Havin’ A Case Of The IDunaWanna’s

Have you ever had a major case of the don’t wanna’s?? I don’t want to write, I don’t want to read, I don’t wanna clean (apparently I don’t want to write full sentences either!!). Nothing. I want to do NOTHING!!  I would love a rocking chair, facing a roaring fire, feet up, cuddled in a big ole blanket and just zone out. Instead I’m going to bed early.

What do you do with your case of don’t wanna’s? I know for a fact that going to Pinterest for the perfect picture or quote for this post was not the correct thing to do!!

Now I’m up later than I wanted to be and REALLY, really tired!!


  • Tamra Phelps

    I definitely have felt this way all day! I’m getting a head cold (oh, please don’t let it be the flu!!!) I just want to go to bed.

  • clojo9372

    LMAO. I love this picture! I have the same problem most of the time. But then I remember that the sooner I get it done the sooner it’s over. But I totally relate to this post.. hehehhee….

  • michele

    Oh what a surprise.. I was just alking about this very subject this morning…I dunna wanna do anything at all today…I am selfish and all about me but I was so wanting to sit and drink coffee and veg.. but reality set in and I got up changed clothes and went out in to the garden to work.. LOL

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