March’s $50 Your Way Giveaway!
Hello my little Peanuts!! My Giveaway Whine Report is pretty much same as February! Man that went fast!! It’s now been 2 months since my Mom passed away. Same as last month, good days – bad days. Every once and awhile I think of something and start to get up to go tell Mom; so I pretty much just say it out loud instead because I truly believe she is right here watching over me.
The packing is going steady with a minor kink; Alice got sick and missed two weeks of school. Let me tell you what; 6-year-old’s DO NOT enjoy packing. 6-year-old’s DO NOT enjoy watching adults pack either. So, 2 weeks of stealth packing. While she soaked in her 63rd hot bath I packed bathroom and hallway cupboard stuff. That is until the shouts of “Non, what are you doing?!” “Sit in here WITH ME!!” Yes, demanding little princess is right!
The Husband is still painting his little heart out in Idaho. I am pleased to report Mom’s place is 100% done. My craft room? Yeah… ummmm not so much. That is my next goal. WHERE did all this stuff come from?!?! I have enough craft supplies to get me through several winters in Idaho. From the pictures that The Husband sends I am gonna need the crafts!!
I hope your February was a great one! I hope March is AMAZING for you!!
We also need to send some healing vibes and lots of prayers to Tamra P she was admitted to the hospital last night 2/28. Tamra FEEL BETTER QUICK!!!
(Thank you Kate!)
On to the giveaway!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! I hang out with a SIX year old ya know!!)
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going to Amazon from my blog does not cost you any additional money!! The widget is at the top right of the blog. (subtle hint!)
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!
Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!
Good Luck!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Kate Sarsfield
Happy Easter and April Fools’ Day to one and all!
Jerry Marquardt
I cannot wait until Easter! This day went good, and hope the same for tomorrow.
I went visiting today and had a good time chatting, then I went home and Mom and I had BBQ.
Sarah L
Had a lovely massage this morning. Now to enter a bunch of end-of-the-month contests.
Jerry Marquardt
My day is going most excellent! Not an April Fool, yet, but wait until tomorrow.
Sab Edwards
STILL stupid cold out…not sure if the’ve lifted the -40C warnings yet, I haven’t left the house since I got home Thur after work
Kate Sarsfield
I had awful belly ache that kept me awake for hours so now all I want to do is go snuggle under the covers but I have to get some fruit & veg before the shops close. Saturday is pizza night but considering the state of my tummy perhaps not tonight!
Day is going good. Going to the store shortly, hopefully before everything I want/need isn’t gone already!!! Got another call from Anthem, a new mistake they made on the second application that they could not process it, so I had to go over it again, until they found their mistake. At least this time they called me. But they said I will not have insurance until I have a membership number, that could still be a while. I hope this isn’t a sign of their ongoing carelessness.
Sab Edwards
that drives me insane, I actually drive into the city for the stores to open at 7am because way too many times there is nothing left on the shelves..I know that our SS doesn’t stock shelves during the day , only at night but Walmart stocks shelves all day long
Elaine Kidd
Finished an assignment for college, let the cat take me for a walk, then dragged my son down to the lake for a walk. That counts as a good day.
Kathleen Whitney
Worked in the Garden today. Lots of tomatoes and herbs put in and weeds pulled out!
Sarah L
Good swim class. Stop at the bank to deposit a check I got for doing surveys.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Good Friday. I am enjoying my Easter Vaca by doing nothing. 🙂
Delivered all my Easter breads and baked goodies…..tomorrow I only have 2 deliveries of specialty cakes….Good Friday.. traditions abound in our home….mass, Jesus Christ SuperStar playing .. all versions all morning…the film after lunch….and lunch is always sauteed salmon with leeks.. roasted potatoes, veggies, salad and cherry cheesecake for dessert.. and yes Kate cocktails and wine!!! I wish everyone a joyous Easter….
Day is going just OK. I got a call yesterday from Anthem. Their enrollment dept who admits they made a big mistake were supposed to reopen my application. Instead they said I have to start all over again, which means a bigger delay. I won’t have insurance til mid-month, I won’t have any member ID, even though when I get an ID it will be retroactive to the first of the month, they would NOT tell me I can use my insurance before that, and that no doctor will take me without a member ID unless I pay as non-covered. I’m not a member, so I can’t appeal. So I figure I’m going to try hard to not do anything I could have an accident til I get that member ID. For instance, I decided I won’t be going up and down the ladder to put the drapes up, not going in a car to travel, if I got in an accident, they would all claim I had no insurance. I had started this March 15, and they also admitted almost nobody starts that early for the next month. They have all the power I have all the worries. I already now HATE Anthem.
Sab Edwards weekend, yay, more OT yesterday so its going to be another huge cheque (would be nicer if there weren’t 500 in taxes lol) doing absolutely nothing today but night gho to the city tomorrow as hubby has a job interview
Kate Sarsfield
Today is an historic day in Ireland. For the first time in almost one hundred years pubs are now allowed to open on Good Friday. A small move in the right direction towards Ireland becoming a more inclusive society in my view. Other than that, I’m just spending the day doing not a lot. Resting up before the bedlam of the final week of rehearsals and then six shows in 5 days!
My day was utterly exhausting, spent the day arguing with drunk people who thought it was my fault they didn’t do things they needed to do. Thank God it was my Friday. <3
Kathleen Whitney
Got to hold my new Grandson today! Wow so small! And they grow so big!
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, lovely & that wonderful new baby smell!
Sarah L
I’m off to do my civic duty tonight as a delegate to the 7th Congressional District Assembly.
Kate Sarsfield
Not a lot happening today. Got my hair cut, did some catching up on odd jobs that needed doing and making dinner for Mum. Just got to get her to the organ in the local R.C. church & let her get on with it, then home & relax.
Day 1 of vaca is good. Not doing much, just relaxing and enjoying myself. 🙂
Day is going good. Going to get ingredients for holiday dishes today before the mad crowds, I hope.
