Discover The Most Common Discomforts During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is one of the best feelings in the world. The knowledge that another life is growing inside you is empowering and uplifting. Unfortunately, despite some of the stories you hear, pregnancy is not all plain sailing, there are often issues, pain, and discomfort.

Discomforts During Pregnancy Four Pregnant Women

Fortunately, being aware of these discomforts can help you prepare for them and still enjoy the experience.

Of course, knowing what the discomfort is doesn’t excuse you from seeing a reputable obstetrician Sydney to ensure your pregnancy is progressing as it should be.

Vomiting and nausea

This is one of the most common signs that you are pregnant and generally occurs during the first three months of pregnancy. You’ll usually find it referred to as morning sickness as it occurs most frequently in the morning.

It is believed that the nausea is due to the changes in hormones that are most significant at the start of your pregnancy.


It isn’t surprising that most women feel tired during their pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. Your body has been working hard to support you and your baby, this often leads to a depletion of reserves and your growing body is placing extra demands on your respiratory and cardiovascular system.

This results in tiredness. The good news is it vanishes quickly after the birth, although you may start to feel tired from sleepless nights…

Tiredness can also affect you in the first trimester if you have low iron levels, most obstetricians will check for this.


These are less common than some of the other symptoms but still an issue for many pregnant women. They happen because of the increased pressure on your rectum and perineum. This can cause you to become constipated and strain on the toilet, increasing the likelihood of hemorrhoids developing.

This discomfort is generally linked to the later stages of pregnancy.


Heartburn is also caused by the increase in pressure, this time on your intestines and stomach. It effectively forces stomach acid and contents up to your throat instead of out through your body.

Again, this happens mainly in the later stages and can usually be alleviated by eating more often but keeping the meals small.

Bleeding Gums

Your body works hard when you are pregnant and your heart pumps more blood to all the essential organs and the baby. This increases blood flow everywhere, including to your gums. In turn, this makes them spongy and makes it more likely that they will bleed.

The good news is that this isn’t anything to worry about. Continue your normal dental routine and the bleeding gums will stop after the pregnancy is completed.

Fluid Retention.

This can happen anytime during pregnancy and is considered normal if mild. However, more severe cases of swelling will need to be checked by the doctor as they can be a sign of preeclampsia.

Skin Changes

Hormone changes and your skin being stretched make sit inevitable that there will be skin variations. These are usually due to overstimulation of pigmentation. It will subside after the pregnancy.


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