Hello May!! $50 Your Way Giveaway

Hello Peanuts!!  Here is my Whine Giveaway Report for the month. I’ve started unpacking and decorating the new house. The more I unpack and add my little touches the more excited I get. Now, I’m anxious for ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the stuff to get here. I think….. wait.. all the stuff means A WHOLE lot of work. Maybe I shouldn’t be quite SO anxious.

Another funny happened up here. Deer at the door. Ohhhh I know I’ve shared the pictures of the deer right outside the craft room door but now we are talking the FRONT door!! Like company!! You can see the reflection of the clock on the window sill in this first shot. Can you find the two deer? Or one deer and a deer tush??

Giveaway post. My front door

The second picture is the front porch. It’s not that big!!  But they come up anyway.

giveaway post my front door

I promise more pictures inside as it comes together.  Right now we are waiting on the flooring to be installed so that we can add furniture. So right now it’s pretty much an empty house with a few walls decorated.

On To The Giveaway!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! Moving, cleaning, unpacking and decorating is exhausting!)

This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.

This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated.

Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

Amazon deals

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Home Depot,

Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!

Good Luck!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Rosie

    Day is going good, sunny out and trying to figure if I can get by without having to walk to town for the next three or four days, as it is supposed to rain, but I don’t feel like doing it today, before the rain starts. Going through some files, thinking about getting some organizers. I sit on the floor with all my files on the floor or my chair (so no room for me on the chair).

  • Michele Soyer

    Wish I was able to make it to mass today on Corpus Christi….when things are bit settled I will be able to go to mass at least once a week….Today is also my oldest granddaughters birthday.. cannot believe that she is 24 today….I remember when she was a little bit of a baby girl…. time does go on….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Nothing much happening today, just pottering about and reading. It’s so nice to be able to get out into the fresh air. I might go and visit Dad’s grave this afternoon & give it a bit of a tidy up.

  • Charity Cram

    I had a long wait at a doctor appointment, while waiting I saw a friend and my cousin-in-law with three of her four kids come through. What are the odds? I feel like I got a lot accomplished today, but not enough…hopefully more tomorrow since it’s not as busy.

  • CJ

    Good day… rainy morning. Hard to get out of bed, but i eventually did. lol. It cleared up and I enjoyed spending the day listening to music while I worked on paperwork and budgeting….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, mostly I’m just trying to do whatever I can in physical therapy, and work out what’s next. They’re trying to help me find a bigger hospital that might offer me a place in a program (the bigger places occasionally have donor supported programs.) If nothing else, maybe a nursing home closer to home, where I guess I can try to do my own physical therapy.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I really do hope that they sort something out for you. It’s very disheartening, I know, when you just want to be up and out of there under your own steam! Anyway, even in the worst scenario there are so many You Tube vids out there now plus specialised websites devoted to physical & occupational therapy … hear what I’m saying? Don’t give up, you’ll get there!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Trying to stall off going to town at least until tomorrow, I see how much it takes up so much of my day to have to walk there and back, etc. The duvet is done! Yea!!! Now I’m fooling around with the inserts, I didn’t realize I have one that isn’t down, which is good b/c it won’t get crushed with the weight of it. Been looking at videos of how to stuff a duvet cover, there are lots and a few different ways, but have been trying to find one for a heavy duvet cover, I haven’t tried to weigh it yet, weighs more than most pets even without the insert! Been working on the credit freezes. The first one told me I had to mail in my birth cert & soc sec last week. But when I called again, they said I could do it over the phone – yea! So two down, one more credit bureau to do. Have gotten caught in too many breaches, Anthem was a bad one, got soc sec and all personal data, and Equifax breach, and a bunch of others. Credit freeze is a good idea, you can always do a temporary lift.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Michele, you’d be proud of me! I had 8 hours sleep, was up at 7.30 and have all the usual chores done and it’s only 10.30 in the morning! To fill up the rest of the day I’m washing all the winter blankets & throws to hang in the sunshine and I’ll cook then freeze some dinners and also make some smoothies with a load of reduced price veggies & fruit that I picked up yesterday (yum!).

  • CJ

    Today was ok… Did a little work but then I couldn’t motivate myself to do any more… so I took a break. LOL….

  • Michele Soyer

    What happened to Monday?? So busy outside with transplants and seeds that I did not sit down here at the computer all day long.. today was much better…..sunny blue skies and after chores I decided to clean out the linen closets…..both are done and even though Ibarely worked I feel like I did accomplish something…..