Sab Edwards
-15c , FEELS LIKE -23c…trying to snow, cus the snow thats over my knees in the backyard isn’t enough apparently…anger issues cus I’d like it to be spring already….yay for long weekends, hopefully next week doesnt suck as much as I suspect it will…. wish my workplace could afford to hire some peps….you’d think it would be cheaper to pay people the going rate instead of paying 20 people OT every day, 2 hrs each eh?
Nikki Ooi
Day is pretty good. Got to talk to my overseas friend a little and did some chores so yay!
Sarah L
Good swim class. When I came out it was raining, stopped at the grocery store and when I came out it was snowing hard. Had to brush the snow off my car. Still snowing two hours later.
Finished my cleaning, and my Easter vacation begins tomorrow! <3 Yay. I am gonna enjoy it. 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
What a day! It started with a puncture that made me 3 hours late & went gradually downhill! Still, no rehearsals till Monday so, apart from taking Mum to play the organ in church on Thursday & Saturday and the usual chores, I am free to do absolutely NOTHING!
Well I was supposed to start my Easter holidays today but I saw the need to re-pot some flowers and start some new ones… when did I become this garden fanatic.. I don’t know.. anyway back on holiday as of right now.. made a fresh basil pesto for lunch with homemade linguine and a salad with fruit for dessert…. relaxation until baking tomorrow……lined up all the sifted flour and the fruits and nuts for the specialty breads… blueberries in the colander also…..tomorrow morning I can get started early……
Sounds so delish, and wow are you organized!!
Day is going better than yesterday, that took a total of 4 hours to get through to someone at Anthem who could help me, then I had to sprint to the towns services to fax paperwork in an emergency, my health insurance will still be screwed up til mid-April. Their application “specialists” totally messed up, they admit. Be careful about assuming they do anything right!! Working on my drapes, still pressing and fussing with them, put up two sets so far! Pretty brass rods and blue & white floral that puddle on the floor.
I love beautiful window treatments and yours sounds lovely…
Kate Sarsfield
I said to myself that if Rosie can do it so can I so I bought myself another maidenhair fern!
Thanks about the window treatments. Good luck with the maidenhair fern. It does seem to like a lot of water, and also to be spritzed. It is still growing, I was just asking at whole foods about potting soil as I only need a small bag to repot it. I did read they don’t like to be repotted though. So maybe it won’t last much longer if I do repot, or if I don’t.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. We had about 4 inches of snow last night so I decided to not go out.
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s highlight was driving to Wexford Town to buy a new booster toilet seat for Mum! Then quickly put a dinner together & dash out to choir. Just back & sorry, Mum, but the loo seat will have to wait till tomorrow. Honestly the Kardashians have nothing on me!
LOL….always enjoy your days….
Finished all my work today… Everything coming along nicely. Looking forward to an Easter Break. 🙂
Sonya Allstun
days going alright can’t complain many are having to fight cancer or have lost someone they have loved so my not so good day is still awesome
I am now fully in Easter mode.. cleaned the downstairs patio, weeded the flowers and arranged new flowers around said patio….an eggplant casserole is in the oven. bok choy sauteed and ready.. all I have to do is make salad and cut up some fruit and lunch is ready…..tomorrow I am doing nothing.. zero.. zilch except normal chores and getting ready for a full day of baking on Thursday…..
This morn is hectic, sadly dropping by here is my downtime.
Day is so so. Just spent over 2 hours on the phone Anthem’s vicious cycle, trying to get through to the right area, with an extremely time sensitive matter that nobody seems to know. I’ve been bounced around 2 hours (no exaggeration) until my phone went dead. Now have to recharge phone. Everyone has been very complacent, nonchalant and sound totally dumb and non-caring, a few speak English so poorly I can’t understand them, yikes. Maybe they are all this bad?????
Sab Edwards
Not a good day…. 5 people called in sick (20 people work there) 2 of them were cleaners so the supervisor had to tell everyone to do OT. Me, being the only cleaner, was in the plant by herself..a HUGE safety issue. I had hoped this new company that had bought us, would have the financing to hire people, but, its been 9 months now, so I’m guessing the answer is no
Daniel M
not good, getting further and further behind today so far
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then a welcome surprise in my mailbox: a check for almost $700. I’d given up on getting it so I am thrilled!
Kate Sarsfield
Wow! Enjoy!
House is coming along nicely… I hope to be done all my work by Wednesday…. Fingers crossed… LOL. 😉
Moving quickly thru the day…..sat behind the sewing machine and made a valance to go with the Easter curtains I put up in the drawing room.. must admit it looks really lovely… cleaned the guest room and moved around the furniture which I am known for.. get bored with the room looking the same way season to season…..pleased with the look and cleaned my bedroom .. ready to relax for the rest of the day… making lists for my baking on Thursday….where does the day go????
Day is going good. Dinner is in the slow cooker, and I’m getting some things done. I still can’t find the utility hooks I need, had no idea it was going to be so hard. In the meanwhile my drapes are just kind of hanging, more to do.
Kate Sarsfield
Rehearsal again tonight so I’m trying to do some housework (the Spring cleaning waits till after the W of Oz is over) but I don’t seem to have much enthusiasm for it. Perhaps it’s just tiredness, or the fact that after a beautiful sunny weekend the rain is back but cleaning seems rather pointless when I’ll have to do it all over again tomorrow anyway!
Cleaning can always wait.. enjoy yourself Kate.. life is too short.
Kate Sarsfield
Damn right!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home then off to chorus rehearsal.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve been at the theatre all day rehearsing. It’s got to the stage where everything’s still a bit of a shambles but you can see where it’s headed! I’m just too tired to cook so grabbed a cooked chicken, some fresh crusty bread & a bottle of wine on the way home. Time to put my feet up!
On this Palm Sunday I tend to go back into my youth when mum and I went to early Mass and she spent the day making palm crosses and putting them up in the house. I always cooked so she could have the time to herself….She also made crosses for her sister and relatives that she believed did not go to mass… God bless mum.. I never had the heart to tell her they could care less…. I miss mum so much…..
