ManGrate BBQ Must HAVE! Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

This review will make you want to go outside! It’s SUMMER!! It’s time to be listening to great music, being outside, having fun…..and most of all firing up the BBQ grill!!

I want to tell you about the greatest BBQ item since steak! Hello ManGrate! This is a cast iron grilling grate.

Whenever I say ManGrate I channel my inner “Tim, The Toolman, Taylor”, my voice goes deep and I think “Fire GOOD. Magic Bad”.  Except it should be “Fire GOOD. Magic Bad. ManGrate Arrrr Arrrr AMAZING”

ManGrate is awesome and it doesn’t matter how old your barbecue grill is, the ManGrate made it NEW. Better than new actually.

Right off the bat I have to say this steak has never tasted SO GOOD!! Oh my goodness!! ManGrate is a cast iron grilling grate designed to sit on top of any existing grill, NEW or OLD, large or small. The ManGrate utilizes radiant heat, it truly sears in the juices and cooks everything evenly. The smoke rails are angled ledges and are designed to trap and retain oils and fats that are released during grilling, and it’s these juices that aid in the natural smoking process giving meats a rich, barbecued flavor. These rails also serve to reduce flare ups.

I can tell you without hesitation ManGrate is AMAZING!! Steaks never tasted as good!! Such an amazing difference!! More flavor, grilled evenly and so juicy!! I. WANT. STEAK. EVERY. DAY!

There are 2 ManGrates in each box, the grates are 15″ long and each grate is 4¼” wide and they are 1⅜” high.  Each grate weighs in at 8 POUNDS! The longer you use your ManGrate the better your meats will taste, because the ManGrate absorbs juices from meats which will add that smoky flavor to EVERYTHING you grill.

Our family gives ManGrate a MILLION thumbs WAY, WAY UP!!! Every griller needs one! YUM!!

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I haven’t heard of ManGrate either. I have recently found that I love cast iron pans. So much better than the non stick. Especially when they become cut and the little particles of teflon flake off into your food. I would love one of these grills. They are just so awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  • Rosie

    I never heard of a Mangrate before, but I sure want one now!!! I would have steak every day if I could, esp if it was cooked on a Mangrate that would make it even more delish!!! It sounds worth all of the 8 lbs!!

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