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Trying to figure out if I can go out to get some chores done, forecasting some thunderstorms, and don’t want to be walking in that with an umbrella.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, the delight of the arrival of the new hosepipe was somewhat muted by the fact that it leaks but nothing that a bit of duct tape can’t fix! Other than that, today’s going to be a scorcher so I’m up and about early as I’ve got a few errands to run around town. I’m going out to dinner with the choir tonight and then that’s it till September apart from a couple of summer events but I’ll miss the craic of weekly rehearsals!

  • Tracy Robertson

    It was okay. I worked through Memorial Day. The first half of my shift was nice but there were a lot of unexpected issues to deal with during the second half. I hope tomorrow is better!

  • Charity Cram

    I had a nice relaxing day at home. I made potato salad yesterday for today and grilled kabobs. We reflected on the sacrifices made so we could enjoy our freedom and watched the Patriot even though it isn’t at all historically accurate.

  • CJ

    Happy Memorial Day everyone… Kickstart to the summer season… Beautiful weather… if only I was at the beach… 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Taking a break, and then going back out. The rain has held off – yea!! So it is nice to be outside and having some fun and good eats.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Joy of joys! My new hosepipe arrived this morning! Honestly, it says a lot about me when I find this exciting but I don’t get out very often 🙂 Anyway, it’s one of those light-weight retractable thingies which means my poor back won’t complain and also (and here’s the real reason I’m delighted) that Mum will be able to use it to water the pots.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We had the mother of all thunderstorms last night (perhaps it was the Wrath of God!) that kept us awake till almost 5am. I had to get up & dolled up to be in town for 11 to sing at a choral thing, then did the weekly shop and am now ready to drop. Might go for a snooze while dinner’s cooking.

  • Michele Soyer

    Lovely Sunday… It feels so good to just relax and enjoy the lovely day.. Grateful that I can.. Happy Sunday all……

  • Kristen

    I’m having a good day….it’s a beautiful morning and for some reason we woke up early and got to really enjoy it.

  • Rosie

    Happy Sunday! So far the rain is holding off, but looks like it will start any minute. Need to be prepared for anything. Heading out in a bit.

  • Sarah L

    Effective, May 25, 2018, Lithium has sunset the Klout service.
    I spent 6 hours today taking my friend to the hospital. pneumonia

  • Tracy Robertson

    My day is good so far. Just getting started, I;m doing a load of wash and I’m working an overtime shift tonight.

  • Michele Soyer

    Done for the weekend….Transplants and some seed starting all finished.. Now time for food, wine, music and no work until Tuesday!! no matter where I live I still celebrate US holidays….

    • Connie Gruning

      I actually did some weeding out front, I think…. seriously, Idaho plants are way different looking than California ones. So, I’m not sure that I actually pulled weeds or if I pulled up wild flowers.
      Either way the front of the house looks better.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Sunny and feels like summer. Getting ready to leave pretty soon, need to pick up a few more things for the picnic.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    What a night! It’s been so emotional; literally thousands of people travelled home from all over the world in order to vote in yesterday’s referendum, thousands more organised lifts to & from airports and ports and opened their homes to strangers who needed overnight accommodation … it really has been a whirlwind of emotions. I demonstrated 35 years ago against this Amendment to the Constitution and it finally looks like all our work has paid off. Ireland has grown up & thrown off the shackles of Church rule, fundamentalism, stigma and unspoken shame. The women of Ireland are “Handmaidens” no longer.

  • Charity Cram

    My day was good. Worked on more Spring cleaning, which seems never ending, and went to dinner and shopping with a friend.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, Insurance says they will only give me 28 more days here in physical therapy. After that, they will cover me being in nursing home, but not p.t. Crazy. In what world does it make sense to cover years of nursing home care rather than a few more months of physical therapy??? That hit me hard. I could see myself spending the rest of my life in a bed in a nursing home. Well, we have stepped up therapy, trying to sit up on side of bed, which hopefully leads to standing, walking. This is not helping my depression, lol.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh Tamra, like you didn’t have enough bloomin’ problems to sort out. Time to really buckle down, my American friend and get your ass in gear. You can achieve so much in those 28 days and you know you can do it, don’t you?

    • Rosie

      That is crazy. Can you appeal? Your doctor to write a letter. Keep appealing, but you need the substantiation.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend in the states so everyone here who celebrates have a great weekend…. enjoy yourself and be safe….

