3 Ways Mystery Shopping in Sydney Can be a Great Second Career Choice

Thousands of people across Sydney are discovering how beneficial mystery shopping jobs can be. Being a mystery shopper in Sydney is a great adventure, and certainly rewarding, as there are many shops and stores in the city looking for the benefits provided by these shoppers. Of course, whenever someone is trying to determine if mystery shopping is right for him or her, the first thing they ask is “can I really make a career of it? There are a few mystery shoppers in Sydney who make a full-time career of it, but the majority of shoppers use this as an easy way to make extra money. How much extra money you earn depends solely on you – the mystery shopper. Here are 3 ways you can make a fantastic second income with a mystery-shopping job.


  1. Start with a schedule. Being a successful mystery shopper requires you to be able to schedule your own time. Many successful shoppers dedicate a few hours during a Saturday to start. This is a great decision because not only do you need to do the actually mystery shopping, but you need to file your reports within 24 hours. Typically people have more time to handle these tasks on a Saturday. But what you’ll quickly realize is that over time you can really increase your productivity, and you’ll be more likely to start mystery shopping even on your lunch hour during the week.
  2. Get ready to add more days. If you are serious about making good money off mystery shopping, then there’s no way you’ll be able to cram it all in on a weekend day. You’ll need to spread it out over the course of the week. A couple of hours each day will not only earn you the most income, but it’ll make you seem indispensable and reliable to your mystery shopping company, and they’ll be more likely to offer you opportunities for more income.
  3. Every moment is an opportunity. Chances are you go out shopping on your own. Why not make that an opportunity for a mystery shopping expedition? It’s great to merge your life with the demands of the job, so that mystery shopping becomes far more convenient to you. For example, on Sundays, mystery shop at brunch stores. That way you can enjoy your morning while getting paid for it!


Mystery shopping really can be rewarding. It likely won’t afford you a living, but it can help you pay off debt, buy a car, or put away for a vacation without impacting your normal salary. If you’re looking for a mystery-shopping job in Sydney, contact Above Benchmark by visiting them online at abovebenchmark.com.au.


One Comment

  • Rosie

    I never knew such a thing existed – that is a great idea for ppl who are window shopping for fun, they can do it for cash!

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