Kate Sarsfield
Aw, memories can be bittersweet, can’t they?
Day is going good. Still cold out, and may snow, venturing out, but not til later, have to get a few things that can’t wait any longer. Looking for ideas for drapery tie backs, when I looked at the stack of curtains I had taken down, I just realized I never actually made the tiebacks, only folded material. Also haven’t been able to find online the hooks I need, wanted same ones, but will keep trying. It would be easier if I could actually get to the store, but can’t.
On this Palm Sunday I am doing nothing… lol. Just gonna relax. 🙂
Sab Edwards
ITS the weekend so my bodies starting to heal up. I had grabbed some really good books from Value Village last friday when I was at the dentist and read one of the books already (was hard to get into because of the writing style, but once I did, BOOM, was sucked in)
I love to read LOL
Sonya Allstun
It has been a pretty day earlier in the day in the low 70s but later in the day storms moved it but all in all it was a good day got quite a bit done
Susan Smith
It was chilly today. I spent the day running errands, shopping, cooking for the week cleaning and doing laundry.
Sarah L
Had a great concert last night (OK, so we were just a small part of the program and only sang 2 songs). Was fun.
Did a lot of yard work today…. And boy am I tired. Gonna relax for the rest of the day. 😀
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday evening’s nap turned out into a 6-hour deep sleep! I didn’t expect to be able to sleep again last night but I did! Today is catch-up day on last week’s household chores so lots of laundry, hoovering, clean the bathrooms etc. etc. then prepping some dinners for next week, pizza & my book +/- telly.
Day is going good. Getting ready to put some drapery hardware back up after painting. Our storage bins were robbed two times recently, including mine, and they took my drill. Some hardware I had used molly bolts, the others I had closed up to put new holes, so I need a new drill to do that. I had made pretty drapes with Laura Ashley fabric I got for a song!
Sarah L
No swim class since the pool lost power. Instead went to the rec center to their pool. Pool was warm but they had no hot water in the showers. BRRRRRR.
Dana Rodriguez
We live on a plantation that over looks a pond and there is a wedding chapel. It is a pretty place for an outdoor wedding and popular for other events. I guess someone is getting married tomorrow because I have been watching them set up chairs and decorating today 🙂
Nikki Ooi
Day was pretty good, but weather was crazy. Watched Greatest Showman so yay!
Accompanied mom to the bank but I just tagged along for the ride and talked with our friend. It was a good morning. 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I got Mum up to hospital in Dublin on time and as she’d been fasting since midnight took her to a McD’s drive-through on the way home as a treat! Never has a fillet-o-fish disappeared so quickly. She’s fast asleep in her armchair & I’m heading for a nap myself any minute now.
Another trip to the bank today and all went well.. very well in fact…my husband did all of this and to be honest I give him so much credit for his patience and endurance….
My day is a bit iffy. My car is in the shop, w/ less than hopeful results. However, the post office finally found a prize I won & they misplaced. Maybe it’s looking up.
Sab Edwards
ok I guess, sad looking paychq as I took a day off to get dental work done. Hope the company can soon afford to hire people as we’re coming up to a bunch of people going on holidays all at once (3 people during the week of Easter holidays and we only have 20 staff)
Day is going good. Was up early today, I used to be up that early all the time, got some things done that I could do being really quiet. Now the sun is out, and it seems so nice! May venture out today!
Laurie Nykaza
We had rain on and off today so we hung out and watched movies today.
I try to finish spring cleaning but something happens and then I can’t finish it. lol… Tomorrow I go to the bank with my mom….
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lovely day for a walk around the lake – 73 degrees.
Dana Rodriguez
I have been doing some Spring Cleaning today. I really need to tackle our closets next.
Kate Sarsfield
All I’ve got on today, apart from the usual chores, are a couple of hours rehearsing this evening and getting things ready for a trip to Dublin. They wanted Mum to attend for a CT scan at 08.50! I mean we’d have had to get up at 5.30 in the morning to even have a chance of getting there on time and there’s just no way Mum would be able for that so they’ve ‘kindly’ given us a later appointment. At least getting up at 7 isn’t quite so bad 🙁
Pray all went well for mum with the CT Scan…
Sab Edwards
so that new job my husband finally got ? his paychq bounced…companys accounts are seized and he’s jobless again
Kate Sarsfield
Oh no! How horrible for you both, that’s just so unfair.
very sorry to hear that.
I am so sorry for hear this….best of luck finding a new job that actually pays….I cannot stop thinking how awful….putting myself in your position…
Day is going good. Storm didn’t turn out as bad as expected, and didn’t lose power – yea! Managed to get a few dreaded chores almost done, and going to chip away at it again today! Still awful cold out, so waiting for it to be a little warmer out, icy, too, and don’t need to fall again.
Kathleen Whitney
Spent the day packing for a trip to a funeral. I don’t do well having to rush like this. I just hope I haven’t left anything behind.
there is just not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs doing. but i try my best….
Sarah L
Good swim class. Stopped at Sprouts grocery store for some more Spicy Sweet Potato Fries. (while they’re still on sale at 20% off). Very yummy.
Dana Rodriguez
Laundry, laundry and more laundry. That pretty much describes my day 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I slept for 10 hours last night & feel so much better! I’ve got hours of rehearsals tomorrow & then have to take Mum up to Dublin for a CT scan so today’s all about chilling!
Big storm rolling in. It just occurred to me we could lose power, so will need to get prepared to be without lights, water, no stove, etc. Many flights canceled, my sister-in-law was suppose to be flying into JFK that was canceled, too.
Sab Edwards
exhausted from yesterday and the wonderful bs that we call work
Yesterday was challenging to say the least but my daughter found the valves for all the different water flow routes and turned this one and that one off and eventually she got it going right.. Meanwhile I took plumbers goop and sealant and added my neighbor who put in a new piece of pipe…. Today I have to do a few transplants then inside to form lists of Easter baking..I have 5 orders for Kulich and 3 for Easter specialty cakes….moving along….