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, getting come things made for the holiday, and right now making bread. Got more done on the hand sewing yesterday, going to try to find a little time to do something on it, chipping away at it.

    • Connie Gruning

      Ohhhhh homemade bread sounds so good!! Of course, the flour is in California but the bread pans are here with me in Idaho. Seriously! I have GOT to learn to pack better. (NO I take that back, I don’t ever want to move again. TOO much work!!)

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s a big Referendum voting day here and Mum & I were going to make a day of it by voting, going to lunch and putting then flowers on Dad’s grave but she’s tired so I’m just killing time (and mice RIP) till she wakes up later.

  • Sarah L

    Took Steve to his club. Then the library. And then a fun taste testing with Boston Market. (can’t tell you anything about that since I signed their paper)

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I haven’t been feeling the best for a few days & today’s no different but I had to force myself to get up and do things as I had to collect my car from the mechanic and empty the mousetraps, cook a dinner etc. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be a bit better.

  • Michele Soyer

    1/2 day work today.. painted some buckets did some gardening and garage tidy-up… then the fella who week wacks came so upstairs I go….tomorrow will be a raking day for sure…..

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, it is nice out. I’m getting some of the “to do” items on my list done, such as getting the info for putting a credit freeze at all three credit bureaus, and other things like that. Hope to do more on the duvet a little later. Getting a shopping list together for the holiday, checking out what is on sale.

  • Michele Soyer

    Back to normal today.. planted some bushes.. weeded….turned over some raised beds that were resting until now.. good work day….

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, nice out, and schlepped to town for more errands earlier. Trying to get some chores done. Have gotten the hand sewing half-way done around the perimeter, but don’t think I’ll have time today to do any more on it. I’ve been looking at shipping costs – yikes, if a person doesn’t have commercial or some special account, the prices to ship things is so high. I want to make a few gifts that I would have to mail to my nieces. The shipping would cost way more than the gift, that was USPS. I haven’t figured out a way to use any other carrier, I have to be able to walk to get there, and can get to the post office.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Up early to take my car to the mechanic for it’s check up before it goes for it’s annual road-worthiness test at the beginning of June. Where did that year go? I know I need a new tyre but I’m hoping that’s all it needs!

  • Rosie

    Day is going ok. Walked to town in the rain, but it was warm enough that it wasn’t that bad. There were all kinds of police at the library, I asked someone and they said someone caused a disturbance. On my way out to self check, I complimented someone on her necklace, and she just stared back. I turned around and the police had been “guarding” her, as she was the person someone had complained about, I felt kind of weird getting in the middle of that, like stepping in dog poop. I didn’t hear or see any “disturbance,’ but in this town they arrest everyone, no little nicey nicey warnings or talkings to, so I”ll probably see it in the paper tomorrow, what happened. On my way home picked up a few groceries on sale, esp some really good strawberries, and that was a nice surprise, as I must have not seen them the other day. So I made a salad with strawberries added and rasbberry vinegar. Yum.

  • CJ

    had to go back to the eye doctor to settle on the bill and made a stop at the bank… When we got home I wasn’t much in the mood to do anything.. so we didn’t… LOL. 😉

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s a lovely, lazy, hazy day here in Ireland. Perfect for curling up outside with a book (once I get those weeds out of the gutters!).

  • Michele Soyer

    All went well at the doctor.. my seeing eye is in great shape…. he always tells me that he still does not know how he was able to save the left one… macular holes, detached retina.. bah blah blah….and I always respond by telling him that God worked thru his hands that is the only answer….so grateful people…..

  • Rosie

    Got back from doing errands in town this morning. Also called the fire marshall to enquire about the status of the other fire code violation every unit door (this is different than the other one they were forced to fix, to take the door holders off the doors in all the stairwells). They were cited for the violation in January, and nothing has been done, and I was at the board meeting last week, and didn’t hear a peep about it. The board president was very angry they are supposed to fix every unit door (70 of them), to fix the violations. It will be a huge fine if they don’t, and that comes out of the unit owners’ pocket by an assessment for their negligence.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I seem to have hit a wall of depression. Usually, I have a little meltdown and shake it off, but this seems to be hanging on. They want me to talk to a psychologist, possibly try a med, and I agreed because I don’t want that depressed lethargy to interfere with my physical therapy. Hopefully, it passes.

