway that ends tomorrow. I REALLY want to win and it’s been 5 years since I’ve won a giveaway so I’ve never been this hopeful before. Normally, I enter even if I know it will amount to nothing in the end.

  • Coco

    I’m happy because today I finally decided to buy organic nuts and stuff online and I didn’t even know I would have a discount but I saved 30$ because it’s black friday!!!

  • jeannine glen

    i’m happy today that i’m alive. i’m hopeful that next year I will be more healthier, i’m mad because this year I got a heart attack and because of my medication that i’m taking I gained weight. winning would make me smile, make me happy and hopeful for what’s to come next year.

  • curtis heining

    Happpy and hopeful for that fact i got to enter this contest and find it mad bc i cant affored to go black friday shopping itll be nice to win to buy a few gifts for my boy (better late then never) hes 2

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m hopeful to be totally recovered from my awful flu.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the drunkard neighbor who blasts opera music at full volume at 2am.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy it’s finally Friday that we could have seafood salad as dinner!

  • Don Balboa

    Just dropping by to say I love your blog! It’s set up nicely and easy to navigate. Also, reading it inspires me that is why I wish to share your blog posts to all my family and friends. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hopeful that in just a month, this whole stressful holiday period will be over. And hopefully, we will all get through it, lol.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I wouldn’t really say it makes me mad, but I do have a sore throat today. It figures! I always seem to get sick during the holidays; stress, I guess.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am happy today because my youngest nephew is spending some time with us while his Mommy does some shopping. He can always make us happy, lol.


    Driving home from Dublin we were headed south-east and into the most beautiful winter sunset. You know that peachy, honey colour with a bit of pink thrown in for good measure? Glorious sight & all thoughts of pain & tiny toilets melted away!


    In real pain today after yesterday’s physio session but I’m hoping that after some exercises later this evening (it’s 5.30pm here now) that it will ease up a bit.


    A little bit mad today, well irritated really. Just back from a long drive up to Dublin to take Dad for an MRI. Everything went well apart from the loos (toilets) in the Medical Centre: the cubicles were tiny. Now I’m not huge, but I’m not a beanpole either, just average and I use a stick because of a banjaxed knee. I couldn’t get into the cubicle without having to rub against the toilet bowl – yeuch! These companies charge the earth for their services and yet don’t provide the basics – who are they trying to kid?

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I hope my mom adopts another puppy for her current dog.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry at the poor quality of a fish tray I ordered from Amazon.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my boss approved my vacation request.

  • Brynn Dexter

    My sweet sweet puppy made me so happy today with welcome home kisses
    My sister made me hopeful today when she encouraged me to continue school
    My body made me mad today because I am still suffering from the flu

  • Rosanne

    I was mad today because I was trying to find a UPS drop box. Every location I went to didn’t seem to have one. I went to 3 different places then had to wait in line.

  • Rosanne

    My son has a lot of job prospects lined up. He is taking the initative rather than relying on me. Helicopter days are ending and I’m glad.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me happy today? I spent the day with my 9 year old nephew because they got an extra day out of school. That made him happy!

  • Vicki Wurgler

    what made me mad, I ordered wallpaper and went to pick it up and it was the wrong pattern. it will take 2 more weeks to get it

  • Tamra Phelps

    What made me mad today? Well, both my brother & his wife have to work on Thanksgiving. I can understand she is a nurse, a very necessary job, but he is a manager at a big department store (no names, lol), & I really wish they would stop opening on Thanksgiving!

  • Margaret Smith

    My kids helped me with shoveling today. They went out and did all of it and I got to stay in and start cooking for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  • Margaret Smith

    What made me hopeful today is that I got a lot done. My kids were off from school and helped me clean and we started putting our Christmas tree up.


    Mum’s caught a rotten cold & is feeling miserable. I’m hoping that she bets better soon because sh’e a dreadful patient but don’t tell her I said so!


    Mad at myself AGAIN today. Had physio again to help strengthen my leg before major knee reconstruction and now my knee hurts like hell – ow, ow, ow!


    I’ve had a voucher for a jewellery chain store for ages & tomorrow I get to cash it in. I’m driving Dad to Dublin for an MRI & I get to drool over lovely shiny things that I won’t be able to afford – won’t stop me drooling tho’!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my husband has to work 1 hour of OT but, because tomorrow is a holiday, it is just straight pay, not OT pay. I think that is bull and that his boss should have let him come in an hour late today to make up for that. The OT is not due to work load but is a late shift that everyone in the department has to work 2x a month. He normally gets OT for this hour but not this week. Just not fair.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful because I found a 50% off one item good at Ace Hardware. They are the only place locally that carries the Smelly Washer brand laundry additive I buy. It is normally $14.99 and I am hoping to get it for $7.50! 🙂

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because tomorrow is Thanksgiving and my parents are coming to celebrate with us. While I am very stressed out and anxious, I am happy that my family was willing to make the 10 hour drive to be with us because I am unable due to health reasons to do the same for them.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry to wake up every morning without the sun shining. It’s depressing.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at parents who think their children’s look is better than their intelligence.