Kathleen Whitney
Getting ready for a Funeral. Lots of packing and driving the next few days!
Sarah L
I finally went to see A Wrinkle in Time today. I won Fandango tickets so I didn’t have to pay.
So we had an accident and a pipe outside broke and water was everywhere…. We were able to have a ratch done for now, but then we had no water coming in the house and then we had to investigate that problem. LOL. All is okay now, but it did make for an interesting morning.
Kate Sarsfield
OMG, was there any damage done to the house?
Dana Rodriguez
A nice day after some really nasty storms last night! I hope you had a great St. Patrick’s Day 🙂
Susan Smith
My day is going good. The weather is getting nicer and my daughter and I went to the zoo together.
Sab Edwards
Could be better…I already know its a shit day because there is no one to help me out tonight at work ..usually there are three people cleaning on a potatoe day (the machine literally takes 5-6 hrs to clean with a power washer) and tonight there is only myself…. 21 hrs of cleaning to do for one person to try to accomplish
Day is going good. More paperwork chores to do, and the nor’easter coming in is now expected to be bigger than anticipated. Have to figure out if I’m ok for the next few days, so may need to run to the store.
How am I doing? Well, better lately. I’ve probably had the worst couple works. Bad luck after bad luck. One thing after another. But things have really started to turn around. I’m eating a bagel and enjoying my morning! Hope you are as well!
Kate Sarsfield
So …… up at 6am! Not as bad as I expected although come the afternoon I shall start to slump. It’s only 8am here and already I’ve driven R. into town, done 3 loads of washing & prepped tonight & tomorrow’s evening meal, fed the birds, got some grass out of a gutter and am now enjoying a big mug of strong tea. Have a good day y’all (is that how you say it?)!
Kathleen Whitney
So a new grandson has come into this world. Then we find out a Aunt has left this world. And so life moves on!
Sarah L
We had some wild weather last night. Thunder snow and snale (snow with hail).
Kate Sarsfield
Snale? Ha – will have to remember that one 🙂
Ashley Smith
Hi. My day is going ok. Just have to in laws in for 2 weeks so I hav been adjusting to house guest. Besides that everything is just perfect.
Kate Sarsfield
A young woman crashed into my sister’s new car! She was driving down the hill, skidded in the snow & hit Helen’s car that was parked outside her house in the village square. It ended up shoved through railings & had to be ‘recovered’. It’s a public holiday here so the insurance company won’t be open for business till the morning which means I’ll have to get her daughter to the early bus (up at 6am – agh!). Other than that, no-one was hurt and the poor driver was mortified. Just a case of inexperience I guess.
Connie Gruning
OHMYGOSH!!! I am so glad your sister is okay but DAMN on the brand new car!!
Kate I am so sorry….Thank God no one was hurt….
My day is going good. Have plenty to get done, and am planning to walk to town to get a few things, as more snow is coming in starting tonight through tomorrow.
Off to the village today to do some last minute Easter shopping….I want to really enjoy this day out so I mucked out the sheep and watered all the gardens so when I get back I can look over all the goodies I purchased LOL….
Shannon Mitchell
My day is dragging on and on. I’m sick again for the third day in a row, just wish I could go to sleep.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I hope you feel better today. Being sick AND not able to sleep is the worst.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Then off to chorus rehearsal.
Day is going good. I have a couple more big projects to finish (but won’t be done today), then I am going to kick up my heels and celebrate!!
Sab Edwards
Took a sleeping pill in hopes of not eating my tongue too much..slept til 9:30am and still quite groggy . Going to telephone next week to see when I can return to get a new retainer made for my mouth
I guess I seem to be a bit tired. but hopefully will be able to go for a walk and enjoy the day.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, yesterday we painted the world green, this morning our world is white again with quite a bit of snow. Sure, we’re well used to it by now so no panic buying this time round and anyway, tomorrow’s a public holiday so what harm?
Angela Livingston
So I just woke up, this is the first thing I’m doing. I’m not really sure how my day is yet, starting off a bit rough with my allergies bugging.
Sunday Morning… and I am enjoying myself by drinking coffee and relaxing! 😀
Kathleen Whitney
Fantastic Day! I have a new Grand-Baby Born today. His name is Michael Lee Whitney, and his weight is 6.4 pounds and length is 19 inches! Coming in 3 weeks early.
Congrats to you and your family! 😀
Kate Sarsfield
Awww! How lovely, a Spring baby! Hope he & Mum doing well x
Congrats Best of luck…
Connie Gruning
Sarah L
I’ll be spending the day as a delegate to my county assembly. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Diana Corlett
I am looking forward to spring as I look out my window at snow again! But thinking positively because it is halfway through March and Really how much longer can winter go on!?! Mother Nature it is your time to step forward and move this white stuff out of our lives for three more seasons!
Day is going good Found out the adapter I want is out of stock on at least 20 sites! So I’ve anchored my laptop so it is working, but I can’t move it, hope it will last until I can get one. Bringing out some springy things, including a sun hat I haven’t worn yet – even though it is 25 degrees today and colder tomorrow, the buds are out on the trees. Spring is coming!
Happy St. Patty’s Day to all the Irish community! I can’t say I’m doing much today, just going over paperwork. And trying to be happy. 🙂
Happy St Patty’s Day to one and all.. Making corn beef today with colcannon…..finished all my chores and a cocktail is waiting for me right now….
Kate Sarsfield
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all! It’s started to snow again & is bitterly cold. I cannot remember Paddy’s Day ever being kind, weather-wise!
Today all I’m doing is get the papers, prep a couple of dinners for next week, watch rugby, eat pizza and we might raise a glass or two, with the day that’s in it! And anyway, Patrick was WELSH and so’s Mum so what better excuse to celebrate?
I agree Kate.. my cocktail is shaken not stirred!! Have a wonderful holiday w/e!