    • Rosie

      I hope it passes, but if not, I hope you will give the psychologist a try. Physical therapy is challenging enough.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Whatever it takes! You’re in this for the long haul; this isn’t just about getting back on your feet but about a huge lifestyle change as well. Just to be able to talk about it will do some good. Don’t take Zanax though; it’s side effects are worse than the depression.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another great night’s sleep last night and I’m still tired. Nothing at all on the agenda for today other than the usual household chores although I’m certain I can hear the weeds growing so I’ll spend a bit of time in the garden.

  • Michele Soyer

    Off to the eye doctor today…after 3 surgeries I don’t miss an appointment.. going to stop and shop along the way… a day out and the sun is shining so it shall be a good one…..

  • Michele Soyer

    Almost back to normal… walking on the ankle and even mucked out the sheep house today….you can not keep me down for long.. granted I am sitting now feeling a few pains but not many….grateful….

  • Rosie

    Weather is unpredictable, they say thunderstorms anytime between now and this evening. It was sunny, now clouded over like it is going to rain. So I don’t think I will venture out in case lightning and thunder, etc. Taking it easy today, just doing ditzels. Need to watch the buckets in case the latest caulking (of several times) doesn’t work.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s the middle of the afternoon and I’ve only just woken up! I slept for 12 hours and am still tired so I’ll have another early night tonight.

  • CJ

    Sunday morning…. having coffee…. then breakfast and then enjoy the rest of my day! I hope everyone else enjoys theirs! <3 🙂

  • CJ

    Very rainy day…. So I took care of my animals and then stayed inside. Now I am watching TV… I am not into this whole royal wedding thing so I’m watching other shows…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Ditto – major yawn fest – and don’t get me started on birthright, royalty, succession, blah de blah … I expect I would have been executed many times over if I’d been born in former times. Although I still have a British passport, I’ve lived 40 something years in Ireland. Mum & Dad became Irish citizens way back in the ’70s (being sworn in etc.), simply because they were living here & paying taxes etc. I definitely don’t feel English, as Dad was, though of Irish descent. Mum is a Welsh-speaking native of N.Wales, mountains, lakes, Snowdonia and there are many similarities between the languages of Welsh and Irish/Gaeilge. I do feel somewhat Celtic, sharing language, history, mythology and just the ‘feel’ of being ‘home’, if you understand what I mean. There’s even a Welsh word for that feeling, that knowing that you’ve found your place to be, that to be anywhere else would simply hurt one’s soul: Hierath,

      If I won the Lotto tomorrow? Who knows? I may pop over to pick avocados in your back yard, then build/renovate a small-holding in rural (I’m talking island or high-ish mountain here) Ireland, Wales or Scotland.

  • Rosie

    Quiet day today, at least so far. Rainy and dark, not sure I can work on the duvet, doing some cooking for the weekend. Saw a little of the wedding, didn’t like Meghan’s dress, way too plain, and not fond of stark white. I made my wedding dress, took quite a while.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Rosie, where do you live? I’m curious about the weather! Even in Ireland we had sunshine today. Oh & by the way, how’s the maidenhair fern doing?

      • Rosie

        New England.the maindenhair fern is doing good. I’m still pinching myself! It is always sprouting new shoots. I haven’t repotted it yet.

  • Michele Soyer

    Feeling better today.. went down and did some transplants that had to be done….sitting now for the rest of the day…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Our wildlife infestation seems to have abated (yay!). I have no problem with mice etc. outside & will rescue them and set them free if the cat gets one (on Thursday it was a rabbit) but not indoors, thank you very much. It’s royal wedding day (yawn) so there’s nothing on the telly; guess I’ll pop into town to get groceries and then just potter about in the garden.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Honestly, I’ve been tired and a little depressed for a few days, but really there’s nothing to do but just keep trying to move forward and deal with things as they come at me.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well yesterday when I was working on the land I fell.. no big deal.. just misjudged a distance and when I realized here was no concrete below me I just tumbled.. felt great.. got up and kept on going.. same today.. planted some trees and re-potted some flowers then the pain, swelling and all that good stuff started….limping around like holly hobbie!!!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Get yourself some arnica cream/gel – works wonders for swellings, sprains, bruises etc. I swear by it 🙂 Be careful next time!

