Four Fun Ways To Keep The Kids Entertained At The Airport And On The Plane!

Getting through the airport and boarding your plane is a pretty big deal. There are a lot of things you have to remember, and there are a lot of things you have to do to make sure it all goes smoothly. This is especially true if you’re traveling with kids.


By all means, pack plenty of snacks and dress the whole family in layers, but you should also think about ways you’re going to keep those kiddos entertained during the long hours you’ll be spending at the airport and on the plane.

Here are four fun ways that will keep both you and the children entertained.

little girl with suitcase travel in the airport

Apps, Apps, Apps

Nothing entertains like a good app. Let the kids play a few of their favorites, but find a few new ones you can try before you leave home for the airport. They really are the best way to stay entertained when there’s literally nothing to do, like when you’re on the plane.

Don’t forget about apps for you! For example, a service app can help you get reimbursed if your plane is delayed or cancelled. That’s some comfort, at least, when you’re traveling with children.

Burn Some Energy

Kids can get restless, especially if they’ll be sitting on a plane for hours. While you’re waiting to board the plane, burn some energy by exploring the airport terminal.

A few fun ideas include:

  • Practice numbers by visiting the airport terminals in order
  • See if your family can ride every escalator in the airport
  • Have a walking race to see who can make it back to your terminal the fastest
  • Visit the airport playground

If the kids are tired when they board the plane, they’re less likely to get restless during the trip.

Pack a Present

Nothing entertains a child like a new toy. Bring a surprise present for your child to play with in the terminal and on the plane. Just don’t wrap it. TSA will likely end up unwrapping it before your child can. Hide it in a bag in your carry on instead.

Browse the Shop for…

You won’t believe how much shopping you can do at the airport! Most modern airports contain more stores than the local mall. Although it may be tempting, it’s not a good idea to do too much shopping. Not only is it expensive, you have to find a place for the item in your carry on.

Instead, play a browsing game. Enter a store and tell your children to find something orange, or fluffy, or tiny. Just make sure the rules of the game are clear—no touching. You don’t want any expensive items getting broken.

The airport can actually be a fun place for children. It’s all in your attitude.

Be positive, look like you’re having fun yourself, and have these clever ideas in your back pocket. You may find that your children want to know when they can visit the airport again!


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