Sab Edwards
Got my tooth fixed that I chipped at work last yr BUT now my night retainer that stops me from biting my tongue does NOT fit and I don’t have acesss to a vehicle today to head back to the city
Going good! I got off work and am working on emails.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Too much wind, but the sun is shining.
Dana Rodriguez
My day has been great. It is in the 70s and sunny and I have the windows open. Plus it is Friday!
Day is going good, right now looking for a new AC adapter. The adapter model for my laptop is out of stock everywhere and back ordered for 2 months and I don’t want to get a universal tried that once and wasn’t good. Still looking….
My day is going quite well so far. All coffee’d up and ready for the rest of it.
Well it is the beginning of St Patty’s Day w/e… I am not Irish but my dearest friend is…. if she were here she would have already raised a glass… nothing green by the way.. a stinger cocktail, but I would have put food coloring in..I would need a few martinis to get thru the hours of Irish music she would have played non-stop….I miss her and love her dearly….but to be honest when she dragged me to an Irish music festivals years ago all those “lost at sea” songs did get to me + the men were not hard to look at or listen to.. I do and have always fallen for an accent!!! I raise my glass to you Miss Kelley…
Kate Sarsfield
World Sleep Day & I managed all of 5 hours last night. Hey ho, might get a nap later on but for now I’m getting lunch together before heading out to sell raffle tickets to help fund Gorey Little Theatre, then shopping, collect Mum’s meds, get to the post office, collect my niece from the bus, collect some dry cleaning, drop some music to a friend’s house, rehearse for both choir & musical … you know what? I may not get that nap after all 🙁
God bless you Kate.. you are on the go constantly…and you do so much for others….much respect Kate….
Kate Sarsfield
Bless you x
Sab Edwards
Hair cut today, dentist from when I chipped my tooth at work last yr and fun shopping at Value Village
Kathleen Whitney
Not a good day. Everybody pulling me in 10 different directions. I want to pack my clothes and leave the country. Tired of hearing me, me,me!
Went out with my mom but I spent most of my time in the car. LOL. It was a good day, things are looking up. 🙂
Very successful day at the bank today… professional service and pleasant also! Maybe things are on an upward climb….Ready for a cup of tea and some reading….
Dana Rodriguez
Another beautiful but cool and windy day here so I made a slow cooker full of chili.
Sarah L
Going out to have my eyes checked. My doctor is concerned about cataracts.
Things are going good. Giving away some things that I haven’t been using esp even not used at all, but if you want to declutter, you feel better after it is done!
Sab Edwards
Slept in past the heck did that just happen?
Kate Sarsfield
I may only have got a couple of hours sleep last night but it must have been deep, much-needed rest as I woke early(ish) feeling much better! The rest of my day is pretty much as per usual, prep meals, look after Mum, have a shower, eat & off to another rehearsal, then get some groceries before the mad rush that always comes with the long Paddy’s Day weekend!
Sarah L
Good swim class then a quick stop at the grocery.
Kate Sarsfield
There I was all ready to enjoy a day free from appointments, rehearsals etc. when my sister asked if I could drive to Dublin to collect my niece from College. We’re in the middle of another storm & there’s a lot of flooding after the recent snow. I did not enjoy the drive at all but hey, ho, at least we’re warm and dry unlike many.
Dana Rodriguez
Beautiful day here today. Just doing some Spring cleaning. Looking forward to when I can open the windows and let the house air out.
Casey Garvey
Im happy today since I was caller number 7 on the Radio station and won 3 tickets to see the illusionist at the Casino toimorrow!
Today is a beautiful sunny day…. I am in a good and happy mood. 🙂
My day is going good. It is nicer out, and I’m getting ready to walk to town for some errands. May rain so need to bring an umbrella, but warm enough not to have to wear long johns, but still a down vest under my coat.
Birthday cupcakes delivered so out to begin my day.. I plan on organizing all my seeds then starting to scrub the back steps and banisters….after that prime and paint.. never did this type of painting before hey I can learn!
Kathleen Whitney
Yay. My Twitter account is back. I was so upset that I was locked out!. Only to find that it was a problem with my phone! So It ended up a Very Good Day!
Sarah L
Good massage this morning. Then a stop at the library and now a quiet evening at home.
I could not sleep at all last night. I tossed and turned and just couldnt sleep. I thought that I would be exhausted all day but didn’t turn out that way… I got quite a bit done.
Dana Rodriguez
Nice sunny day here just a little cool. Starting to wind down and going to start dinner. I hope you had a good day!
My day is going good, staying in with the nor’easter coming down. Most everything was closed. Many locals on social media very angry about the proposed town budget, significant tax increase proposed – no surprise, though! There will be a couple of public hearings, it should be interesting….
A very laid back day.. baked all morning.. bread and black forest cupcakes for a birthday order tomorrow…..if life had been different I would have had a bakery or a restaurant…. my father would never have allowed that..
Sab Edwards
Could be better. Found out yesterday the cleaner won’t be in all week. On Tue it takes three of us over 8 hrs to clean. There’s only two of us today so I’m not exactly sure how long we’ll stay, defin NOT an extra 8hrs lol
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Only 4 hours sleep last night & then up to take Mum for blood tests. Just got back and we’re both going back to bed for a bit ……
Kathleen Whitney
Saw the Doctor today. And things are not to bad!
Today was ok… Did more of my housework but all I see is everything else I have to do… Just not enough time in the day.
Jaclyn Mercer
My day was wonderful. First day of the March Break home with my kids.
Day is going OK. Glad I bumped into the person moving into the 1st floor (2 units under me). Her sink was flooded. I was worried I’d get blamed, but so far, their plumber said it is backwash from water coming down (and they are right now blaming the lady right above her and under me), as the water was full of broccoli shreds and she had made broccoli and ran her dishwasher, etc. (I hadn’t even cooked that day, and hadn’t run the water in the kitchen.) However, that should not be happening. But I haven’t used my sink in 3 days waiting to see if they fixed it. So far they haven’t fixed it, so will be washing dishes in the bathroom sink for a while, as I don’t want the property management possibly blaming me.
