Hypnosis Harry Written By Catherine Bailey Illustrated By Sarita Rich
I love kids books. Yes, they are usually cute stories with great lessons. They have fun illustrations; but my real motive is the fact that 4-year-old Alice cuddles up on my lap for story time. Story time is anytime during the day and usually for no apparent reason. Truthfully, Alice would rather hear a story than watch television (seriously, how amazing is that?)
Our newest book is titled Hypnosis Harry. This story written by Catherine Bailey and illustrated by Sarita Rich has sparked Alice’s imagination. We now have a new game Hypnotize The NaNa. First, let me tell you about Hypnosis Harry then you’ll be able to guess the jest of the game.
How many times a day do parents or caregivers say No to the kids? I know I say No so many times that Alice is fond of saying “All you ever say is No!”
No pajamas at the park. No toys in the toaster. Harry’s parents say no to everything! That is, until Harry learns about hypnosis.
With a little practice, and Grandpa’s watch, Harry puts his parents in a trance and envisions a future full of fun and yes’s!
Comic books by the crate, night-vision goggles for his teddy bear, a pet monkey (or two)—no request is too big or too bizarre. Harry loves his new freedom and, not to mention, all that bacon. So what if his robot goes rogue and playmates are hard to find? But when his ninja moves result in a playground pile-up, Harry starts to wonder if he really wants his every wish granted.
This is a sweet, funny book. Once Harry hypnotized his parents he never hears the word No again! Ahhh what a wonderful life Harry has…… or does he??
Not only does this book make Alice laugh, but we play the game Hypnosis Game. I found it works really well when it’s my turn and I hypnotize Alice so she has to pick up her toys!! (am I smart or what?) Of course last week when Alice hypnotized The NaNa she had to get creative; she still isn’t getting ice cream for breakfast. Don’t stare too long at this picture on the left…… that’s Alice’s Hypnotic stare!! She is still beggin’ for Ice Cream!
Hypnosis Harry is a great book to spark kids imagination to answer questions like “What would you do if you could do anything?”
This book, illustrated by Sarita Rich is done in bright fun colors. The illustrations are detailed and FUNNY! Each time we read this book we see new details.
You can find Hypnosis Harry on Sky Pony Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Author: Catherine Bailey
Illustrator: Sarita Rich
Publication Date: 3-1-2016
Number of Pages: 40 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 8½″ by 10″
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One Comment
Kate Sarsfield
Ice cream for breakfast? Why ever not, Connie? Serve it for a week and she’ll never ask for it again!