FSL Gunblock Earmuffs Review

Ready to learn more about me? Of course YOU DO!!! I’m a pretty good shot. Ever since I was a kid I’ve enjoyed going to the gun range for target practice. First with my Dad who taught me how to shoot and now I go with DH.

One of the most important items in our gun bags a quality pair of earmuffs. Seriously! Gun ranges are LOUD!! The one we go to is indoors and LOUD doesn’t begin to describe the noise inside!

This pair of earmuffs is much better than my old pair of shooting earmuffs. The FSL Gunblock Earmuffs have a high NNR/SNR rating. I don’t know the exact number. But I do know these do a great job of protecting my ears at the range.

The FSL Gunblock Earmuffs is completely adjustable to fit any sized head. These fit nice and tight without falling down!! These are also not so tight that I get a headache. The earmuffs are extra cushioned for true comfort even with earrings on! When you put these on just slide them over your ears and pull down the ear cups so that they pop out of the head band area. Almost in a single fluid motion.

The earmuffs have a thick layer of foam inside the cup area. That extra foam is really great for sound deadening.

These are a one-size fits most. DH and his brother both can wear them comfortably and so can I.

Compact! These pair of FSL Gunblock Earmuffs fold up so nicely and they take up less than half the space in my gun bag.

These are comfortable to wear, the padded ears make them and excellent sound damping.


I wish the very top of the band that rests on the top of your head was more rounded. The band rests on the crown of your head and after an hour or so you start to really feel the headband. It’s not super uncomfortable but you do start to feel it.



  • Dee Lafrenz

    If you are going to shoot, you MUST have ear protection! Hubby, while in the service was standing on a ship deck, and a 20mm went off right next to his ear. He lost his hearing in that ear, and partially in his other ear. Most people do NOT understand how frustrating it is to not be able to hear someone, or anyone. He reads lips mostly.

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