        • Kate Sarsfield

          Good woman! If it still aches after 48 hours try tiger balm but not on broken skin and ALWAYS wash your hands. Do not get it near your em, sensitive bits. There’s a family story about how Mum had Tiger’d her hip and about 4 in the morning there was this almighty shriek then a mad dash to the bathroom. I dashed in to see what was going on & Dad wash bathing his ‘privates’ in the sink. They both always slept in the nude & he ‘spooned’ her only to Tiger his ‘bits’!

          • Michele Soyer

            Have to go out tomorrow so I plan on picking up the tiger balm also to have along with the arnica gel….I shall be very very careful when using it lol… thanks again Kate…..

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It is cloudy, but light enough to do some hand sewing on the duvet. I think it is going to take at least another week to be done, as I see some things that need tweaking. You have to be very careful with silk, it doesn’t hold up to much, so I need to replace all the silk ties, too. They did nothing about my leak, they yelled at me as far as they are concerned it is fixed. Two people had their bikes stolen this week from their garages, and there have been three breakin’s previously into the storage bins The lady who has been using my garage leaves her garage door open all the time, but they never fine her. Her garage is full of crap, she probably hopes they will come and steal it all, so she doesn’t have to take it to the dump.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I found how the mice are getting in: through the dryer outlet which was chockablock with lint. I regularly clean the filter but no-one told me the outside part had to be cleaned out as well & anyway unless you’ve got little hands like me there’s no access. The traps were empty last night and I’ve got one of those ultrasonic beeping thingies as well just in case! Other than the wildlife issue I just been gardening and practising some new choral pieces (just as well we’ve no neighbours!

    • Rosie

      I would have never thought of that – how did you find out they were getting i through the dryer outlet. Yikes. Nice you can sing, have a nice voice. I hope someday there is a heaven, what I would like to have is a sweet, mellifluous voice, and sing nice Christian hymns that make people feel close to God (if I could do that on Earth, that would be amazing). I’m happy for the talents I have. The neighborhood dogs would howl when I sing.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home.
    Question about the entry form on your newly remodeled site. Why are all the answers coming up in CAPITAL LETTERS?

  • Michele Soyer

    Did a bit of raking and clearing the pieces of bush I want to compost….Transplanted some flowers and the time flew by…..going to watch a Jane Austen mini-series from the 70’s……

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have now disposed of 5 mice, 4 by humane trap & one by the cat as nature intended. Time to up my game & get another trap!

  • Rosie

    Day is going OK. It was dark yesterday, but I did some of the hand stitching on the duvet. Dark and rainy again today, and can’t put off going to town, so will be heading on out. Later tonight a board meeting, they are playing games about the gallons of water coming down, and continually new people, but the former tells the new one the same BS. Also, someone was using my garage for someone to pick up her furniture without my permission and broke the garage door, She continued to use it after I told her to leave it alone, and had some guy fiddling with it (although I told her I was having the property mgr fix it). She is having her furniture delivered back, and she won’t give me assurance she won’t use it. She is 80 yrs old and was trying to crawl under the half opened door. I told someone on the board I’m scared she is going to get injured, and also it is my deeded garage, she is not supposed to use it. She didn’t even need to use MY garage, she has her OWN garage. They said I have to complain at the meeting.Really STUPID they won’t handle anything without you having to make a scene.

      • Rosie

        They keep making more and more rules, but they can’t remember what they are, so then nothing happens. Last night at the board meeting they were arguing about something that is a rule, what to do about it, whether to enforce it or not. They didn’t make up their mind, they were going to argue more after the meeting in an executive session (nothing to do with my problems), someone else’s.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I know they say for every day you’re laid up, it takes 3 days to get back on your feet, but I can’t help but get frustrated that I’m not on my feet yet. Some days I just want to scream, others I want to cry. Oh, well, it goes on…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      … and it will go on and on and you will get better, believe me. No gain without pain, remember! 😉

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum & I met up with a lady we both used to teach with (Special Education). We hadn’t seen each other for about 5 years so had lots of lovely catching up to do. When she retired she got asked to help set up Special Schools in Abu Dhabi , Jeddah and other places in the Middle East. That took 4 years then she headed to Mexico to do the same there and is now in Algeria. She’s home for a few days then off to Italy on pilgrimage and then on to India for Ayurvedic treatments for her arthritis. Forget about life starting at 40, she’s almost 70 now & globetrotting really suits her!