Sab Edwards
Well its monday, work week, so meh LOL, but it should be an ok day unless the semi’s cant come in
Moving very slowly this morning.. Here it is after 8am and I am still in my nightgown and looking for excuses to delay getting dressed and go outside….Phoebe our inside dog is looking at me and saying “take the day off”…LOL
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Connie, you want to know about my day? Well, so far I got up early for an 8.30 appointment to have a root canal treatment AND it’s pouring down outside AND it’s Monday! I’ve got a busy evening ahead so I think I’ll just prep dinner then go back to bed to feel sorry for myself 🙂
Kate I hope all goes well at the dentist today….try and have a pleasant day as best as you can…
Kate Sarsfield
I’m tired but fine now! 3 hours of being in The Merry Old Land of Oz will do that to you!
My day is going good, it is finally a nice day and a little warmer, was able to get out for a while and enjoy! Good thing because another storm is coming in a day or so.
Kate Sarsfield
How’s the maidenhair fern doing Rosie?
I am pinching myself!!! It has grown so much, and is flourishing!!! I finally found a plant that like my fussing over it. I’m still amazed as I kept trying with an African Violet for a year, and it kept shriveling and shrinking until it was gone, and I had consulted everywhere, tried everything.
Kate Sarsfield
Wow, good for you! Wonder where I’m going wrong? 😉
got me! I’m going to need to repot it pretty soon, and I read they don’t like being in a bigger pot, but is pot bound. So, who knows what will happen….
Kate Sarsfield
Keeping my (green) fingers crossed!
It is Sunday and am I grateful…. After cleaning out the sheep pen and watering my garden I am in and so happy to sit on my backside and relax!! Made some lamb meatballs in gravy with some brown rice and fresh veggies and a salad … so good for Sunday lunch… Later on ice cream and a movie.. it takes so little to make me smile!!! Happy Sunday to all….
wow that all sounds so good!
Going well so far! I made waffles for breakfast today 🙂
Sab Edwards
I wanted to get off work early on Friday to grab groceries in the city. Seriously needed some. Wasn’t able to…thought ok then monday I’ll go in late to work and do it then (hubby works a night shift now so he’s not home til later in the afternoon so I’d have to take my sons truck) Ended up Sunday morning my son and I went in at 6:30am (Stores open at 7) grabbed $400 worth of stuff from SS then headed to Wallyworld and spent another $300 (yes, just groceries…I don’t go very often to the city but when I do my deep freeze is full ) We were there late enough we could zip over to the strip mall and I stopped into the Dollarama and was able to get some fun silicone baking things for EAster (I don’t care what they are, silicone for choc is SOOO MUCH BETTER) AND my son was able to get a new computer chair for himself. I won’t need to go back for months now..super happy but exhausted
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Mothering Sunday from Ireland! I know you lot have it later in the year but over here it’s breakfast in bed & lots of pampering for all the Mums. I’ve a rehearsal at 3pm then collect my niece from a friend and THEN, pickup an Indian takeaway for a family dinner – yum!
Pampering for mum thats great….Happy day for your mum Kate!! Enjoy your takeaway….
Kate Sarsfield
I did 🙂
Happy Sunday morning everyone! I am gonna relax, drink coffee, and enjoy a calm and relaxing morning! 😀
Casey Garvey
My day was actually pretty nice. I got to visit with and help my mother clean her house. Then I took my dad to pick up a van hed bought, came home, and slept til nearly midnight.
Kathleen Whitney
Had a wonderful day going to Garage Sales with my Mother. Lots of interesting things got picked up!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home then off this evening for 2 nights of Steve sitting.
Jerry Marquardt
Saturdays are always a good day for me! I like television, so having the different schedule is so great!
Just finishing up the sourdough now….Running late but the house does smell so good! Time to relax and look forward to a total day off tomorrow…..
Having a good Saturday. Finishing up a few things then going out for some fresh air!
Well I was able to solve the problem with the pump that was blowing the circuit. Now the pumps are working and the waters are filtering. I only lost one fish due to ammonia poisoning… thank God. The last time the ammonia levels grew too high I had no clue what to do stop it and I ended up losing about ten. Definitely learnt from that experience.
Kate Sarsfield
See? Told you you could do it! 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve got a busy couple of hours dashing around then I’ll settle down with Mum to watch an afternoon of rugby and eat pizza – bliss!
Kathleen Whitney
Crummy day. Twitter dinged me for cleaning up my twitter account. All I did was add active users and get rid of dead ones!
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then a stop at the library for 3 books. Then a free bowl of French Onion Soup at Panera.
Kate Sarsfield
The snow has turned to rain (at least we’re used to that!) and remarkably all the flattened daffodils and snowdrops are standing tall again. Isn’t nature simply marvellous?
Doing good. Getting chores done, had lunch, and pretty soon going to town for a few errands, first time since the big storm.
All day today I thought it was Saturday.. what a shock when I realized it was Friday!! Time is moving so swiftly I should never rush it more….Finished all the yard work.. going to make lunch and relax for the balance of the day.. Baking tomorrow….sourdough bread, coffee cake and a few specialty items for my customers….St Patty’s Day is coming!!
I swear if it ain’t one thing it’s another…. one of the pumps in an aquarium pond seems to be going and it’s been tripping the electrical circuit. *sigh* Just one more thing to figure out and fix. lol
Kate Sarsfield
Go girl! You can do it 🙂
THANKS for the encouragement! 😀
Cindy Brooks
Another good day! Got my shopping done at Costco and it wasn’t even busy!
I have finally finished cleaning my bedroom from top to bottom. It took me days…. because I had so much other stuff going on the past few days… Now I have the rest of the house to focus on. lol.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Good day for a walk around the lake.
Day is going good. Everyone is digging out, and there many without power and downed lines, so they want people to stay off the roads if possible. So I’m trying to just do the things that need to get done anyway, and have enough milk to last til tomorrow if careful. Crazy storm with lots of thundersnow last night!
