Do You Love L’Oreal! GIVEAWAY!!

Did you know you can be a part of L’Oreal Consumer Program?  You don’t have to be a blogger!  Just use the products that are sent to you and then answer a questionnaire at the end of the study!! This is a GREAT program!! Get in NOW!

When L’Oreal has a product they want evaluated you will be sent an email offer to prequalify for study. If you are selected full size products are sent to you to test and then answer questions about. 

Please know that each study is based on its own criteria and specifications for qualification to ensure those products are nothing but the best.

L'Oreal Products to Test AND Keep!!Sign up now and for L’Oreal USA’s Consumer Program and be entered in a new GIVEAWAY drawing to be conducted at the end of each month where TWO lucky consumers will receive either a large tote or gift basket filled with Personal Care and Beauty products.

Winners for January and February have already been chosen and will be notified shortly. Winners for March’s drawing will be announced the 1st week of April…… GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!



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