  • mai tran

    Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my shoes from an online store arrived safe and sound.

  • Lynn C

    The thing that made me maddest today is that so many contests I’m entering as me to turn over my Twitter account so they can post on it. Sorry but that’s one thing I will not do. How do I know what they may post? I don’t have much of a reputation, but I don’t want it ruined.

  • Deb Jackson

    I was mad because a coworker was treated poorly and it reflects on our group as a whole. Macho is not always pretty and NICE isn’t always nice.

  • Kelly

    Today I woke to all sorts of stories about the damage, and injuries related to Ferguson. I just don’t understand why people think it is okay to break into stores, and shoot at people, just because they are upset about a court ruling. Seems to me there is a far better way to speak your complaints. It makes me mad. So many people who’s lives will be changed by this whole situation.

  • Kelly

    Today I am hopeful that people across the US stop being violent and sit down and open up the discussion that will ultimately heal our nation.

  • Sarah Jackson

    hopeful … today marks 7 days off work , unpaid days due to horrible weather ( i work outside ) the weather conditions have improved over the day so im hopeful that I might see another paycheck soon

  • Kelly

    Today I was super happy because my friend came to visit. I was not expecting her so it was a very wonderful surprise. It was such a blessing to see her 🙂

  • Sarah Jackson

    Well I gotta say when my hubby stopped to pick up milk on the way home he also picked up some maple fudge !! 🙂 that made me happy

  • Jan Lee

    I found out that Rafflecopter changed their giveaway tool and it SUCKS!!! It takes forever to load the tool and it does not open separate pages when you click on a link in an entry. The page you need to visit just opens right in the rafflecopter, ewwww. Then, given you still need to post inside the rafflecopter, you have to reload the page AGAIN, taking AGAIN forever for it to load. It also has the smallest printing I’ve ever seen when you post inside the rafflecopter. This is what makes me mad; I hate it and wish all bloggers would go to Giveaway Tools now!

  • Jan Lee

    I found out today that I need to get a new battery in my car. Although that sounds bad, I am hopeful because now, perhaps my car will quit stalling and quit “not starting” just because it sat overnight lol

  • Jan Lee

    I was informed I won a couple giveaways today so that made me happy. I can use the prizes for Christmas presents so that’s a double happy, lol 🙂

  • Connie Lee

    It made me hopeful today that I took the last of my meds for an infection. Hopefully I won’t have to take anymore for a long, long, time.

  • Connie Lee

    I help my husband at his tire shop by going to get parts and things for him if he needs them. Today I went to get a part, it turned out to be the wrong one, and it made me mad I had to ride back and get another.


    Another day & another tablet down Tommy the cat’s throat without a scratch. I don’t want to tempt fate so I’ll just hope that I can get to the end of the treatment relatively unscathed!


    Happiness is getting the Christmas decorations down from the loft & actually being able to get up and down the ladder without any twinges! We put them up for a week before & a week after the big day. I love making the house look beautiful but less is more in my book so it’s mostly tiny white lights that I put into crystal dishes & glassware along the window sills etc. The crystal really gives it a beautiful sparkly effect.

  • Christy Leeper

    My hopeful comment will be similar to my happy comment. I am hopeful that my doctor will want me to check into the hospital today so we can get this baby delivered.

  • Christy Leeper

    The only thing that will make me happy today is if the doctor says, “Let’s just get this baby delivered”. I’m so ready.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my hubby has an ear infection. That may sound odd, but, because of this infection, he still has not gotten the foyer done and my parents are going to be here in two days! He has to go to the store after work to pick up a few more things for the Thanksgiving meal, he has to work last tomorrow, and then it is Thanksgiving. I am really scared that the foyer is NOT going to be done and that is going to be SO embarrassing. I know none of these recent issues are his fault, but he procrastinated to the point that there was no room for stuff like this to happen. If he would have done it when we had time and he wasn’t sick, it would be done and there would be no issue. It is so frustrating living with a procrastinator. GRRR! I hope this doesn’t sound as horrible as I fear it does. LOL

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful because my parents will be here in two days and I am starting to not feel overwhelmed by all that I have to do. I know that I will get it all done, as I always do, and that Thanksgiving is going to be a smashing success! 😀

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because of you! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your giveaways and, specifically, for these entries where I get to share a happy/hopeful/mad comment on your site. Every day I appreciate this opportunity to vent and to be grateful. So, thank you! For making me happy! xoxo

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