I’ve got a new home!!!

Moving boxesYup, Peanut Butter and Whine has moved to WordPress.  I have to thank Tanya at Blogelina.  Tanya has the patience of a saint!! Seriously, if you are moving your blog check Blogelina first!!

Tanya moved my entire 2000+ posts, all my comments, all my widgets………. my blog looks like home on the outside!!! I didn’t loose a single letter!!

Now, on the inside of the blog, I’m confused!!  My head is swimming trying to learn this new blog platform! One thing I had to add was a simple capticha. I had thousands and THOUSANDS of spam comments in the first 2 days!!  I am sorry that I have to do this but, I was drowning in spam.  This capticha looked cute.  Please let me know what you think.  If you would rather have the math capticha or the letters/number capticha let me know.

Now, I’m getting back to work in here……  so much to learn!!





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