Sab Edwards
I need groceries, really badly, but its STILL -33c (the weather app on my phone lies, it had said it was going to be a low of -11, high of -9C) and I don’t drive in weather like that, so , no driving to the city for me today. Also very tire of walking to work in this LOL…. I want to put the snow pants and the long jacket away already
Kate Sarsfield
We had snow again last night but thankfully it melted once the day warmed up. We still have big drifts though but the roads are clear. I’ve got the first rehearsal in a week for this year’s musical The Wizard of Oz. It starts in just over a month & we’re 4 rehearsals behind so things will be pretty intense from now on. Other than that not a whole lot going on!
Cindy Brooks
It was a good day. My sweet husband did my errands for me while I took a little nap!
The issue my mom had with the bank is now fixed and it’s behind us now…. Today was on okay kinda day… I feel so tired though.
Kate Sarsfield
You’re getting stressed, girl. Need to chill a bit & take some me time for yourself. Be well 🙂
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then a quiet day at home after such a busy day yesterday. I’m now a delegate to my County Assembly
Terri Quick
My day has been ok. I stayed at home & relaxed.
Dana Rodriguez
The rain is gone but very windy here. Was a good day for me to stay inside and do some spring cleaning!
Kate Sarsfield
I made it into town last night for choral practice and stopped off at a supermarket on the way home. Bare shelves! No fresh bread, the only veg was potatoes & kale, the only meat was liver and blood puddings but they did have the essentials: toilet roll, catfood & wine!
Spent the morning transplanting and then starting seeds….by the time I was done it was 1pm where did the morning go???
Day is going good. Watching the snow come down. Hope to be able to stay inside, and we don’t lose power!
Lissa Crane
My day is going great! I had a good lunch with some old friends and now my kids and I are waiting on the school to call to see if we are having a snow day tomorrow! 6-12 inches are expected!
Kathleen Whitney
Trying to find ways to get my son’s X Girl Friend to move out of the house. And waiting on new Grandson to get here!
Began spring cleaning…. so fun… lol. After I did that I watched the Disney version of Hunchback of Notre Dame. It’s been years since I seen it…. not a bad movie, it was good. But I think it was a bit too adult and dark for children.
Cindy Brooks
Great day! We got to sleep in as our grandson (who lives with us) stayed overnight at a friend’s house and our Chinese exchange student has been in California (coming home tonight). No one to get to school this morning! Just put a corned beef in the Instant Pot for dinner and it should be a quiet evening at home.
Day is going good. Getting things done as the Nor’easter coming in is going to be more snow than they thought up to 2 feet! and to be wet, heavy snow, so getting water jugs, etc. I so hope we don’t lose power!!!!!
Dana Rodriguez
My day is going good. Just a normal weekday pretty much. Chilly and rainy so I would rather be napping but too much to do 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Oooh! My back is aching after shovelling all that snow but at least I can now get to the end of the driveway & the farmers have cleared the road into the village so I can get to the little shop.
The news on Tamra is that she’s improving but very slowly and with a bit of a setback yesterday. She’s still in intensive care but is more alert & loves being read any FB messages, funnies etc. If you’re a friend of hers on FB I’m sure it would brighten her day if you tagged her in something to make her smile 🙂
Rajee Pandi
Thank you so much for making my day entering this giveaway Good Morning
Sarah L
Won’t have time to enter tomorrow. Gardens tour in the morning, infusion in the afternoon and then caucus in the evening.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Funny thing that happened: I ordered a pair of Clawz shoes last week. It’s been very windy the last couple of days so when they delivered the box and put it on the porch the wind blew it in front of my garage doors. Today when I left the garage I drove over something (the box of Clawz). Oh, no! The box was demolished, but the Clawz just had some tire tracks on them that wiped right off. Very strong shoes!
Today was a good day.. Went out shopping. Watched Toy Story with Mom. She never saw it before… she loved it! 😀
Struggle with the bank over.. After all was said and done I got my two cents in… I wish to God we did not need banks…bartering is not such a bad idea.. Anyway shopping went well, enjoyed the day out….
Kate Sarsfield
I finally got my car dug out of the snow (that’s my exercise for the week!) and am going to have a long soak in the bath with bubbles up to my boobs!
Day is going good. I’m amazed another nor’easter is coming Wednesday, so I’m going to run out to the store like everyone else before everything is gone!
Tracy Robertson
Not a bad day. I still have the flu but was back to my work routine. I wish I could take more than 2 days to recover, but I’m okay.
Jerry Marquardt
My day is going most excellent, and the weather is just as lovely today.
Sarah L
Had an early chorus rehearsal tonight. Enough people wanted to see the Oscars.
Molli Taylor
today has been prety good. a little stressful because of rent being due, but generally ok. i got some great food at the pantry and im pretty productive.
Going ok. I got chores done and am working on studies.
Day is going good. I’m catching up with some folks I haven’t been in touch with for a while!
Kate Sarsfield
Well, it’s stopped snowing & a thaw of sorts has set in. Yay! Now we’re surrounded by tons of slush and still unable to get to the road except on foot which is too dangerous for people with wonky knees like me 🙁 On the bright side, I’ve dug out leftover chocolates & biscuits (cookies) from Christmas and between them & the occasional glass of vino we’re managing to keep our spirits up!
Well tomorrow is going into the bank day..but no matter what I am ready.. then a lovely day shopping….Found the place within that I let all the annoying things go and have moved on…. my daughter moves on sooner than I….Now Kate it is cocktail time….
Kate Sarsfield
Ha ha! Caught you! Enjoy but keep that head of yours clear for the BAK tomorrow 🙂
Sunday morning…. enjoying my day. It’s raining and I am ready to shred off the negative of the past week and embrace the positive. 🙂
Tracy Robertson
I have been home sick this weekend, but that didn’t make the day all bad. I was off work, got lots of rest and watched a DVD. My boyfriend made homemade chicken soup and I’m starting to feel better.
Heather W
To be honest my kiddos drove me nuts today. I’m dead tired and my youngest still won’t fall asleep.. Tomorrow is a new day, looking forward to a more positive one!