  • Michele Soyer

    Finally gave in and hired a man to come and cut bush for me.. tried to do it myself but just did not have the strength for that.. also my daughter kept yelling at me to stop.. anyway what a great job he is doing…

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, quiet so far. Didn’t get to work on the duvet yesterday, the hand sewing, it got very dark and there were violent thunderstorms and winds many folks without power still. Spooky! Supposed to rain some, so trying to put off going to town. Have plenty to do here!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Staying in, it is sunny right now, but supposed to have t-storms with hail and a possible tornado. Making dough for homemade pizza this morning. Looking online for a coffee pot. I cant replace the exact one I have, and haven’t found one I want yet. Plan to do more on the duvet later, finished pressing, and measured and refit the silk backing, sewed it on. Now I have to hand stitch the edge facing to the backing about 340 inches or so. Then only a few more tweaks it will be done.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    There’s been a funny smell in the utility/back porch and I finally discovered the cause: mice. This in a household of cats! Anyway, I managed to catch one (as well as my finger while setting the trap) and this morning el catto had got another. I pulled the freezer out & …. let’s just say it’s a bucket of bleach & rubber gloves job. Think I’ll have lunch first – probably won’t want to look at food afterwards!

  • CJ

    Good day today… Had property evaluated which is the beginning stage of probate.. it went well… looking forward to when it’s all over though… lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Last night’s concert was marvellous! I’m still singing 🙂 Our accompanist was so pleased with our performance the poor man was almost in tears! Just catching up on chores today.

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. Kind of rainy out, staying in and getting some things done. Have to do more pressing of the duvet before I can put the backing on. Huge! Heavy! The materials cost a lot even getting everything on big sale prices.

      • Rosie

        no, I just did a little at a time. I didn’t weight it, but it is probably around 20 lbs (without the insert) I had to google pieced duvets about their weight, and did see some manufacturers they do weigh that much, and it will compress the insert somewhat when filled. No big deal, but I had no idea when I started this I”d end up with a “weighted” duvet!! I’m scared to think what it will cost to have it cleaned.

  • Michele Soyer

    It is a beautiful day today.. blue sky, brilliant sunshine…..have errands to run this morning then maybe a bit of gardening….

  • CJ

    I wanna wish all the Moms a Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you enjoy your day!! I am spending my day with my Mom…. who is my favorite person in the world! 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Happy Mothers Day all!! Enjoying my day and plan on doing just what I want today.. reading and listening to music.. already made my phone calls so I so free!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy Mother’s Day, America! Tonight’s a big night in our nearest town: A Festival of Choirs performing in aid of Hospice Homecare Services in this area. These wonderful people work voluntarily to help those & the families affected by cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. So tonight will see 20 choirs, over 500 voices coming together to create a magical moment in time and we’re on first (agh!).

  • heather

    My day is off to a great start today the sun is shinning and I feel pretty good. I have a lot of shopping to do today.

  • Michele Soyer

    Mothers Day weekend… nothing to do at all… watered the gardens and sitting here relaxing…..plan on reading, eating ice cream and wathcing a film and listening to music…. oh what a rough life!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Not a lot happening: Mum’s asleep, I’m practising for tomorrow’s concert, my niece is in the middle of College exams & my sister’s cutting grass. I’ll pop out for the weekend papers in a bit then do a bit of planting & weeding. I do love getting my hands in the soil!

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. It is raining all day, but I need to walk to town to get some errands done. Worked on the duvet yesterday, I had it packed up for a year or more, so was pressing it, that sounds easy, but there is still lots to press, it is pretty heavy, too.

  • heather

    Not the best day had car problems and that so stresses me out. The evening is going a little better though getting ready for moms day this weekend.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It is a truly gorgeous day, the best yet this year, I think. Getting some chores done, and hope to do more on the duvet later. I finished taking out the hundreds of hand stitches, and next step is to press everything and pin the new duvet cover. Not sure if I’m going to sew the new one on by machine, b/c the silk remnant I got has a lot of imperfections, so I might need to replace it at some point. Hand stitches take longer to do, but a lot easier to take out as it has to go all the way around a large amt of material.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    That’s it. Summer’s over. It’s horrible outside, grey, windy, rain, in fact it’s more like November than May! I’m back to making stews & casseroles to keep us warm. Nothing else to report – this is your European correspondent signing out!

