I GOT Me Some Money Back! Thank You Giving Assistant!!

It is the season where you (and by you of course mean I) spend too much money.  I have a good solid excuse! Three of the cutest Grandbabies (can I call them Grandbabies at 8, 6 and 5?!?) on earth! These kids aren’t gonna spoil themselves! NaNa’s got to step up to the challenge!!

Check out my latest find!! This one is making me giddy!!

Giving Assistant!!!!

Their mission is to save me money! AND support charity. I’ve got your attention now don’t I?

I even get to decide the charity that I want to give to!

Giving Assistant has 1,594 retailers so the chances that there is a store that you normally shop is on it!! Me? It’s Amazon! YES, AMAZON!! I spend a lot of money on Amazon and now I’ll be getting cash back from those purchases! TONS of stores!! Macy’s, BestBuy, Staples so many other major stores that I already shop at frequently!! EVEN ON ETSY!!! Can you tell that I am super excited??


There is even an up-loadable button so that I don’t have to remember to check Giving Assistant to see if there is a deal or a cash back opportunity. This is a no-muss, no-fuss savings!!

When you want to redeem a cash back offer, just click-through to the retailer via the “SHOP NOW” button and complete your purchase.

I have MORE!!! Not only do I get cash back, there are also coupons to give me even MORE savings!! I am seriously giddy!!

One thing that I noticed with Giving Assistant is that the coupon codes are UP TO DATE!! There aren’t expired promo codes on GA! There is even an expiration so I know that if I want that deal I’ve got to make my purchase by that date.

I just picked up an ON SALE Halloween shirt from JCPenny added GA’s coupon code and received an additional $2.25 ON TOP of my 3% cash back!


MORE stores! More Coupons!! MORE MONEY BACK!!!!!


Giving Assistant is a free digital loyalty program, over 1,600 largest retailers, avg. of 5% cash reward after each online purchase.

How Giving Assistant Works
Retailers pay us a commission for purchases originated from our website [Average ~5%).
For purchases made by our members, we give them the entire commission in the form of ‘cash back’.
Plus, we make a small donation to Feeding America to give one meal every time cash back is earned.
Members are given the option to automatically donate any % of their cash back to any charity of their choice.

Another perk that I am thoroughly impressed with? I can cash out at just $5.01!!  AND GA pays directly to my PayPal account. AMAZING! AWESOME!! Me… giddy!! AND Saving MONEY!! (so I can shop more! Right?!)

Giving Assistant’s Cash Back Promise
Double Cash Back, Always. 
We give you 100% of the commission, unlike the other guys with just 50% of the commission.
We pay in days direct to your secure debit card. Not months
 waiting for a check in the mail like other cash back sites. Minimum payout is just $5.01, not $25 like the other guys.

Hassle Free Guarantee. 
Missing cashback? Giving Assistant has the best customer service in the industry to make sure you get your full cash back amount.


How can I whine about saving money? I can’t! Giving Assistant is easy to use with TONS of stores that I already shop at participating! Not to mention the coupon codes! I don’t have to scour the internet looking for codes that are probably already expired anyway. I really hope you will check this site out. I think you’ll be as giddy as I am!! Happy Shopping!!

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