Cindy Brooks
It’s a quiet Saturday at our house Loving the bright blue skies and snow covered ground!
Sarah L
Beautiful Spring day here: 72 degrees with sunshine. Lovely walk around the lake.
Day is going good. I got a ride to town yesterday, last minute. Good thing as soon as I opened the door just a hair, the wind almost blew it off. Puzzlingly, no water came down from the leaks, it is very unpredictable. Thousands in the area have lost power, but I didn’t. Yea! Getting some things done. Need to get out the ladder and start putting drapery hardware back up after painting.
I am in a better state of mind today…. When things go wrong you dust yourself off, and move ahead. So that’s what I am gonna do! 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I opened my bedroom window to air the room & the cat escaped, falling into a 7 foot snow drift. Guess who had to dig him out – yes, muggins here! Our little village is only a mile from the main road but it could be on another planet we’re so isolated. Farmers are doing their best to clear the roads to get us out but otherwise it’s still a ‘stay indoors’ warning in this part of the country.
I have heard that Ireland has had a really harsh winter this year…. Stay safe! 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Please send wine & cat food!
it is a good thing you knew when it happened, poor kitty must have been so scared! It sounds nice to be out in the country, but it does have its downsides, yikes.
Couldn’t focus today at all… Tried to do things and couldn’t concentrate. I hope tomorrow I will be better….. 🙂
Sarah L
No swim class today. Pool is closed for some work. Went to the other pool for an hour.
Lisa Bourlier
Quiet day here got hit with snow yesterday melting today!
Dana Rodriguez
Good day here. Rain is gone and it is sunny but windy and a little cool. Have a nice weekend!
Arguing with a bak again.. LOL so delightful…..must admit they are the only people that can give me a headache……
Kate Sarsfield
…with a BAK? Michele have you started on those cocktails already? That’s what’s giving you the headache 🙂
LOL… sorry the bank…..
I’m nervous b/c I have an appt today I can’t put off, and I have to walk to town. There are all kinds of warnings out about the nor’easter, the wind, etc., bombogenesis. Nobody will cart you around like a princess – only a medical emergency can I hope to get a ride. It is raining torrential downpours, so also watching the buckets. They won’t attempt to fix again until it is 45 degrees steadily – one whole year they’ve been playing games. Last night I had a nightmare about it, that it totally flooded the people under me, that I peeked down and the water was 4 feet high in their unit.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just got back from feeding the birds. A bit like Scott of the Antarctic, blizzards and waist deep in snow drifts! We haven’t had weather like this since 1982! Of course I had to build a snowman and he’s already buried!
The news on Tamra is that she’s a bit more stable but still very ill.
Saying a special rosary for Tammy..Stay warm dry and safe..
Terri S
My day has just started but I have a great feeling it is going to be great!
Amy Green
I am playing “beat the clock” because I’m balancing my last load of laundry with trying to wrap up all my necessary online networking. Planning on ending the day with the DVR’d episode of the return of “Gotham” on FOX-TV.
Amy Green
I went to twenty-five different schools growing up. I moved so many times and I still don’t like packing! At least we have smartphones now, so we can take a visual record of our steps. It’s a huge advantage so that way I’ll know if I’m missing anything.
I pray for Tamra’s recovery. I was very worried about her since I noticed she hasn’t been around here. Today started well… but didn’t end all that great. I hope tomorrow is a better day…
Amy Green
How’s my day going? Not bad, all things considered. But, biting off more than I can chew: too much to get done, and not enough hours to do it in!
Dana Rodriguez
Wow sounds like you are still busy busy! Happy first day of March. I can’t believe it is already here. Seems like the holidays were a week or two ago.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Practicing my music for chorus.
Debbie Welchert
Let see, it’s 4:30 pm here and today has been really quiet for some reason. Not too quiet but just right quiet. It’s been a pretty relaxing day…
Judy Thomas
My day has just started but I have dinner cooking in the slow cooker and my housework is done. It is really hot and humid here so I have my fan on full next to me.
Alice is a hot sketch! And I hope she is feeling better. All those nice fruit kebobs and baths must help.
MaryAnne JK
how am I doing? well, here in Michigan, we were in spring jackets yesterday and have been bombarded with golf ball sized snowflakes for the past five hours!!
Day is going good. I went to town to do some errands and am back getting squared away. I have so many craft supplies, too! The hard thing is, every time you want to do a craft, you still need more supplies to finish it. I can’t bring myself to give any of it away – it was all hard earned to come by!
Can you believe it is March already? Time really flies. Thanks for this new March giveaway.
Diana Corlett
The sun is shining on the snow and spring is on it’s way. My day is going just fine, thank you!
Today has been going well. Our toddler grandchild is here with us. It is nap time, so all is well. The weather , however, is cold and wet.
Kate Sarsfield
Right, seeing as this is the home post here’s another comment just to explain my recent absence: Since the Panto ended mid-January, I’ve been in bed for 10 days with the flu’, then my internet provider started getting REALLY wonky so I had to find another – not easy in rural areas – but have finally managed to find a crowd & am really impressed with their customer service to date. I’m mid-rehearsals for The Wizard of Oz (Lordy, those songs are high-pitched!) as well as all the usual choir etc., so my days & nights are busy, busy, busy.
So glad to see you back….a blowtorch.. wow.. have to see if I can do that Kate.. you are my mentor!!.. Love the Wizard of Oz…
Kate Sarsfield
Good to be back! I’ve really missed having the opportunity to blow off a little steam!
Kate Sarsfield
Ireland & the rest of Europe is in the grip of ‘The Beast from the East’ – Siberian weather with freezing temps & snow. We’re just not used to it here & there’s been panic buying of bread & milk etc. Red weather alert for the whole country till Saturday at least with EVERYTHING shut except for emergency services. My sister’s water pipes froze so I traipsed down to the village & sorted them out with a blowtorch. My only worry is losing power but so far so good! Stay warm everyone 🙂