Hobo Ninja Review and Give AWAY!!

bloody hand print shower curtain Giveaway!

Some reviews just write themselves!!  I’m giddy over this one!!  I love  Halloween!!

I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to shout from the roof tops just HOW COOL this shower curtain and hand towel is!!  OHHHHH MAN I am in love!! 
Hobo Ninja’s Blood Bath Shower Curtain is better than I ever dreamed of!!!  The shower curtain is made of a white nylon and the bloody hand prints are AWESOME!!!!!  (Is it bad to want to leave this shower curtain up all year!! It’s SO! PERFECT!!!) 
The Blood Bath Shower Curtain even comes with hooks!!!   I have my very own Psycho movie looking bathroom!!

The shower curtain is well stitched all the way around this curtain will last forever! I swear the bloody hand prints look REAL!! 

Blood bath items

I was so excited when the blood bath package arrived that I forgot all my review protocol. I usually take a picture before I even open the package…. nope! I tore into this package like a 6 year old on Christmas morning!  By  the time I remembered to take a picture I already had over half of the shower hooks on curtain! 

Shower curtain hand towelbloody towel giveaway

The Blood Bath Hand Towel? OH my gosh!! It’s just as perfect as the shower curtain!

Perfect blood splatter, with the hand prints! In person it looks disgustingly PERFECT!!!

Hobo Ninja might be my favorite website EVER!!!  They have so many AMAZING things!!!!!!!  
I love this set!! (I know I keep saying that… but it is SO PERFECT!!) There are even more things in the set!!!  They have a bath mat!! Shower Gel that looks like a bag of blood.  OHMYGOSH!!  Hobo Ninja has the perfect Halloween items for me!!
Canvas iPad caseNot only do they have Blood Bath Items…….They have TON’s more items…. I’ve already started a  shopping list…….

This is a canvas mustache iPad case.  That’s just cute!!  $6.99!!  Seriously!!!  The prices at Hobo Ninja are fantastic!!

Beatings signs

This sign just cracks me up!!!  This magnetic Notice sign is $1.99

Wine bottle underwear Okay, now really wouldn’t this be the funniest hostess gift!?!?!?!?  Underpants for your wine bottle??  Vinderpants are $7.99  
Psycho Scream

I had the most fun shopping on Hobo Ninja!!    Iceberg Ice cubes, Cell Phone Holders, Mr. Bacon Big Adventure Board Game.  Seriously, I think I could sit here and tell you every single thing on this site, but you really need to go check it out for yourself!!  It’s a great site!!!!

Be sure and check out today’s deal while you are there!

I give Hobo Ninja 2 very enthusiastic THUMBS UP!!  Hobo Ninja is giving one VERY lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower the same set I received for this review!!  The Blood Bath shower curtain and Hand Towel.  Happy HALLOWEEN!!!!!!  Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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