  • Charity Cram

    My day went well. I got more Spring cleaning done, baked cookies, and went to my aunt’s house for dinner where my uncle played guitar for us.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    That’s weird, I commented but it’s not here – perhaps I forgot to click? Anyhoo, all I mentioned was that our ‘quiet room’, i.e. just piano, music, easy chairs, books and def. no gadgets or devices (Connie you’d hate it!) was full of huge nasty blue bottles this morning – I discovered the source: a dead bird stuck in the chimney. Full of maggots wriggling & wiggling – ugh!!!! Nasty job but everything’s back to being calm again 🙂

  • CJ

    Rained for a while this morning. Hard for me to get motivated on rainy mornings but I eventually got up and got moving and cleaned up outside..

  • Carolsue

    My day is going fine so far. Not much has happened — good or bad — all week. So I guess that’s a good thing.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Finished today’s physical therapy pretty early. So, I’m sitting here in the wheelchair (beats being in bed), watching TV. Not much going on.

  • Charity Cram

    My day is going okay so far. I am trying to find a new home for our old furniture before the new comes in the morning. I think I finally have a taker. I’d hate to have to bring them to the dump. They still have life left in them.

  • michele

    Well the seaweed from the Sargasso sea was here again…but after you walk past the shoreline and into the sea eventually it gets less and less so thats all it took for me to go in….A wonderful day at the beach.. thank goodness it was yesterday and not today.. it is raining cats and dogs and windy…..

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Nice day out, getting ready to go to town. Did vacuuming, chores, etc. Hope to do more on the duvet later, I need to take out almost 350″ very tiny hand stitches to put the new backing on, then redo all those hand stitches. It should be worth it, b/c I had found a nice silk remnant for a song, right now the backing is sheeting. I want to have the bed made up with the duvet folded back enough so the backing shows.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    … aaaaaand that was the summer! Yes, folks, it looks like Ireland’s summer happened at the weekend and now we’re back to the usual 4 seasons in one day crap that we’re more used to: a little chilly, a bit of rain here & there, heavy in places, a bit of sunshine near the east coast & thunderstorms off the west coast with early frost in the midlands!

  • Charity Cram

    My day is going quite well. I got to meet my friends for lunch, went grocery shopping, grilled brats, and got some Spring Cleaning done.

  • CJ

    Spent the day at the beach for some rest and relaxation. Nobody was there (which is how I like it) and the water is too cold to swim but it was nice just sitting there on the sand and smelling the sea air! 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, It is a beautiful day and not too hot. Staying in for now getting some chores and cooking done, have everything out to do more on the duvet backing, got some done yesterday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s another beautiful day, Ireland’s on holiday and the flipping birds woke me at 4.30 this morning while the rest of the country was still snoring away (or at least Mum was!). I didn’t really sleep after that, just lay there listening to them singing their little hearts out – quite a nice way to start the day actually. No plans other than to finish some of the chores I started over the weekend (start but never finish could be my middle name) and try to get the speakers working on the pc as I’ve got to practise a couple of pieces for a concert on Sunday.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Slow Sunday here at Henderson Nursing/Rehab. Tomorrow is back to the daily grind with physical therapy. Well, that means one day closer to home.

  • michele

    Getting ready for our beach day tomorrow.. suits out towels and blanket.. Picnic lunch organized and I am truly happy to go tomorrow.. haven’t been to the beach since the last one with husband….the seaweed was awful so couldn’t enjoy swimming….tomorrow I shall!!

  • CJ

    Well today is my Sunday and I am enjoying it. Mom and I have been watching the 50 Shades trilogy this weekend. Of course, It isn’t Shakespeare but I don’t think it’s as bad as many of the critics say… lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s too hot to do anything outside (honestly, we’re never happy are we!) so I’m just paying a few bills and making a lasagne á la mode (i.e. whatever’s in the fridge) for later. It’s a holiday weekend and the start of the tourist season down here in the Sunny South East so we’ll be inundated with Dubliners and others from now till September. That means some great sales in the local shops 🙂 but hell trying to find parking 🙁

  • James Robert

    Been a crazy month with my daughter still waiting for a rare surgery and they keep putting it off. She is in the hospital now but waiting to be transferred to U f M hospital and I will be glad to see her out of pain. So, hectic days for me lately but happy she will finally get surgery Monday or Tuesday they are saying.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I’ve been sleepy all day. I just can’t stop yawning, lol. Finished physical therapy about 2 today, so now I’m just sitting here in the wheelchair, wondering when I should ask them to get me back in bed, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Hold the front page! The sun is shining in Ireland 🙂 Did anyone else have difficulty trying to log onto this site yesterday or was it just me 🙁

    • Tamra Phelps

      i had trouble getting to those entries for comments on other posts, In fact, I gave up. Today I just went and found them on the Home page and got to them that way.

