How to Enjoy Summer Break with Your Kids
Although parents adore their children, summer break can feel like more of a chore than an exciting vacation. While kids count down the months, weeks, and days ’til they are free from school, many parents dread having to deal with the fighting, whining, and boredom that is sure to make an appearance during the break.
Transitioning into summer break smoothly can help create a fun, enjoyable break for all people involved, thus here are a few tips on how to enjoy summer break as a family:
Entertainment Rewards
While many parents do not want their children to spend their whole summer playing video games or watching mindless TV, most kids are fascinated by both options. Instead of allowing them to have free reign over Directv’s package options or the Xbox, consider making it a reward.
For instance, for every sixty minutes they spend doing chores, yard work, or reading a book, consider giving them thirty minutes of TV or video game time. Not only does it help build responsibility, as they have to earn their entertainment rewards, it also helps them work towards a goal, which will help to keep the complaints at bay. Plus, it also helps expand their horizons, as they have to do something educational or laborious to enjoy their entertainment.
Play Dates
As much as children look forward to not having to go to school everyday, they do not realize that they will miss seeing their friends. While the lessons and homework might be boring, getting to spend time at recess playing with their friends everyday is a nice perk. Thus, try to plan as many play dates as possible.
Consider calling the other parents and working out a schedule where you can all trade off days where you watch the kids. This gives you a couple days a month with a few free hours away from your kids.
In the summer, many libraries, museums, and other kid-friendly stores or places have fun activities for kids. Many libraries have story days or movie days where kids can come in and listen to a story, do a craft, or watch a movie. Many children’s museums often have hands-on exhibits where kids can learn about educational things, including art, music, science, and history. Plus, these museums often have discounted summer pricing.
Or, if your child is interested in something in particular, consider signing them up for camp, such as space camp, science camp, or some sort of sports camp. Or, look into a more traditional summer camp where they can spend a few days with kids their own age down at the beach or in the mountains.
Find a Routine
For many kids, routine is key. Establishing a summer routine can help your kids be more responsible, stay on track, and maintain some semblance of order. It can help keep you sane and keep them from whining about being bored or not having anything to do.
With summer break right around the corner, these easy tips can help everyone have an enjoyable break.

Marcia Goss
I like your suggestions about summer break. I have grandchildren and like to help my daughter plan activities for them in the summer. We have a pool and spend a lot of time swimming. All the kids love to read, so the library is important to us.
Sarah L
I like the concept of Entertainment Rewards. And visits to the library at least once a week.
katrina chavarria
My 5 year old is starting school this august so I’m dreading summer for an entirely different reason this year, lol! I’ve thought about day camp for my 12 year old, but the prices are steep…I think I’ll take some suggestions from here to use this summer! Thanks!
Nice post! I think that it’s really important to keep kids reading during the months that they’re not in school. If it doesn’t become a regular habit, and/or seen as something enjoyable, it could potentially turn into more of a chore– which could potentially lead to problems in school.
Tamra Phelps
If my niece & nephews could spend the entire Summer in a swimming pool, they would be happy campers! I can’t blame them. I spent my childhood Summers at the local pool.
Cathy French
I think with finding a routine it will keep chaos at bay and everyone will be able to enjoy activities.
Spare a thought for Irish parents whose children have the longest school holidays in Europe: 9 weeks! It originated back when children were needed to help on the farm but remains to this day and us teachers aren’t going to give it up without a fight! That’s the time when we can go on courses, paint the house & generally catch up on being with adults!