LipiX Instant Edge Ketogenic Coffee

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
I think I will start this review off explaining what I’ve learned about Ketogenic Coffee. MCTs form ketone bodies (a source of energy) in the liver which releases them into the bloodstream for use by other organs including brain, visual system etc.  

I’ve tried the spoonful of raw coconut oil to my cup of coffee in the morning. Yes, it’s awesome for the brain boost. I just can’t get past that oil floating on the top. Benefits or not, can’t do it!!  LipiX is so much better all the way around!! First, it looks like real instant coffee, tastes like coffee, smells like coffee too. The difference is LipiX Instant Edge is fortified with MCT’s which are Medium Chain Triglycerides. MCT is what kicks my butt in to AWAKE!! Much more so than coffee does.  What I like even more about LipiX Instant Edge Ketogenic Coffee is how clear headed I feel! I am focused and ready to face the challenges of the day.

LipiX Instant Edge not only gets me going in the morning but all the way through to lunch time. I love that the effects are almost instantaneous, that’s because the MCT’s metabolize fast and they don’t need additional enzymes like olive oil.

There is so much information about MCT’s on LipiX web site that you owe it yourself to go look. Bottom line, MCT is Power for your Brain! I believe that! While drinking Instant Edge, I have been awake! FOCUSED and productive for hours!!

I am impressed with the rich full flavor. I actually add it to my coffee. I LOVE the taste!! It’s the perfect ‘bullet proof coffee This will be a staple in my day! 

Two very awake, focused and energetic thumbs WAY WAY up for LipiX Instant Edge Ketogenic Coffee!!

LipiX Instant Edge is $14.99 for a 6.3 ounce container.

Purchase LipiX on their website and available on Amazon (eligible for Amazon Prime too!)

Follow LipiX on Facebook.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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