      • Connie Gruning

        I’m sorry Tamra, I really goofed things up with this new theme. I’ll see if i can’t fix the issue in the Giveaway Tools. Thank you though for being so tenacious!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. I’m trying to decide if I can/should walk to town, I need to, but it is raining, and they are predicting t-storms. Getting some chores done in the meanwhile.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, we are expecting bad weather today. Thunderstorms and tornadoes that hit Missouri and other states last night are arriving in Western KY today. I think the tornadoes have blown themselves out, though, so that’s good. I had occupational therapy this morning (that’s mosstly upper body stuff) and I’m waiting for physical therapy (pretty much learning to walk again) this afternoon. Things are going better. I can move arms better, legs move easier and are definitely stronger.

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. Going through my craft supply, seeing if I can use my stash for something rather than buy more material (is there such a thing as fabric addiction?)… but getting ready to do the backing for the duvet I had partly finished a while ago.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. I got lazy since it was going to be rainy today: I ordered my groceries on line and picked them up. King Soopers.

  • CJ

    I found a snake in the chicken coop today. I have no problem admitting that I screamed and ran like a little girl to my neighbor’s house to get rid of it. Yeah.. I do not do snakes… At all. Scare the crap out of me… lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had only 4 hours sleep last night and have a splitting headache but it couldn’t be helped. If Mum needs help then help I give. She has no trouble napping though, not a skill I possess, but maybe when I’m 84 I’ll become better at it! And the cat just brought home a rabbit, thank you very much, so I had to put it out of it’s misery, poor thing. On the bright side, the weather is due to be really good for this weekend 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going OK. Today is really nice out, I had to stay in to get a bunch of things done, hope to take a nice walk later. A lot of trees have blossoms, not green leaves yet, but lots of starts. So pretty.

  • Molli Taylor

    i’m having kind of a rough day. rent is due, our dishwasher is still broke, and my daughter had a rough night with sensory integration disorder last night. but she’s home with me and i think it will get better.

  • Robin Creager

    My day is going better than it was yesterday. We had 2 water leaks from a pipe in our basement that we called our home warranty company to have someone come out. He came out and it took him 4 hours to fix. He left after saying it was fixed, he never turned the water back on which I did and it wasn’t a half hour later the place he repaired broke apart again. Needless to say WATER EVERYWHERE!!! He came back out with the RIGHT MATERIAL that he should have had to begin with but he said his company told him to go “cheap”. This last repair didn’t take but maybe a half hour to fix opposed to the 4 hrs. previously. So, my day today is much better..lol

  • michele

    Out into the garden today…. Spent yesterday inside baking bread bread and more bread….Freezer is full so that makes things easier….

  • Kelly D

    My day went well. I got to spend a lot of time outside with my kids because of the nice weather. It is a good chance from the cold and snow.

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    I can’t beli it’s May already! So excited for the cold, wet Midwest weather to be over – bring on Spring & Summer…
    And it’s been a good day! ?

  • Sarah L

    Had a great SPARK program at the gardens. I picked up my Volunteer of the Year award plaque – it’s pretty.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    I am good just tired. Your new place s beautiful! I know you are excited to get all your decorating done!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Here’s my home page comment as per instructions, and yes, Connie, you are sweet! Just wanted to say that I like your new look and the photos have been wonderful. Idaho is a part of the world that I know absolutely nothing about so I’m learning as well as venting!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Wait just a sec. Where did April go, guys? They say time flies when you’re having fun but honestly, it wasn’t that much fun! Stormy weather today so doing indoor chores (ugh!) then off to choir practise this evening.

  • Rosie

    The house is sooo nice. That is cute about the deer – talk about nosy neighbors LOL! I recall seeing in a magazine somewhere folks who live out in the country they have a cow that comes to visit at their front door.

  • Lindsey L

    My day isn’t that great. Having to put a grandparent in an assisted living home and it’s hard. Dementia is awful.

  • Natosha Miller

    My day has been going ok, yet I’ve been suffering from some digestive issues. Not sure what I might have till I get the test done on the 11th of May, praying it’s nothing serious. However, I’m always trying to make the best of each day. I hope your day is going well ☺

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