Epica Electric Yogurt Maker!!

I made YOGURT!!! Seriously! I made yogurt from scratch! I made delicious, thick yogurt and it was EASY!! The folks over at Epica, have done it again! This was SO easy to make!! I made seven 6 ounce jars of yogurt, in my favorite flavors. The instructions that came with the yogurt maker were simple and easy to follow. My first batch was perfect!

The yogurt maker is close to 9½” in diameter, so it fits easily on the counter. There is a 32 inch polarized power cable and an LED power indicator opposite the power switch. Be sure to put the yogurt maker in a spot where it will not be bumped or moved, so the yogurt sets up properly. I used whole milk and took the recommendations from the instruction manual for the flavors. I added vanilla, orange flavor, raspberry flavoring to the jars. I also tried cutting up a banana to the pre-cooked yogurt. That one, I wasn’t a fan of. The other’s where I added fruit later, I loved. Straight from the jar, I loved the vanilla. YUMMMMMM!!! One gallon of milk will make 21 jars of yogurt. Since it’s fresh yogurt it’s only good for one week. Not a problem in this house, we go through yogurt like WATER!!

Prep time is less than 10 minutes. Boil the milk, add the starter culture when the milk cools (one package of starter culture was enclosed, you could also use a small container of active culture yogurt instead of the dried starter culture). Fill your jars and turn on the yogurt maker. Since I want my yogurt thicker, I left the appliance on for twelve hours, without the lids. The yogurt maker doesn’t turn off automatically! Happily, the top has a reminder that resembles a clock. So, if my yogurt went in at 6 pm, I know my yogurt will be ready at 6 am. My mind is mush! I need this reminder!!

When the yogurt is done, cap the jars and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Then ENJOY!! You can eat it plain, or top it with your favorite frozen or fresh fruit.

I give The Epica Electric Yogurt Maker two very enthusastic thumbs WAY WAY up!!! Healthy, money saving and delicious home made yogurt!! YUM!!!

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising.Peanut Butter And Whine.


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